Faculty Resources

There are many existing resources to help you develop or upgrade experiential learning opportunities for your students.

  • You can book a meeting with someone in the Centre for Teaching and Learning to further develop experiential learning strategies within the classroom.
  • You can book a meeting with Kerri Zold at the Office of Career Development and Experiential Learning.
  • You can review the resources on this website that was prepared by the former FAHSS Experiential Learning Development Officer. 


Experiential Learning Literature 

Planning, implementing and maintaining experiential learning requires reflection, collaboration, and resources.

If you are new to experiential learning the following sources and documents can help you to become familiar with the frameworks:

  • Kolb and Kolb's book offers a succinct and practical guide to teaching in higher education. The book is a culmination of their more than 30 years as practitioners of experiential learning theory. You will find information about the genus of experiential education, tips of the trade, and a variety of applications that will enhance your teaching practice.
    • Kolb, A. Y., & Kolb, D. A. (2017). The experiential educator: Principles and practices of experiential learning. Experience-based learning systems.
  • McRae, Pretti and Church's white paper is an accessible guide to understanding how to measure the quality of work-integrated learning (WIL). As the cost of education rises and as more people participate in higher education, parents and students alike are showing an increased interest in work-integrated learning. Parents and students see WIL as an opportunity to differentiate themselves as they apply for work, graduate school, and professional credentials. Additionally, research funding is increasingly being tied to community partnerships.  Quality Work-integrated learning is an excellent opportunity to engage with your community at many levels. You can learn more by referring to the written document or a presentation recently given in May 2019.
  • For information about the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities perspective on how experiential learning relates to our current activities you can refer to the Career Ready Fund website for updates: http://www.tcu.gov.on.ca/pepg/programs/careerreadyfund.html
  • For information about Experiential Education at the University of Windsor you can learn more by:
  • There are two main organizations which offer workshops, resources, frameworks, best practices and nomenclatures:
  • Provost’s Task Force on Experiential Learning. Experiential Education: A path towards improving the student experience. Retrieved from https://www.uwindsor.ca/provost/316/experiential-education-path-towards-...

Business Higher Education Roundtable (2016). Taking the Pulse of Work-Integrated Learning in Canada. Retrieved from http://bher.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/BHER-Academica-report-full.pdf

Canadian Association for Co-operative Education (2000). Co-operative Education Manual: A Guide to Planning and Implementing Co-operative Education Programs in Post-Secondary Institutions. Retrieved from http://www.cafce.ca/_Library/_documents/coopmanual.pdf

Canadian Chamber of Commerce. (2012). Skills development discussion paper. Ottawa: Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Retrieved from http://sudburychamber.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/1203SkillsDevelopmentDiscussionPaper.pdf

CCL (Canadian Council on Learning). (2008). Lessons in learning: The benefits of experiential learning.  Ottawa: Canadian Council on Learning. Retrieved from http://en.copian.ca/library/research/ccl/benefits_learning/benefits_learning.pdf

Sattler, P., Wiggers, R., & Arnold, C. H. (2011). Combining workplace training with postsecondary education: The spectrum of Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) opportunities from apprenticeship to experiential learning. Canadian Apprenticeship Journal.

Bateman, A. (2018). How to Develop your Career Plan. Retrieved from https://www.lynda.com/Business-Skills-tutorials/How-Develop-your-Career-Plan/728375-2.html

Leung, S. A. (2008). The big five career theories. In International handbook of career guidance (pp. 115-132). Springer, Dordrecht.

Schinkten, O. (2018). Learning LinkedIn for Students. Retrieved from https://www.lynda.com/LinkedIn-tutorials/Learning-LinkedIn-Students/672245-2.html?srchtrk=index%3a1%0alinktypeid%3a2%0aq%3alinkedin+for+students%0apage%3a1%0as%3arelevance%0asa%3atrue%0aproducttypeid%3a2 You will need to login to Lynda.com using your UWin ID – this resource is available to all faculty, staff and students.

University of Windsor. Experience Maps. Retrieved from https://www.uwindsor.ca/cces/experiencemaps

University of Windsor. Career Development Guide. Retrieved from https://www.uwindsor.ca/career-development-experiential/sites/uwindsor.ca.career-development-experiential/files/uofw_careerservicescatalogue_fall2018_web_0.pdf


Education Policy Research Initiative

"The Education Policy Research Initiative (EPRI) is a national research organization based at the University of Ottawa. EPRI engages in research aimed at informing policy discussions focused on education, skills and the labour market."

Workforce Windsor Essex

Workforce Windsor Essex provides regional Labour Market Information. They are also available for contract work if you are looking to get customized information about the labour market.  For more information see https://www.workforcewindsoressex.com/lmi/


Marginson, Simon. (2017). Limitations of human capital theory, Studies in Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2017.1359823

Raffe, David. (2008). The concept of transition system, Journal of Education and Work, 21:4, 277-296, DOI: 10.1080/13639080802360952

University of Windsor. (2017). University of Windsor Community Consultations Winter 2017. Retrieved from https://www.uwindsor.ca/president/366/community-consultation-report

Wheelahan, Leesa. (2015). The future of Australian vocational education qualifications depends on a new social settlement, Journal of Education and Work, 28:2, 126-146, DOI: 10.1080/13639080.2014.1001333

Young, M. (2003). Comparing approaches to the role of qualifications in the promotion of lifelong learning. European Journal of Education, 38(2), 199-211.

Council of Ontario Universities (2014). Bringing Life to Learning at Ontario Universities. Retrieved from http://cou.on.ca/reports/bringing-life-to-learning/.

HEQCO. (2016). A Practical Guide for Work-integrated Learning: Effective practices to enhance the educational quality of structured work experiences offered through colleges and universities. Retrieved from http://www.heqco.ca/SiteCollectionDocuments/HEQCO_WIL_Guide_ENG_ACC.pdf

MAESD. (n.d.). MAESD’s Guiding Principles for Experiential Learning. Retrieved from https://www.queensu.ca/experientiallearninghub/sites/webpublish.queensu.ca.qelhwww/files/files/A04%20EL%20-%20Guiding%20Priciples%20FINAL%20EN.pdf

MTCU (Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities). (2012). Strengthening Ontario’s Centres of Creativity, Innovation and Knowledge. (205kB PDF). Toronto: Queen’s Printer for Ontario.

Peters, Julie, Academica Group Inc. (2012). Faculty Experiences with and Perceptions of Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) in the Ontario Postsecondary Sector. Toronto: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. Retrieved from http://www.heqco.ca/en-ca/Research/ResPub/Pages/Faculty-Experiences-with-and-Perceptions-of-Work-Integrated-Learning-WIL-in-the-Ontario-Postsecondary-Sector.aspx

Premier’s Highly Skilled Workforce Expert Panel. (2016, June). Building the workforce of tomorrow: A shared responsibility. Retrieved from https://files.ontario.ca/hsw_rev_engaoda_webfinal_july6.pdf

R. A. Malatest & Associates Ltd. (2018). Barriers to Work-integrated Learning Opportunities. Toronto: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. Retrieved from http://www.heqco.ca/SiteCollectionDocuments/Formatted_Barriers%20to%20WIL_FINAL.pdf

Sattler, P. (2011). Work-Integrated Learning in Ontario’s postsecondary sector. Toronto: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. Retrieved from http://www.heqco.ca/en-ca/Research/ResPub/Pages/Work-Integrated-Learning-in-Ontario-s-Postsecondary-Sector-The-Pathways-of-Recent-College-and-University-Graduates-.aspx.

Sattler, P. & Peters, J. (2012). Work-integrated learning and post-secondary graduates: The perspective of Ontario Employers. Toronto: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. Retrieved from http://www.heqco.ca/en-ca/Research/ResPub/Pages/Work-Integrated-Learning-and-Postsecondary-Graduates-The-Perspective-of-Ontario-Employers.aspx.

Stirling, A., Kerr, G., Banwell, J., MacPherson, E., Bandealy, A., & Battaglia, A. (2014). What is an internship? Inventory and analysis of “internship” opportunities available to post-secondary students in Ontario. Toronto: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. Retrieved from http://www.heqco.ca/en-ca/Research/ResPub/Pages/What-is-an-internship-An-inventory-and-analysis-of-internship-opportunities-available-to-Ontario-postsecondary-students.aspx

Stirling, A., Kerr, G, Banwell, J., MacPherson, E, & Heron, A. (2016). A Practical Guide for Work-Integrated Learning: Effective Practices to Enhance the Educational Quality of Structured Work Experiences Offered through Colleges and Universities. Retrieved from http://www.heqco.ca/en-ca/Research/ResPub/Pages/A-Practical-Guide-for-Work-integrated-Learning.aspx von Treuer, K., Sturre, V., Keele, S., & McLeod, J. (2011). An integrated model for the evaluation of work placements. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 12(3), 195-204.

Turcotte, J.F., Nichols, L., Philipps, L. (2016) Maximizing Opportunity, Mitigating Risk: Aligning Law, Policy and Practice to Strengthen Work-Integrated Learning in Ontario (1013 kB PDF). Toronto: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario.

Ash, S. L., & Clayton, P. H. (2004). The articulated learning: an approach to reflection and assessment. Innovative Higher Education, 29(2), 137-154.

Ash, S. L., & Clayton, P. H. (2009). Generating, deepening, and documenting learning: the power of critical reflection in applied learning. Journal of Applied Learning in Higher Education, 1, 25-48.

Canning, N. & Callan, S. (2010). Heutagogy: Spirals of reflection to empower learners in higher education. Reflective Practice, 11(1), 71-82.

Cavilla, D. (2017). The Effects of Student Reflection on Academic Performance and Motivation. SAGE Open. https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244017733790

Duan N. & H. Schmidt. (2011). Writing to learn: can reflection journals be used to promote self-reflection and learning? Higher Education Research & Development, 30(4): 519-532.

Eyler, J. (2001). Creating your reflection map. New Directions for Higher Education, 114, 35-43.  DOI: 10.1002/he.11

Fanning, R. M., & Gaba, D. M. (2007). The role of debriefing in simulation-based learning. Simulation in Healthcare, 2(2), 115-125. 

Fook, J., & Gardner, F. (2007). Practicing critical reflection: a resource handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

Haddara, M., & Skanes, H. (2007). A reflection on cooperative education: From experience to experiential learning. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 8(1), 67-76.

Kember, D., Mckay, J., Sinclair, K., & Wong, K., Y. (2008). A four-category scheme for coding and assessing the level of reflection in written work. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 33 (4), 369-379.

Mezirow, J., & Associates. (1990). Fostering critical reflection in adulthood: a guide to transformative and emancipatory learning. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Nolan, A. (2008). Encouraging the reflection process in undergraduate teachers using guided reflection. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 33(1), 31-36.

Ogilvie, A., & Douglas, K. (2007). Online role plays and the virtual placement: aiding reflection in work-integrated learning. Proceedings, ASCILITE, Singapore

Russell, T. (1993). Reflection-in-Action and the Development of Professional Expertise Teacher Education Quarterly 20(1), 51-62 Published by: Caddo Gap Press Retrieved from: http://www.jstor.org/stable/23475150

Russell, T & Munby, H Eds. (1992). Teachers and teaching: from classroom to reflection. London ; New York: Falmer Press.

Sterling, A., Kerr, G, Banwell, J., MacPherson, E., Heron, A. (2016). A Practical Guide for Work Integrated Learning: Effective practices to enhance the educational quality of structured work experiences offered through colleges and universities. Retrieved from http://www.heqco.ca/SiteCollectionDocuments/HEQCO_WIL_Guide_ENG_ACC.pdf (pages 65 - 86).

Wong, K., Kember, D., Chung, L., & Yan, L. (1995). Assessing the level of student reflection from reflective journals. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 22, 48-57.

Gooblar, David. (2017). Your Syllabus Doesn't Have to Look like a Contract. Chronicle of Higher Education, 63(43), B1-B2.

Ludy, M., Brackenbury, T., Folkins, J. W., Peet, S. H., Langendorfer, S. J., & Beining, K. (2016). Student impressions of syllabus design: Engaging versus contractual syllabus. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 10(2), 1-25. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ledproxy2.uwindsor.ca/docview/1895970735?accountid=14789

University of Ottawa. uoSyllabus User Guide. Retrieved from https://tlss.uottawa.ca/site/uosyllabus-en

Brunet, Timothy A.; Shaban, Hassan; and Gonçalves, Stephanie. (2020). The Capability Approach: A Proposed Framework for Experiential Learning in The Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.. 2020 HDCA Conference – Online (Auckland, NZ). https://scholar.uwindsor.ca/ctlpub/7 

Pugliese, T., Bolton, T., Jones, G., Roma, G., Cipkar, S., Rabie, R. (2015). Evaluating the Effects of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Mentor Program. Toronto: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario.

Provost’s Task Force on Experiential Learning. Experiential Education: A path towards improving the student experience. Retrieved from https://www.uwindsor.ca/provost/316/experiential-education-path-towards-improving-student-experience

University of Windsor. (2017). University of Windsor consultation reports: It takes a team to build a future. Retrieved from https://www.uwindsor.ca/provost/367/community-consultation-report

Journal of Experiential Education

"The Journal of Experiential Education (JEE) is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing refereed articles on experiential education in diverse contexts. The JEE provides a forum for the empirical and theoretical study of issues concerning experiential learning, program management and policies, educational, developmental, and health outcomes, teaching and facilitation, and research methodology. The JEE is a publication of the Association for Experiential Education. This journal is a member of COPE". This journal is available through the Leddy Library.

The Journal of Cooperative Education and Internships

"The Journal of Cooperative Education and Internships no longer accepts submissions nor does it publish new issues. Recognizing the legacy that all contributors have left through their scholarship and research, CEIA is committed to protecting the stability and integrity of the archives and preserving open access to all for the future. CEIA invites you to scan our archives, read over 50 years of scholarly research articles and gain insights from colleagues. You may still access those archives through the Work Integrated Learning Community Support & Research Portal."


International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning

"The International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning (IJWIL) publishes peer-reviewed original research and topical issues dealing with Work-Integrated Learning (WIL). IJWIL was formerly called the Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education.

In this Journal, WIL is defined as "an educational approach that uses relevant work-based experiences to allow students to integrate theory with the meaningful practice of work as an intentional component of the curriculum". Examples of practice include work placements, internships, practicum, cooperative education (Co-op), work-related projects/competitions, service learning, entrepreneurships, student-led enterprise, simulations (including virtual WIL), etc. WIL is related to, but not the same as, the fields of experiential learning, work-based learning, and vocational education and training."

Berquist, B., Moore, K., & Milano, J. (Eds). (2018). International internships: missions, methods & models; a collection of papers from the Global Internship Conference. Academic Internship Council. 

Kendall, J. C. (1986). Strengthening Experiential Education within Your Institution. Retrieved from https://nsee.memberclicks.net/assets/docs/strengthening.pdf

Kolb, A., & Kolb, D. (2013). The Kolb Learning Style Inventory 4.0: A comprehensive guide to the theory, psychometrics, research on validity and educational applications. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David_Kolb/publication/303446688_The_Kolb_Learning_Style_Inventory_40_Guide_to_Theory_Psychometrics_Research_Applications/links/57437c4c08ae9f741b3a1a58/The-Kolb-Learning-Style-Inventory-40-Guide-to-Theory-Psychometrics-Research-Applications.pdf

True, M. (2018). Starting an Internship Program (9 Ed.). Retrieved from http://globalinternshipconference.com/sites/default/files/images/Starting%20An%20Internship%20Program-9th%20Edition.pdf

The Capabilities Approach

Applying an experiential learning approach in Higher Education requires institutions, professors and students to actively consider what experiential learning will do for the people involved. Using the Capabilities Approach (developed initially by Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen and later Martha Nussbaum) to understand and analyze the outcomes will help frame your educational pursuits with a developmental approach. Two key documents explain the approach as it relates to the development and higher education.

Nussbaum, M. C. (2011). Creating capabilities. Harvard University Press.

Walker, M., & McLean, M. (2013). Professional education, capabilities and the public good: The role of universities in promoting human development. Routledge.

Walker, M. and Wilson-Strydom, M. (eds) (2017) Socially Just Pedagogies, Capabilities and
Quality in Higher Education (New York, Palgrave). [link.springer.com/book/10.1057/978-1-

Walker, M. and Fongwa, S. (2017) Universities, Employability and Human Development (New
York, Palgrave) [link.springer.com/book/10.1057/978-1-137-58452-6]


Reconsider the traditional style of teaching (lecture, multiple choice, essay, multiple choice):

Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the oppressed (30th anniversary ed.). New York: Continuum.

Organizations, Conferences and Initiatives 

The Government of Canada is currently offering paid opportunities for volunteer work completed by higher education students.  Please see the Job Bank Canada website for more information.

Association of American Colleges & Universities - There are approximately 15 Canadian institutions (most of the membership is from the US) listed within this organization that is vested in the promotion of liberal education. A variety of networking opportunities (conferences, institutes, webinars and meetings) and online publications (articles, reports, rubrics, and more) are available on the website.  Since AAC&U examines curriculum for the liberal arts, there are resources for experiential learning. 

Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada is the lead organization of work-integrated learning in Canada.  The organization is formerly known as Canadian Association for Co-operative Education (CAFCE). They are currently under pressure to review their definitions, promotion, and they informally advocate for post-secondary institutions in Canada regarding policy issues for work-integrated learning. You can learn more on their website. CEWIL also publishes a National Statistics Database to track Work-Integrated Learning in Canada.

The National Society for Experiential Education (NSEE) hosts conferences and provides training for practitioners of Experiential Education.  While they are mainly a US organization, there are a few Canadian institutions (including UWindsor) who hold memberships.  For more information about this organization and attending workshops please connect with Experiential Education Coordinator Anna Galka (anna.galka@uwindsor.ca, ext. 3549)

Recently the Ontario Universities Council on Quality Assurance held a symposium specifically on the topic of Experiential Education.  You can find the 2018 Educating for the Future: Learning Outcomes and Experiential Learning Symposium sessions online. You can find most of the presentations online.

The Association for Experiential Education (AEE) "is a global community of experiential educators and practitioners with the shared goal of enriching lives through Experiential Education. 

The Accountability Council for Co-operative Education and Work Integrated Learning (ACCE-WIL) - BC is an institutional cooperative for both BC and the Yukon Territories.


Student Events and Field Trips 

This policy is designed to assist you with the organizing of an event. The documents Student Event & Activities Risk Management Policy (SERMP)  which need to be completed are included in the Policy:

  • The Primary Event Organizer Contract
  • The Student Event/Activity Approval Form
  • “Low Risk” Events – Forms (Appendix A) should be completed and filed in your respective department.
  • “High Risk” Events – Forms (Appendix A) should be completed and forwarded to Legal Services - Assumption Hall, 3rd Floor, Room 312, Attention:   Insurance, Risk & FIPPA Officer,  for approval.

If you have any questions, please contact, Julie Laforet, at extension 2080.

Please Note: This protocol does not cover ratified student clubs/societies or any other student incorporated group(s). Please refer to your respective student body UWSA, GSS, OPUS, etc. for their Event Management Protocol.

Tips for Organizing Field Trips

  • Complete and submit the Event/Activity Approval Forms and Primary Event Organizer Form in accordance with the Student Event Risk Management Policy (SERMP). 
  • For group transportation – We recommend using a bus. Ensure that insurance is included in the rental fee or paid for separately Ensure arrangements are made for any attendees with special needs. Ensure that everyone has their own health coverage. Any trips out of Canada would require out of country coverage
  • Ensure attendees bring health card, identification and passport (as required)
  • Ensure that arrival/departure times are known by all attendees
  • Make everyone aware of “unique” Personal Safety Issues (avoiding certain areas, etc.)
  • Ensure that you have a cell phone for the event
  • Determine if a Waiver is required, and if so, that they are signed and stored in a safe location
  • Ensure you have adequate volunteers and/or additional supervisors
  • Special Activities – research any tours or outdoor activities, be aware of the inherent risks of that activity
  • Bring First Aid Kit
  • Have copies of blank Incident Report forms available


Student Event & Activities Risk Management Policy (SERMP) (.pdf)
Student Event.Activity Approval Form (.pdf)


Measuring Experiential Learning

How will experiential learning will be assessed for various processes?  Here are some helpful localized UWindsor resources:

Targeting Departmental and Institutional Level Outcomes

Experiential Learning initiatives at the University of Georgia ensures that every graduate has at least one experiential learning opportunity prior to graduation.

Some initiatives that your department could do to facilitate this include:

  • Include one mandatory course for all programs that includes an experiential learning component as defined by the various accountability frameworks (see above).
  • Include experiential learning language in course descriptions, the academic calendar, learning outcomes, and Undergraduate and Graduate Degree Level Expectations.
  • Have information about Experiential Learning Information readily available for students, faculty advisers, and staff.