Natalie Atkin

(519) 253-3000 ext. 3256

For me, the most meaningful research area has been how antiwar activism became a pathway to feminism in the 1960s and 1970s in the United States.

I came to Women's and Gender Studies via the History Department where I was looking to teach a more specialized course in my field. In collaboration with Dr. Forrest and Dr. Simmons, I designed Women, War and Peace.

As a Women's and Gender Studies instructor I have learned to respect the different disciplines that constitute the Women's and Gender Studies department and to integrate a multi-disciplilnary approach. I have learned to diversify my teaching style to become more student-centred. Women's and Gender Studies students have reinforced my belief that instructors need to stay updated, fresh, and creative in their course design and delivery.

Email to see what I'm teaching next or look for me teaching:

  • Women, War, and Peace