Alexander Waugh, Master's Thesis Defense, "The acute physiological responses to leg extension resistance training using drop sets versus standard hypertrophy training in the quadriceps femoris". RM 144

Friday, May 5, 2017 - 10:00

Master’s Thesis Defense

Alexander Waugh

Friday, May 5, 2017
10:00 a.m.
HK Room 144

"The acute physiological responses to leg extension resistance training using drop sets versus standard hypertrophy training in the quadriceps femoris”

Thesis Committee:

Dr. Kenji Kenno (Advisor, Kinesiology)
Dr. Kevin Milne (Kinesiology)
Dr. Rupp Carriveau (Civil and Environmental Engineering)

Chairperson: Dr. Matthew Krause (Kinesiology)

All Applied Human Performance students are required to attend.
Please send me an email if you are unable to attend.

Sport Management students & Kinesiology faculty are welcome.

