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The Physics Club

Here at the University of Windsor, our Physics Club has become a great place for many of our students. Students get together to promote interest in physics, to help each other through their studies, and to socialize outside of the classroom setting. Students have their own room, with couches, books, microwave and fridge (!) and it is a great place to hang out between classes - you never know who may be in there to help you out.

Contact us by email: physclub@uwindsor.ca or via Facebook, and follow us on Twitter @UofWphysics.

The Physics Club has three main areas of activity: Academic, Recruitment and Social.


Graduate and undergraduate students have been an integral part of setting up, and the continued development of the Physics programs. Club members work directly with Faculty to provide feedback and solve problems, and make the programs the best they can be for future students.


Recently, Physics Club members have begun a unique initiative in giving presentations at local high school Physics classes. University students communicating enthusiastically to potential students about further education in general, degree courses and academic choices has proved to be a real 'hit' with School Teachers and students alike. The Physics Club is very active in 'on campus' events too.


Students like to have fun! “Work hard, Play hard”, as they say. The Physics Club has organized a variety of activities, including: parties, eating out, football games ('The Einstein Cup'), a camp out, watching movies, playing video and card games - not to mention enjoying the food at Departmental Luncheons!