The Server Modernization Project’s first maintenance date is planned for Thursday, May 25, from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. The work is in line with the University of Windsor’s cybersecurity work plan, which aims to migrate systems to more resilient and secure hardware.
Efforts have been made to limit downtime, however, several key systems and applications will be unavailable during maintenance. Mitigating strategies are being put in place to ensure limited productivity loss during this period.
Cloud-based and non-application specific systems will continue to be available including:
- Internet (wired and wireless)
- Brightspace
- Microsoft 365 applications including Outlook Email, Calendar, Teams, OneDrive, and SharePoint sites
- the University website, uwindsor.ca
- UWindsor Self-Service Client Portal
- UwinCard for use at food services and door key
- Parking gates
Some of the unavailable systems, services, and applications include:
- UWinsite Student
- My Attendance
- Online and in-person parking permit purchases
- UwinCard for use at the libraries
- eGAS (graduate applications)
- eCV (electronic CV system)
Information on the Server Modernization Project, including the full list of affected systems, is available on the IT Services website.