Overview of Panorama
Panorama for Digital Accessibility is a companion tool to the YuJa Video Enterprise System. Panorama allows instructors to identify and correct accessibility issues for several digital file types uploaded to Brightspace. It also provides several alternative formats for users to be able to engage with the content in a more accessible way. It is available for individual courses upon request.
Locating the Panorama Tools
Panorama supports and reviews DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, PDF, and HTML file types. Instructors and students can access Panorama tools in LMS courses where Panorama has been enabled. To ensure your course gets the Panorama tool added, please submit a TeamDynamix ticket at HTTP://www.uwindsor.ca/brightspace/ticket/, and before submitting your request, please review details on how to enable Panorama on your course site (links open in a new window). Users can then access a document's Alternative Formats or an Accessibility Report.
Users can download the file as a BRF file type for braille displays, EPUB for e-readers, TXT for simple text applications, or MP3 for audio players.
Users can also view the document in High Contrast, on a Webpage, or as a Text-to-Speech file directly in a supported web browser.
Instructors can Access Reports
Instructors can access reports from the Panorama tool in Brightspace's Custom NavBar to identify trends in Panorama issues and usage. When instructors prepare content for their courses, they can activate and view the Accessibility Report and Score for the file. Once they trigger the report, the severity of issues, tips on resolving them and the ability to upload a repaired document will be visible.
If you have any questions about Panorama, please email ooltech@uwindsor.ca. If you are experiencing any technical issues using Panorama, email support@yuja.com and file a ticket, where the YuJa/Panorama support will respond. Workshops on accessibility features in Brightspace, which discuss using Panorama, are available to sign up for at the Office of Open Learning: Workshops page, Teaching with Tech.