The Engineering Student Support Services Centre is your one-stop shop for academic and wellness support. The following offices provide services in the centre:
WINONE will promote a positive learning experience and environment for our first-year engineering students. The WINONE Office will:
- Establish identifiable administrative presence and associated resources where first year engineering students can turn to for advice, referrals, and direction.
- Stimulate the interest of our students thereby improving retention.
- Develop communication strategies directed towards potential applicants, important third-party groups (e.g., parents), and focus efforts to communicate with first-year engineering students.
- Assist students with the difficulties in transitioning from high school to university.
- Promote greater life skills and self-responsibility so that first year engineering students can progress successfully through their senior university years.
- Early intervention program – this program has been incorporated into the first-year Engineering experience as a proactive retention strategy to help students build the necessary skills for success in a demanding engineering curriculum. We identify students who are academically struggling and request by email that they meet with the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs to discuss their options. The Office runs this program in the winter semester.
In-person and online appointments may be booked by calling, emailing, or using our online booking site.
519-253-3000 ext. 2560,
The Engineering International Support Office (EISO) provides information and support from the point of your admission through the progression of your program leading to your graduation. We offer international undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in engineering a wide range of services to ensure you have a successful and enriching experience at the University of Windsor.
- Immigration advising and workshops
- Transition support on matters such as social, personal, health, and well-being
- Referral to services on and off campus
- Social and cultural events
The Faculty of Engineering offers free Engineering Technical Communication Support. All engineering students are welcome, from first-year to doctoral-level.
The team provides guidance and instruction on the following:
- grammar and punctuation
- sentence structure
- constructing strong engineering arguments
- writing concisely
- finding, evaluating, and integrating research
- citing and referencing
- oral presentations page design and formatting and much more!
Please visit and click on “Engineering Student Support Services” to book an appointment or register for an event within Engineering Communications Support. For more information, email
Outside of the obvious academic pressures, students may have to deal with stresses such as:
- Emotional difficulties
- Balancing academic and personal lives
- Sleeping problems
- Relationship issues (e.g. family, friends, romantic)
- Adjusting to a new home/city/country/culture
- Identity issues
Sometimes coping with one or more of these stresses can prove to be overwhelming. The professional staff of the Student Counselling Centre is here to help students with skills such as stress management, emotional regulation, and relationship building.
To set up an initial appointment, please call 519-253-3000 Ext. 4616.
Our two dedicated counsellors in the Faculty of Engineering are:
- Giselle St. Louis, R.P., CCC
- Jason Mckinlay, MSW, R.S.W.
Please click below to learn more about our counsellors:
Giselle St. Louis | Student Health, Counselling and Wellness (
The Co-operative Education Program works with students to help them develop their job search skills, find appropriate placements and define career goals. Employers will provide students with challenging work experiences that develop their transferable job skills. Faculty members will evaluate student work and help integrate experience from the workplace into the classroom.
Our programs provide a diverse range of opportunities yet are structured to offer students individual attention. We are proud to offer placement opportunities far beyond Windsor and Essex County. Students who are interested may seek a placement anywhere in Canada as well as many other countries around the globe. We have had students working as far away as Switzerland and Germany.
Students who are not registered in a co-op program can book a career advising appointment with Career Development & Experiential Learning to receive help with career topics such as resume and cover letter writing, interview skills, job search, LinkedIn, and career exploration. Students can book a career advising appointment through mySuccess.
The Engineering Outreach Program at the University of Windsor invites elementary and secondary students and teachers in Windsor and Essex County to learn more about the world of engineering and its diverse career opportunities.
The program offers high school classroom visits and numerous hands-on activities related to specific areas of engineering; visits to our lab facilities; and tours of the Ed Lumley Centre For Engineering Innovation (CEI), including industry tours and visits.
Find out how you can become a mentor to aspiring engineers and volunteer within the Outreach program.
WINONE Tutorials offer free one-on-one help with course content from senior engineering students. Peer tutors provide support with first and second-year Engineering course material as well as mentoring advice. See the website for information about times and location.