Printer with red circle and slash superimposed, indicating "do not print"Printing has been disabled campus-wide in response to a critical Microsoft vulnerability named “PrintNightmare.”

Printing disabled on University devices

Printing has been disabled campus-wide in response to a critical Microsoft vulnerability named PrintNightmare.

“The vulnerability is very, very severe,” says Kevin Macnaughton, team leader security, Information Technology Services. “Without blocking this, hackers could very easily take over not only your machine, but also the entire network.”

Other universities, colleges, and organizations have taken similar steps to ensure the safety of their networks. If your printers have not been automatically disabled yet, IT Services strongly advises that you take action to disable printing manually in order to be protected.

Updates will be available regularly on the IT Services webpage. If you have any critical printing needs, a temporary exemption may be available; contact the IT Service Desk at 519-253-3000, ext. 4440, or via live chat in the bottom right corner of or