Accessible and Inclusive Event Planning

Things to consider when planning your next Event/Meeting:

  1. Include the following statement in your registration and all event announcements: “We are committed to providing equal access to this event for all participants. If you require accommodations, alternative formats, dietary considerations or other specific needs, please contact (name of person) at (number) or via e-mail (e-mail address here) with your request by close of business (deadline).”
  2. Ensure that all event-related documents are in accessible format or can be converted to alternate formats.
  3. Consider booking rooms or locations on campus which provide for ease of access for persons who use mobility devices such as wheelchairs or who have mobility disabilities. Always consider the proximity of the nearest main entrance, elevator, and accessible washroom.
  4. If you are planning activities, give equal attention to the needs and aspirations of all, including person’s with physical disabilities and different athletic levels. Which will provide meaningful inclusion of all groups at all levels of our campus community.
  5. Leave enough time to appropriately plan for inclusion! Securing ASL (sign language) interpreters or closed captioning can take time. Plan to make these arrangements at least 3 weeks before your event.

Please see the below link to the Accessible and Inclusive Meeting/Event Checklist:

Accessible and Inclusive Meeting/Event Checklist