Research project seeking responses to survey on post-pandemic stress

A project exploring the challenges international students have faced during and after the COVID-19 pandemic is seeking participation by academic and administrative employees of the University of Windsor.

The survey “International Students’ Post-Pandemic Distress: Through the Lens of Academic and Administrative Staff” will help to build knowledge about the indicators, symptoms, and risk factors of post-COVID-19 distress uniquely experienced and displayed by international students.

“Campus staff are a very integral part of the international student body at the University and have interacted with international as well as domestic students during the COVID time,” says researcher Zareen Amtul.

“Use your personal experience and information to help us improve the quality of service offered to international students so that they can look back on their time here as a positive and enriching experience.”

The online questionnaire should take only 25 to 30 minutes to complete. Those who complete the survey will be entered into a draw to win one of 15 $10 Amazon gift cards.

Take the survey now.

This project has received clearance from the Research Ethics Board.

Direct questions to Dr. Amtul at or Clayton Smith at

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