Campus Alert: CAW Student Centre temporarily closed. Click here for more information.
Students Gathering on the grass



Student Accessibility Services (SAS) is here to help students who have documented disabilities with accommodation, support and advocacy.  We as a department, in collaboration with others, strive to create a barrier-free environment that promotes an equitable student experience.

Did you have an Independent Education Plan (IEP) in high school?  Were you aware that you could continue to get similar supports here as a Lancer?  If you are looking for more information you can fill out an Intake Form and an advisor will contact you to set up a meeting.  

You will have the choice of in person or online via Teams.

Are you not sure if filling out an Intake Form is the right decision, and you would prefer to talk with someone first?  You have options!

You can

One of our advisors would be happy to help you navigate your next steps in becoming a Lancer!

Congratulations!  We look forward to meeting you.

If you are a student with ADHD or a Learning Disability Diagnosis, please pay attention to our site as information regarding BUILD (a transition program) will be coming soon. It is a program that will allow you to come to campus a few days early and we will help orient you and teach you about resources and strategies to be a successful Lancer.



Exam Information for Students


Exam Information for Instructors


Complete the Testing Agreement (Instructors)


Schedule an Exam (Students)