A lunchtime session Friday will introduce the ePortfolio program.
A lunchtime session Friday will introduce the ePortfolio program.
The Office of Open Learning presents workshops to introduce instructors to tools to record and stream lectures.
A new grant scheme, announced today by the Office of Open Learning, will provide assistance to departments who want to expand their online and distance offerings.
The Open and Online Learning Strategic Development Grants will provide support in three categories:
Alicia Higgison, administrative assistant in the Office of Open Learning, won yesterday’s DailyNews trivia contest and earned two tickets to see the University Players production of Nine Girls.
Higgison’s name was drawn from all respondents who correctly answered that Brian Taylor last directed Much Ado about Nothing for the University Players; that the Delta Alpha Theta, Delta Zeta and Phi Sigma Sigma sororities all boast UWindsor chapters; and that William Demarest is best known for playing Uncle Charley on My Three Sons.