ABR Professional Development and Training Grant

Application guidelines

Professional development and training grants are for activities to foster learning and a deeper understanding of systems of Anti-Black Racism, forms of oppression towards racialized, and marginalized groups to further the cause and educational pursuits against anti-Black racism. It can be used to supplement Departmental or unit support of professional development.

The grants may be used to support activities such as:

  • Self-learning activities in collaboration with a mentor, supervisor, or instructor
  • Individual traineeship to learn a skill or expand an area of competence relevant to one’s scope of practice
  • Tuition cost for courses (either accredited courses, or led by organizations with a relevant focus)
  • Conference attendance (either as an attendee or as a presenter)
  • Workshop attendance (in person or virtual)
  • Workshop or conference development regarding anti-Black racism education, advocacy and allyship
  • Guest speakers for academic or non-academic units (please note that guest speakers for classes are not eligible under this grant)

Applicants are asked to note that during the COVID-19 pandemic, any travel for professional development purposes must be undertaken in compliance with the University’s current policies, and may have to be approved by the Dean of your Faculty. Applicants travelling for professional development opportunities are expected to abide by COVID restrictions that are in place at their destination, and to be aware of regulations impacting border crossings.


Successful applicants will receive up to a maximum of $2,000. The funds are distributed once the professional development activity has been completed, and all receipts and required documents have been received. The submission of a final report and reflection are required.


  • Faculty and staff at the University of Windsor pursuing educational enrichment in addressing and dismantling anti-Black racism
  • Individual and group applications are eligible

Selection Criteria

  • Relevance of professional development
  • Anticipated impact on campus life
  • Priority

How to apply

Download an application form

Departments are asked not to submit paper application forms! Please obtain electronic signatures and submit by email to abr@uwindsor.ca. This program does not have a deadline and applications will be considered as they are submitted. 

Make your best case as clearly and briefly as possible so that it is understandable to an educated layperson. The review committee will consider applications from a variety of disciplines and seeks to allocate limited funds to opportunities which are most likely to enhance campus life and improve delivery of curriculum or research outputs.