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Dillon Hall

Message from the Vice-President, Research and Innovation

Welcome to Research and Innovation at the University of Windsor 

The University of Windsor is home to a growing body of scholars recognized nationally and internationally for the significance of their contributions to the humanities; social, physical, environmental and biological sciences; business; law and human dignity; nursing; engineering; education; and the creative arts.  Everyday, across our campus, our nation and globally, University of Windsor researchers are making a difference. Through these activities, we are advancing our understanding of the world around us, maximizing benefits to society, and enhancing quality of life today and tomorrow.

Given our strategic research priorities and geographic location, our research community is uniquely situated to lead the way in the studies of healthy Great Lakes; understanding borders; viable, healthy and safe communities; and sustainable industry. We are committed to training highly qualified personnel who will become our next-generation scholars, leaders, scientists, engineers and industrial entrepreneurs.  By collaborating with institutional, government and industrial stakeholders, we are making significant improvements to fundamental knowledge and understanding in these fields. Our researchers are safeguarding the health of our environment, and the social, cultural and economic fabric of our communities, by developing policy and technologies that enhance the human experience while mitigating the adverse effects of a changing world.

The University of Windsor has become a vessel for the cross-transfer of knowledge, technology and expertise. It is known as a place to stimulate creativity and collaboration, as well as to nurture the inventive spirit. Research and innovation at the University of Windsor are traversing exciting new terrain and opening new vistas.