Exchange Grant for Travel and Knowledge Mobilization

Exchange Grant for Travel and Knowledge Mobilization

UWT-SEG has three annual cycles. Applications are due February 10, June 15, and October 31. If the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, applications will be due the following Monday.

The UWT-SEG Exchange Travel grant encourages the exchange of research knowledge both within and beyond the academic community. Its objectives are to allow researchers to present their research or artistic exhibitions/presentations and to support the organization of small-scale knowledge mobilization activities in order to encourage collaboration and dissemination of their research results both within and beyond the academic community. For full eligibility and regulations, see the online grant guidelines. Applicants cannot apply more often than every fourth cycle.

The specific objectives of the program are to:

  • allow researchers to present their research or artistic exhibitions/presentations at scholarly conferences and other dissemination venues to advance their careers and encourage the exchange of ideas and research results at the national and internal level.
    • For travel applications, applicants MUST be presenting at a conference or other knowledge mobilization event
    • Only applications where the researcher is presenting or mobilizing their own work will be eligible
  • support the organization of small-scale knowledge mobilization activities in order to encourage collaboration and dissemination of research results both within and beyond the academic community. (Proposed activities may include workshops, seminars, policy briefs, knowledge syntheses, and artistic exhibits – please see the list of events and outreach activities on the SSHRC Connection Grant website for other possibilities.)   A portion of the funding for this program is provided by SSHRC, and accordingly, applicants in the Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts should refer to this grant in their CVs as the ’SSHRC Exchange Grant.’ Only SSHRC-eligible projects will be eligible for the Knowledge Mobilization stream of the Exchange grant.

The following regulations will apply

  • Grants will be made to faculty and librarian members holding probationary and tenured appointments.In addition, applications from those holding limited term appointments will be considered providing they are under contract for the year in which the travel will occur.
  • Faculty and librarian members on leave, including sabbatical leave, shall indicate this on their application
  • Applicants are eligible to apply after more than one year has passed since their previous ADTF or UWT-SEG award, i.e., if the applicant received the grant in February in one year, he/she cannot apply until the June competition in the following year.
  • An application must be made on the required form for submission to the Department Head who will transmit it to the Dean.
  • The relevant considerations for the awarding of such grants are as follows:
    • preference will be given to new tenure-track faculty and librarian members who are within three (3) years of their appointment;
    • the need for travel or knowledge-mobilization funds in light of other sources available, the use of the departmental professional development fund, and the identification of other sources of funding to support the applicant’s travel. These criteria will be strictly applied because the demand on the program has increased significantly;
    • the publication record and record of delivered papers, presentations or exhibitions within the last three years;
    • the title of the paper and/or the nature of the exhibition or presentation and its apparent relevance to the applicant’s research program, scholarship or creative activity in the field;
    • the nature of the conference, presentation or exhibition and its apparent importance;
    • the recommendation of the AAU Head and the Dean;
    • the Committee reserves the right to seek further comments/elaboration on an application from the relevant Dean and/or Department Head.
  • All members receiving this grant must highlight during their presentation the University of Windsor support by stating the following, “This presentation is supported by the UWindsor Travel-SSHRC Exchange Grant Program.”
  • Due to fluctuations/reductions in the available budget for this grant program, the Committee will use its discretion to find the most prudent approach to funding the applications.
  • Maximum allowance in Canadian Funds is $1,000.

Eligible Expenses

Estimate your expenditures in accordance with the terms of the Collective Agreement between the University and the Faculty Association.

  • Transportation – Request actual fare for train, economy air or mileage at approved rate per kilometre as indicated in the Collective Agreement but not to exceed economy air plus necessary ground transportation.  Do not claim accommodation or meals enroute when travelling by automobile. Submission of receipts except for the use of one’s personal automobile is mandatory.
  • Accommodation – Claim actual single rate charges incurred in a reasonably priced hotel or motel.
  • Meals – As per Collective Agreement, Article I.8.
  • Conference registration fees, etc (excluding membership fees)
  • Knowledge mobilization activity costs may include hiring a student, equipment rental, fees for hosting (either digital or in person), refreshments at events, etc.

Applicants shall only apply in the competition immediately preceding the travel, unless the travel is during the month that the competition is held.

Apply through the ERSO Research Portal

Obtaining your Funds

Claim all your expenses through iexpense through the UWinsite Finance system using your own grant number, or if you don’t have any current grants, please ask your Dean if you can claim against a departmental account. Then, complete the Final Travel Report Form and indicate both the expense claim number and the account to which you submitted the expense. Your grant or departmental account will be reimbursed according to the amount awarded. PLEASE NOTE THAT EXPENSES MUST BE CLAIMED WITHIN SIX MONTHS OF TRAVEL OR YOUR AWARD MAY BE FORFEITED.

Submit a Final Report

What is knowledge mobilization?

Knowledge mobilizations projects that will be considered under the UWT-SEG Exchange grant program may include, but are not limited to:

  • Direct knowledge transfer activities such as workshops, conferences, fora, guest lectures, summer institutes, etc
  • Scholarly exchange between the humanities/social sciences and other fields
  • Intersectoral exchanges between academic researchers in the social sciences and humanities and researchers and practitioners from the public, private and/or not-for-profit sectors
  • Dissemination activities that will help the public access your results, such as podcasts, performances, exhibitions, websites, infographics and broadcasts
  • Activities that will help your research impact the local community or society at large, such as policy papers or testimony to government bodies
  • Preparatory activities such as public consultation, networking, or events which will be catalysts designed to lead to longer-term partnerships
  • Curriculum development or proposals which are not directly supported by a school board
  • Adaptations and translations for purposes of knowledge transfer

Please note that Annual General Meetings and other activities which should be funded as part of the normal operations of an organization will not be considered eligible, nor are private or donor-facing receptions that do not have a specific knowledge mobilization goal.

Consideration will be given to projects which:

  • Are short-term in nature and take place within 12 months from the date of application
  • Have specific, attainable knowledge mobilization goals
  • Will result in a specific deliverable

Eligible expenses may include:

  • Hiring a student assistant
  • Website hosting fees or software costs
  • Paying for professional services, such as graphic design
  • Renting equipment
  • Printing costs
  • Honoraria paid to guest speakers
  • Room rental or refreshment costs for in-person events
  • Miscellaneous supplies

This list is not exhaustive; any expense that is well justified in your budget will be considered by the adjudication committee. When reviewing your applications, adjudicators will consider timeliness, feasibility, scope, and effectiveness of your proposed knowledge mobilization activity, as well as how your requested budget items directly relate to the execution of your activity.

Knowledge mobilization awards will be made available through research grant accounts, rather than through the reimbursement process described above.

Apply through the ERSO Research Portal