B.Sc. Honours Biological Sciences

Biology students

Biology is one of the life sciences that describes the study of the well-being or overall condition of molecules, cells, organisms, and the environment through observation, experimental investigation and theoretical explanation. 

Program Description 

Our program involves the application of modern investigative techniques in several biological areas. We offer specialization in microbiology, cellular, developmental, environmental and evolutionary biology, population and ecosystem ecology or a combination of these areas. 

Biological science majors acquire the tools and skills necessary to successfully compete for positions in industry, government, education or any one of several professional programs including medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, veterinary medicine and physical therapy—just to name a few. 

Unlike many other universities, biology undergraduate students at Windsor are given the opportunity to gain practical, hands-on laboratory and field experience beginning in the first year of study. 

Student Support 

The breadth of courses offered and the accessibility of professors means learning at UWindsor is a rewarding experience. 

Career Paths 

  • Professional programs such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy or other health-related sciences (with additional studies)
  • Graduate studies 
  • R&D in industry or government 
  • Environmental research and monitoring 
  • Management 
  • Education (with additional studies) 

Admission Requirements 

Minimum admission average of 70% (plus 70% secondary average). ENG4U, MHF4U, SCH4U and SBI4U required. MCV4U is strongly recommended. SPH4U is recommended. 



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Phone: 519-253-3000, Ext. 2695
Email: biosci@uwindsor.ca

Student Recruitment Office

Phone: 519-973-7014
Toll-Free (Canada/US): 1-800-864-2860
Email: info@uwindsor.ca