Distinguished Speaker: Dr. Jamie Melling, "Exercising with Type 1 Diabetes: Do the Benefits Outweigh the Risks?". RM 144 HK

Friday, January 19, 2018 - 12:00

Faculty of Human Kinetics

Distinguished Speakers' Series

Dr. Jamie Melling 

School of Kinesiology
Western University
Friday, January 19, 2018
11:59 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Room 144, HK

Exercising with Type 1 Diabetes:  Do the Benefits Outweigh the Risks?

Key Theory / Methodology: My work is centered around the development of sustainable chronic exercise programs that both limit the onset of hypoglycemia and provide evidence of an overall cardiovascular health benefit in Type 1 diabetes. This work employs a relatively new rodent model of Type 1 Diabetes and techniques to assess both macrovascular and microvascular health in these animals following various modes of exercise.
Research Interests: My primary research interest is to elucidate ways in which Type 1 diabetic patients are able to participate in high intensity aerobic exercise. This modality of exercise affords the greatest cardiovascular protection but lends the greatest risk of hypoglycemia development.
Research Experience Summary: I have gained valuable expertise in the area of molecular biology with a unique ability to manipulate/augment cellular signaling systems using an in vivo model. Specifically, our laboratory has developed a type 1 diabetic rodent model that better represents the exercising type 1 diabetic patient. Such a model has afforded a better opportunity to understand the Type 1 diabetic disease and the development of cardiovascular disease in these patients.