Windsor and the Post-Pandemic Healthy City: A Community Conversation

Friday, June 26, 2020 - 12:00 to 13:30

Join us for a community conversation about Windsor and the post-pandemic healthy city. Hosted by the Windsor Law Centre for Cities. 

Windsor, like the rest of Ontario, has just passed 100 days of COVID-19 shutdown. The pandemic has deepened inequality in most Canadian cities; caused financial crises for families, businesses, organizations and governments alike; and heightened social challenges including mental health and domestic violence.  Events of recent weeks have also exposed the extent to which systemic racism persists towards in particular Black and Indigenous communities. The global climate crisis, and the leading role that cities have been called on to play in responding to it, risks being ignored in the face of COVID-19 responses. Across the country, there are calls for a just, equitable and inclusive recovery from the pandemic.

Location: Zoom (online)

