Dr. Robin Wright

A picture of Dr. Robin smiling into the camera

Robin Wright

On Sabbatical July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2026
E-mail: rwright@uwindsor.ca

Scholarly Interests/Areas of Expertise

  • Prevention and intervention research with children and youth in multicultural and Aboriginal schools and communities
  • Development of interventions focused on risk, resiliency, and positive youth development
  • Program evaluation of community-based organizations
  • Large scale community surveys

Educational Background

  • Ph.D. and M.S.W., University of Toronto
  • B.A. and B.S.W., McMaster University


Dr. ROBIN WRIGHT is a Professor in the School of Social Work at the University of Windsor. Her research interests focus on enhancing the well-being of children, youth and families domestically and globally through the implementation of surveys and the designing, implementation and evaluation of innovative prevention/intervention approaches. Her program of research has included acting as principal investigator and co-investigator of large multi-site trials nationally and internationally. Dr. Wright has been awarded research funds from national and international sources and her program of research has been supported by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), CURA, the Department of Justice-National Crime Prevention Council and the Youth Policy Section, Department of Canadian Heritage, Ontario Ministry of Culture, the Samuel and Saidye Bronfman Family Foundation, Florida Office of Justice, Florida, USA. Most recently, the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). Prior to her appointment at the University of Windsor, Dr. Wright was an Associate Professor at McGill University, School of Social Work; Project Director at the Offord Centre for Child Studies, Hamilton, Ontario. Dr. Wright worked for many years both in the Foundation sector and in Children's Services as a front-line worker, clinician and manager.

1. Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications

Wright, R., Alaggia, R., & *Krygsman, A. (2014). Five-year Follow-up Study of the Qualitative Experiences of Youth in an Afterschool Arts Program in Low-income Communities. Journal of Social Service Research, 1-10. DOI: 10.1080/01488376.2013.845130

*Nikolova, K., Wright, R., Ponsuwammi, I. (2013) Early Child Development Programs: Relevance for India. International Journal of Social Work and Human Services Practice, 1 (2), 91-100.

Wright, R., *Krygsman. A., Ponsuwammi, I., *Levitz, N. (2013) . Tamil Nadu child and Family Health Study Phase I: Preliminary study. Journal on Social Work. Special Edition: Building Resilient Communities: Communitarian Social Work, Bangalore, India.

Wright, R., John, L., Duku, E., & *Krygsman, A. (2011). The National Arts and Youth Demonstration Project: Removing Barriers to Participation for Youth of Colour and Aboriginal Youth. Canadian Social Work, 13 (1).

Wright, R., John, L., & Duki, E., Burgo, G., * Krygsman, A., *Esposto, C. (2010). The National Arts and Youth Demonstration Project: Effect of a structured community-based arts program on the social support and behaviour outcomes of youth from low-income communities. Child and Youth Services, 31 (3), 74-91.

Wright, R., John, L., Rowe, W., & Duku, E. (2009). Effects of an after-school arts program on youth in low-income communities: A comparative study of Canadian and American youth. Best Practices in Mental Health: An International Journal 9(1).

Wright, R., John, L., Row, W., Alaggia, R., Duku, E. & *Morton, T. (2008) Do community arts programs promote positive youth development? Findings from a multi-method study. Critical Social Work, 9 (1).

John, L., Wright, R., Willms, D., Duku, E. & Offord, D. (2008) Comparing children from a national community art project to children from a national longitudinal survey: The use of propensity score as a matching strategy. Research on Social Work Practice, 18 (1), 20-26.

Wright, R., John, L., & Sheel, J. & S*Spinner, D. (2008) Engaging street youth in an evaluation of a community-based arts program. Journal of Youth Development, 3 (1), article 080301FA003

Wright, R., John, L., & Duku, E. (2007) Predictors of Attendance at an after-school community-based arts program for youth in low-income multicultural communities. Intervention, 127, 70-78.

Wright, R., John, L., Livingstone, A.M., *Sherherd, N., & Duku, E. (2007) Effects of school-based interventions on secondary school students with high and low risks for antisocial behaviour. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 22 (1), 32-49.

Wright, R., John L., & Sheel, J. (2007). Lessons learned from the National Arts & Youth Demonstration Project: Longitudinal study of a Canadian after-school program. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 16 (1) 48-58.

White, B., & Wright, R. (2007) The Laurentian Regional School Arts Project. Arts and Learning Research Journal, 32 (1), 53-75.

Wright, R. (2007) A conceptual and methodological framework for designing and evaluating community-based art initiatives: A Canadian perspective, International Journal of Cultural Policy, 13 (1), 123-132.

Wright, R. (2006). Youth development and community-based art programs: An exploratory study. Canadian Social Work, 8 (1), 128-139.

Wright, R., John, L., Offord, D., Duku, E., Rowe, W., & Ellenbogen, S. (206) Effect of a structured arts program on the psychosocial functioning Plymouth from low-income communities: Findings from a Canadian longitudinal study. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 26(2), 1-20.

Wright, R., John, L., Alaggia, R., & Sheel, J. (2006). Community-based arts program for youth in low-income communities: A multi-method evaluation. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 23 (5-6), 635-652.

Wright, R., John, L., Allaggia, R., & Livingstone, A.M. (2006). After-school arts programs in low-income communities: Qualitative experiences of youth, parents and staff Intervention, 124, 83-90.

Wright, R., (2006) Social support and health outcomes in a multicultural urban population. Social Work in Health Care, 43 (4), 15-28.

John, L., & Wright, R. (2005). Quality of life and subjective well-being: Historical, conceptual and methodological clarification. Social Work in Mental Health, 4(2), 49-68.

Wright, R., Offord, D., John, L., & Duku, E., (2005). Secondary Schools Demonstration Project: Program effects of school-based interventions on antisocial behaviour. Exceptionality Education Canada, 15 (2), 27-50.

Selected Peer Reviewed Presentations:

Wright, R., Ponnuswami, I (2014). Tamil Nadu Child and Family Study: Phase I International Federation of Social Work (IFSW). Melbourne, Australia. July 2014.

Wright, R., Ponnuswami, I (2014) Tamil Nadu Child Development Study: Pilot Testing of the Early Development Instrument (EDI) in Tiruchirappalli (Trichy), Tamil Nadu, S. India: A Tool for Monitoring Children's Development and Readiness for School. (IFSW) Melbourne, Australia. July 2014.

McMurphy, S., Wright, R., Damianakis, T. (2012) Preparing Professionals to Work in an Uncertain World: Integrating Law and Social Work Education with a Social Justice Focus. Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences May 2012. Wilfred Laurier University and University of Waterloo. Waterloo, ON.

Wright, R., (2011) Tamil Nadu Child and Family Health Study Phase I: Feasibility Study. (Accepted) Lessons Learned. International Social Work. School of Social Work. University of Southern California. Los Angeles, CA March 24, 2011.

Wright, R., Joseph, S. (2010) Tamil Nadu Child and Family Health Study Phase I: Feasibility Study. Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development. Hong Kong, China. June 10-14, 2010.

Wright, R., Lach, L. (2010). The National Arts and Youth Demonstration Project Follow-up. Longitudinal effects of the NAYDP: Phase II. Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development. Hong Kong, China. June 10-14, 2010.

Wright, R. & Duku, E., Burgo, G., Krygsman, A. (2009-2011). National Arts and Youth Demonstration Project Proposal: Phase II. Canadian Initiative on Social Statistics (CISS) - Access to Research Data Centres, a joint initiative between Statistics Canada, SSHRC and CIHR. McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.

Wright, R. (2009). Effects of an After-School Arts Program on Youths in Low-Income Communities: A Comparative Study of Canadian and American Youths. CASWE-ACFTS. Carleton University, Ottawa, May 2009.

Wright, R. (2009). National Arts and Youth Demonstration Project: Identifying Barriers to Participation in Community-based After-School Arts Programs for Visible Minority and Aboriginal Youth. CASWE-ACFTS, Carleton University, Ottawa, May 2009.

Wright, R., (2009) National Arts and Youth Demonstration Project. Effect of an Arts program on the Psychosocial Functioning of Youth in Low-Income, Multicultural and Aboriginal Communities. Findings from a Canadian Longitudinal Study. CASWE-ACFTS Carleton University, Ottawa, May 2009.

Wright, R., (2008) Longitudinal Effects of the National Arts and Youth Demonstration Project: Phase II. Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research. San Francisco, D.C. May 30 - June 1, 2008.

Wright, R., (2008). Is it Feasible to Engage Youth in Conflict with the Law in Community Intervention Research? Results from the Edmonton, AB Pilot Study. Society for Social Work Research. Washington, D.C. January, 2008.

Wright, R. John, L., Duku, E., Offord, D. & Ellenbogen, S. (2006). Effect of a structured arts program on the psychosocial functioning of youth from low-income communities: Findings from a Canadian longitudinal study. Paper presentation. UNESCO: World Conference on Arts Education: Building Creative Capacities for the 21st Century. Lisbon, Portugal.

Research Reports and Publications:

Wright, R. Busch, C. & Kuhn, B. (in progress, 2014). Evaluation of the MSW for Working Professionals: Off-Campus Programs. School of Social Work, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON

Wright, R. Duku, E., Burgos, G., Krygsman, A. (2011). Effect of a structured arts program on the psychosocial functioning of youth from low-income communities: Finds from a Canadian Longitudinal study. Posted on the Research Data Centre (RDC). McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.

Wright, R. (June 2011). National Arts and Youth Demonstration Project Phase II: Final Report. Submitted to Social Science and Humanities Research (SSHRC). Ottawa, ON.

Wright, R. (June 2011) National Arts and Youth Demonstration Project Phase II: Highlights Report. Submitted to Arts Umbrella, Vancouver, BC; Manitoba Theatre for the Arts, Winnipeg, Manitoba; Art Starts, Toronto, ON; Montreal, QC; Hote Maison Montreal, QC; Tillsonburg Cultural Centre, Tillsonburg, On.

Wright, R. (March 2011) National Arts and Youth Demonstration Project: Phase II Final Report. Canadian Initiative on Social Statistics (CISS) - Access to Research Data Centres, a joint initiative between Statistics Canada, SSHRC and CIHR. McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.

Wright, R. (February, 2011) Tamil Nadu Child and Family Health Study Phase I: Feasibility Study Socioeconomic factors interrelatedness to health status and quality of life to children and mothers in Triuchirappalli and four adjacent districts. Report on the Sustainability and Capacity Building of the Tamil Nadu Study: One Year Later. Impace Report: Submitted to Shastri-Indo Canadian Institute.

Wright, R. (March, 2010) Tamil Nadu Child and Family health Study Phase I: Feasibility Study Socioeconomic factors interrelatedness to health status and quality of life of children and mothers in Triuchirappalli and four adjacent districts. Finds and recommendations for Phase II. Final Report. Submitted to Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).

Wright, R. (February 2010) Tamil Nadu Child and Family Health Study Phase I: Feasibility Study Socioeconomic factors interrelatedness to health status and quality of life of children and mothers in Triuchirappalli and four adjacent districts. Finds and recommendations for phase II. Final Report. Submitted to Shastri-Indo Canadian Institute.

Wright, R., (October, 2007). National Arts and Youth Demonstration Project, Overcoming Patricipation Barriers Faced by Ethno-cultural Minorities. Final Report. Submitted to Strategic Joint Initiative of SSHRC and Multiculturalism Program of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Wright, R., John, L., Rowe, W. & Sheel, J. (February, 2006). Tampa Arts and Youth Demonstration Project. Final Report. Submitted to the Florida Department of Justice. Tallahassee, Florida.

Funded Research Projects:

1. National Arts and Youth Demonstration Project: Phase 1 & 11 (1999-2011): Funders

* Samuel & Saidye Bronfman Family Foundation
* Department of Justice Canada: Youth Justice Police Section Prevention
* Department of Justice: National Crime Prevention Council
* Department of Canadian Heritage
* Ontario Ministry of Culture

2. National Arts and Youth Demonstration Project: Overcoming Participation Barriers Faced by Ethno-Cultural Minorities:

* Strategic Joint Initiative of SSHRC and Multiculturalism Program of the Department of Canadian Heritage

3. Toronto and Edmonton Feasibility Study:

* Department of Justice Canada: Youth Justice Policy Section
* Department of Canadian Heritage
* Infrastructure Canada (Cities Secretariat)

4. Tampa Arts and Youth Demonstration Project:
* Florida Department of Juvenile Justice

5. Linking Research, Policy, and Action for Positive Youth Development in Urban Cities: A Case Study of the Jane-Finch Community:

6. Tamil Nadu Health Study:
* Shastri Institute