Well, they have practised, practised, practised — now what the members of UWindsor choirs need in preparation for their upcoming appearance at New York’s Carnegie Hall is the money for the trip.
The University of Windsor Chamber Choir and the University Singers will perform at the famed venue on May 19. A fundraising concert entitled “Cabaret for Carnegie Hall” is set for Saturday, April 14, in the SoCA Armouries.
The program will feature performances by students as well as jazz vocalist and music instructor Shahida Nurullah. The evening will also include a silent auction, raffle, and a concession stand for attendees.
Madeline Doornaert, a student majoring in jazz-pop vocals, is the lead organizer for Saturday’s cabaret. She says she is looking forward to the chance to perform at Carnegie Hall.
“This is such an amazing opportunity and we’re so grateful for the support we’ve been getting,” she says. “We’re so excited to represent the University of Windsor’s School of Creative Arts and our city on such a major platform.”
Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door. Find more information on the event webpage.