Women's and Gender Studies (WGST) Responds to Recent Incident of Anti-Black Racism

WGST response to anti-Black racsim

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The week of October 26, faculty members in WGST used anti-Black language in class. The use of racist language is wrong and we're sorry for the harm this incident has caused our students and broader community. 

Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Windsor is committed to social justice and addressing the trauma and pain that is caused by anti-Black racism, other forms of racism, and ongoing forms of colonialism.  As such, all our courses are developed to challenge these harms and we do not tolerate any practices that undermine our commitment to eliminating all forms of oppression. 

The faculty members are deeply sorry for using anti-Black language and we are taking multiple steps to ensure this type of incident will not happen again.  As a program and as individual faculty members, we have an obligation to model the kind of action that is necessary to create a more equitable society. 

Most importantly, we want to repair the pain and damage this incident has caused and to ensure that WGST is a safe space for Black students. Accordingly, we will work in support of RAACES (Researchers, Academics and Advocates of Colour for Equity in Solidarity) and BIPOC and other members in our community to bring about fundamental shifts in culture, representation, and structure at the University of Windsor--shifts that will dislodge white supremacist practices and create a more equitable space.   

We will continue to dialogue and work towards challenging anti-Black racism. We will engage with the university administration to challenge the whiteness of our institution that allows anti-Black language to thrive and violence to go unnoticed. We are also committed to challenging each other and holding each other accountable for our actions. This is necessary if we are to create a collective learning environment where we unlearn racist patterns, work with our discomfort, and use our privileges to promote social justice.  

We are working to better engage with our Black students, faculty and community about how anti-Black racism impacts them and developing a way forward that accounts for their experience. 

We welcome your feedback. Please contact us to share your comments or questions at wgst@uwindsor.ca or via our anonymous feedback form at www.uwindsor.ca/wgst/feedback.

Resources for Students & Community Members:

University of Windsor Anti-Black Racism Task Force Resources for Black Community Members

UWIN RAACES (Researchers, Academics, Advocates of Colour for Equity in Solidarity)

Making It Awkward: Challenging Anti-Black Racism

Office of Human Rights, Equity, and Accessibility (OHREA)

UWSA Peer Support Centre