Cutover — the transition from the design, build, and test stage of UWinsite Student to its real-life operation — will begin at 5 p.m. today, Wednesday, Nov. 21.
To enable the accurate conversion of data, SIS will move at this point into read-only format and no new data can be entered into the system.
Faculties, departments, and administrative areas that use SIS are encouraged to track the data they would typically input into the system with alternative methods until UWinsite Student launches.
On Nov. 26, when UWinsite Student is live, users can input data from the cutover period. SIS, meanwhile, will no longer be accessible to the majority of campus. All data will have been converted into UWinsite Student and information in SIS will become increasingly out-of-date.
In addition, there are many systems on campus which interface or integrate with SIS. Many of these will also be affected during cutover. Find the full list in an earlier article in DailyNews.