Offices are located in the Ed Lumley Centre for Engineering Innovation (CEI).

StaffAdjunct ProfessorsCross-appointmentsProfessors Emeriti

Dr. Jennifer Johrendt

Dr. J. Johrendt

Associate Dean of Student Affairs, WINONE
Associate Professor

Research Interests
Vehicle structural durability
Neural network characterization of material properties and processing parameters
Composites design for vehicle lightweighting

Dr. Eunsik Kim

Dr. Eunsik KimAssistant Professor
519-253-3000 ext. 5409
Office: 3028 CEI

Research Interests
Occupational ergonomics, ergonomic intervention, physiological measurement and analysis
Biomechanics, musculoskeletal disorders, manual material handling
User-centered product design, Gamification, engineering education 

Dr. Bruce Minaker

Dr. B. Minaker

Head of the Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering Department
Associate Professor
Office: 2182A CEI

Research Interests
Vehicle dynamics & control
Multibody dynamics & Suspension design
Numerical modeling & simulation

Dr. Xueyuan Nie

Dr. X. Nie

519-253-3000 ext. 4148
Office: 2143 CEI

Research Interests
Plasma surface engineering, thin films and coatings
Micro/nanoscale mechanics & tribology, corrosion
N/MEMS device materials
Biomaterials, nanomaterials & nanofabrication 

Dr. Colin Novak

Dr. C. Novak

Associate Professor
519-253-3000 ext. 2634
Office: 101 CARE

Research Interests
Development of sound quality & psychoacoustic metrics for improved automotive and consumer product sound
Development of metrics for community noise expectations for control of airport and aircraft noise emissions

Dr. Daniela Pusca

Dr. D. Pusca

Associate Professor
519-253-3000 ext. 2606
Office: 2178 CEI

Research Interests
Extensive research papers on innovative educational practices
Published over 50 papers in refereed international journals and conference proceedings in the field of engineering design, engineering technology, and engineering education

Dr. Afshin Rahimi (He/Him)

Dr. Afshin RahimiAssociate Professor
519-253-3000 ext. 5936
Office: 2174 CEI

Research Interests
Model-based & data-driven fault detection, diagnostics & prognosis
Machine learning & intelligent systems
Systems & control theory
Linear & nonlinear controller/observer design

Dr. Graham Reader

Dr. G. ReaderProfessor
519-253-3000 ext. 5105
Office: 129 Centre for Automotive Research and Education (CARE)

Research Interests
Energy conversion
Clean diesel engine technology
Stirling cycle machines
Underwater vehicles

Dr. Reza Riahi

Dr. Reza Riahi

519-253-3000 ext. 3567
Office: 2149 CEI

Research Interests
Additive manufacturing