UTC Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of all three UTC certificates, participants should be able to:

  1. Draw on multiple teaching strategies, background knowledge, and reflective insight to adapt practice
  2. Identify the presuppositions inherent in their teaching practices, change them as needed, justify, and use them to explicitly inform practice
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of their own teaching and assessment practices, and courses, in a variety of ways, taking into account contextual variables, and adapt accordingly
  4. Respond constructively to common issues in post-secondary teaching and learning
  5. Critically reflect, discuss, analyze, and evaluate educational concepts, beliefs, values, practices, issues, orientations, philosophies, strategies and outcomes to guide practice
  6. Find and evaluate scholarly information on teaching and learning and use it to guide practice
  7. Design and use curricula, assignments, and lessons that inspire and support deep learning
  8. Design effective learning outcomes, aligned with learning experiences and assessment
  9. Support student learning by building rapport with students, attending to multiple styles or modes of learning, proactively minimizing non-pedagogical conflict, and otherwise creating learning-centred classroom atmosphere
  10. Formulate answers to fundamental questions of education, drawing on scholarly theory and information where relevant
  11. Frame and evaluate their teaching practices using a variety of pedagogical orientations, philosophies and theories
  12. Advise, mentor, and supervise students to effectively support their learning and development, adapting to contexts, needs, and interpersonal styles
  13. Lead new educational initiatives at the department, faculty, or institutional level – such as curricular reforms and departmental learning communities