Book Reviews

Instructions for Authors:

WYAJ welcomes Book Reviews (500-1500 words) that address the content, scope and importance of the book to the scholarship in the field.

WYAJ welcomes full Review Essays (3,000-5,000 words) that situate the text within the field of  scholarship addressed by the author. In comparison to a Book Review, Review Essays should provide a deeper analysis of the main arguments of the text and challenges to the arguments presented by the author. Review Essays should identify various scholarly debates with which the author engages and situate the author within these debates.

Deadlines for reviews  are generally eight weeks from the date when the reviewer receives the text. Deadlines are negotiable.

Reviewers will be provided with a complimentary review copy of the book to be reviewed.

Book Review correspondence should be sent to:

Coordinator at

Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice
Faculty of Law, University of Windsor
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
N9B 3P4