Reviewers, judges, and mentors

Student at conference

Apply today!

Submit your application today to be a volunteer at the UWill Discover Sustainable Futures! 

While we thank you in advance for your interest in the conference, not all applications can be accepted if we have too many applicants.


This year, we've shifted the term judges to facilitators. Since UWill Discover is an experiential learning model, we need facilitators that are going to observe presentations, poster sessions and performances while finding ways to facilitate further learning in the UWill Discover Sustainable Futures experience. Facilitators will be asked to provide evaluations of participants, however, their primary role is to provide opportunities for new visions, reflections, and learnings for our students.


UWill Discover is a peer-reviewed conference that is based on an experiential learning model where students can explore what they are able to do and be. Reviewers are tasked with reading through proposals, then coaching the applicant with comments that will help them meet the academic standards of a peer-reviewed conference. Reviewers make one of three decisions: full acceptance to the conference, acceptance with a review by a deadline, and no acceptance. Reviewers are provided with a rubric and can reach out to the Faculty-Staff advisor with any comments or questions about the process and any dilemmas they may have in reviewing proposals.


Mentors are seasoned writers and presenters who can be paired with UWill Discover participants. Mentors communicate with participants through on-campus meetings or online meetings using Microsoft Teams. Since this is a pilot initiative for 2023, not all students may have the opportunity to work with a mentor. As such, we may pair students with other participants to share in the UWill Discover experience. Finally, mentors may be called upon to help facilitate our writing retreat (to be held on March 4, 2023) or other workshops as available.

Orientation Ambassadors

Orientation ambassadors ensure that sessions are running on schedule. For example, orientation ambassadors ensure that presentations are readily available on laptops, introduce presenters, and ensure that the time-keepers maintain the allotted scheduled times so that all students have an equal opportunity to present. There will be approximately 2 - 3 orientation ambassadors per room to help direct traffic, and assist with audience and presenter needs.