Sexual Harassment Tutorials

What is Sexual Harassment?

"Sexual Harassment" means that someone is bothering you by saying or doing unwanted or unwelcome things of a sexual or gender-related nature by:

  • touching others inappropriately
  • making offensive jokes or remarks about women or men
  • making sexual requests or suggestions
  • staring at or making unwelcome comments about your body
  • displaying sexually offensive pictures
  • being verbally abusive to you because of your gender
  • making stereotypes about one gender or the other can be a form of sexual harassment

Online Sexual Harassment Tutorials:

To encourage student reporting of sexual harassment and to increase student awareness on the topic, an online sexual harassment tutorial is available. 

To anonymously complete the Sexual Harassment Tutorial, please use the following generic UWin ID and Password:

UWin ID: tutorial
Password: student
Please note that if you wish to receive a certificate of completion, kindly email to request.