Past Seasons

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Mac Beth - directed by Dian Marie Bridge
The Play That Goes Wrong - directed by Alice Nelson
The Glass Menagerie - directed by Lee Wilson
Little Women - directed by Kerry Ann Doherty


Dead Man's Cell Phone - directed by Philip Geller
Tinker Bell - directed by Lee Wilson
365 Days/365 Plays - directed by Jane Luk
Twelfth Night - directed by Yanna McIntosh


If We Were Birds - directed by Lee Wilson
On The Edge - And Over - directed by Seana McKenna

2020-2021 Digital Season

The Stream You Step In
StartUP Festival


Othello - directed by Tanisha Taitt
The Wolves - directed by Heather Davies
Beauty and the Beast - directed by Monica Dottor
The Cassilis Engagement - directed by Lee Wilson
Morning Sacrifice - directed by Sarah Kitz


Mr. Burns: A Post-Electric Play - directed by Lezlie Wade
A Streetcar Named Desire - directed by Kelly Daniels
Journey's End - directed by Jim Warren
The Penelopiad - directed by Kelli Fox
God of Carnage - directed by Heather Davies
Love and Information - directed by Marc Bondy 


Jane Eyre - directed by Brian Taylor
The Dining Room - directed by Jim Warren
The 39 Steps - directed by Kelly Daniels
Les Belles Soeurs - directed by Lezlie Wade
Love and Human Remains - directed by Heather Davies
Big Love - directed by Monica Dottor 


The Three Musketeers - directed by Brian Taylor
The Clean House - directed by Kelly Daniels
Queen Milli of Galt - directed by Marc Bondy
Blue Stockings - directed by Lezlie Wade
Lion in the Streets - directed by Jim Warren
Bedtime Stories - directed by Gordon McCall 


Anna in the Tropics - directed by Gordon McCall
Blithe Spirit - directed by Brian Taylor
Scapino! - directed by Jim Warren
An Experiment with an Air Pump - directed by Liza Balkan
Dancing at Lughnasa - directed by Marc Bondy
The Double Dealer - directed by Brian Taylor 


Molière Impromptu - directed by Jim Warren
Blood Relations - directed by Brian Taylor
The Crucible - directed by Gordon McCall
To Moscow - directed by Liza Balkan
Twelfth Night - directed by Gordon McCall
The Nerd - directed by Brian Taylor 


Suite Surrender - directed by William Pinnell
A Party to Murder - directed by Gordon McCall
Sleeping Beauty - directed by Brian Taylor
A Woman of No Importance - directed by Lee Wilson
Three Sisters - directed by Jim Warren
Five Women Wearing the Same Dress - directed by Gordon McCall 


Jake's Women - directed by William Pinnell
The Hollow - directed by Margo Regan
Welfarewell - directed by Liza Balkan
Tartuffe - directed by Jim Warren
Nine Girls - directed by Brian Taylor
The Importance of Being Earnest - directed by Leigh Rivenbark


Much Ado About Nothing - directed by Brian Taylor
Chameleon - directed by William Pinnell
Crimes of the Heart - directed by Liza Balkan
Emma - directed by Jim Warren
The Seagull - directed by J.Ed Araiza
Some Girl(s) - directed by Brian Taylor


A Midsummer Night's Dream - directed by Brian Rintoul
PostMortem - directed by William Pinnell
Smash - directed by Liza Balkan
And Then There Were None - directed by Jim Warren
Hedda Gabler - directed by Lee Wilson
Arcadia - directed by Brian Taylor


Noises Off - directed by Brian Taylor
Emma's Child - directed by William Pinnell
Heartbreak House - directed by Brian Rintoul
Jenny's House of Joy - directed by Brian Taylor
Picnic - directed by Lee Wilson
Lysistrata - directed by Daniel Wozniak



Measure for Measure - directed by Brian Rintoul
Don Juan on Trial - directed by William Pinnell
A Murder is Announced - directed by David Savoy
Widows - directed by Daniel Wozniak
The Man of Mode - directed by Rod Ceballos
Goodnight Desdemona (Goodmorning Juliet) - directed by Brian Taylor



Rumors - directed by William Pinnell
Age of Arousal - directed by Deborah Cottreau
The Norbals - directed by Michael Dobbin
Jitters - directed by Brian Taylor
Ravenscroft - directed by Rod Ceballos
An Ideal Husband - directed by Brian Rintoul



That Summer - directed by William Pinnell
The Sea - directed by Brian Rintoul
The Women - directed by Rod Ceballos
Appointment With Death - directed by Brian Taylor
7 Stories - directed by Sonia Norris
Steel Magnolias - directed by Rick Kish



Barefoot in the Park - directed by William Pinnell
The Memory of Water - directed by Brian Taylor
The Heiress - directed by Brian Rintoul
The Mousetrap - directed by Renee Baillargeon
Unity (1918) - directed by Sonia Norris
Stepping Out - directed by David Savoy



Les Belles Soeurs - directed by Suzanne Turnbull
Scenes and Revelations - directed by William Pinnell
Little Women - directed by Glen Gaston
Les Liaisons Dangereuses - directed by Brian Rintoul
Come Back to the 5 & Dime... - directed by David Savoy
As You Like It - directed by Brian Taylor



Nurse Jane Goes to Hawaii - directed by Brian Rintoul
Mad Forest - directed by Brian Taylor
Bedroom Farce - directed by Owen Klein
Twelve Angry Jurors - directed by William Pinnell
Once Upon a Mattress - directed by David Savoy (Guest)
Escape From Happiness - directed by Brian Taylor



It's Only a Play - directed by Suzanne Turnbull (Guest)
Macbeth - directed by Brian Rintoul
Jake's Women - directed by William Pinnell
The Hollow - directed by Michael Keating
Into the Woods - directed by David Savoy (Guest)
Our Country's Good - directed by Brian Taylor



Pride and Prejudice - directed by Brian Taylor
Waiting for the Parade - directed by Michael Keating
Shooting Stars - directed by William Pinnell
Crimes of the Heart - directed by Lionel Walsh
City of Angels - directed by Jim Guedo (Guest)
Arsenic and Old Lace - directed by Brian Taylor



Way of the World - directed by Brian Taylor
The Last Real Summer - directed by William Pinnell
Playboy of the Western World - directed by Michael Keating
Five Women Wearing the Same Dress - directed by Lionel Walsh
Company - directed by Jim Guedo (Guest)
Three Sisters - directed by Brian Taylor


She Stoops to Conquer - directed by L. Walsh
Jacob's Wake - directed by A. O. Klein
A Midsummer Night's Dream - directed by M. Keating
The Odd Couple - directed by W. Pinnell
The Boys from Syracuse - directed by Geoffrey Whynot (Guest)
A Doll's House - directed by Brian Taylor



Twelfth Night - directed by A. O. Klein
Dancing at Lughnasa - directed by L. Walsh
A Christmas Carol - directed by B. Taylor
Silver Dagger - directed by W. Pinnell
The Gondoliers - directed by T. Mata
Picasso at the Lapin Agile - directed by D. Mady Kelly



The Importance of Being Earnest - directed by A. O. Klein
Bonjour, La, Bonjour - directed by D. Mady Kelly
Blithe Spirit - directed by L. Walsh
Rumors - directed by W. Pinnell
The Mystery of Edwin Drood - directed by S. Woodjetts (Guest)
The Secret Garden - directed by P. Hennessy Laing



You Can't Take it With You - directed by A. O. Klein
Blood Relations - directed by L. Walsh
Steel Magnolias - directed by P. Hennessy Laing
An Enemy of the People - directed by W. Pinnell
Babes in Arms - directed by L. Kennedy (Guest)
Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang - directed by S. Turnbull (Guest)



Lend Me a Tenor - directed by S. Turnbull
The Black Bonspiel of Wullie MacCrimmon - directed by A. O. Klein
Steppin' Out - directed by C. Smith (Guest)
The Children's Hour - directed by L. Walsh
Carousel - directed by S. Woodjetts (Guest)



Charley's Aunt - directed by C. Eldridge
The Crucible - directed by A. O. Klein
Godspell - directed by V. Strombergs (Guest)
And Then There Were None - directed by L. Walsh
The Diary of Anne Frank - directed by S. Turnbull
Kiss Me Kate - directed by C. Smith (Guest)
The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe - directed by D. MacKinnon



A Day in Hollywood, A Night in the Ukraine - directed by P. Hennessy Laing
Leaving Home  - directed by W. Pinnell
The Love of the Nightingale  - directed by A. Martin-Smith/L. Saligman
As You Like It  - directed by B. Warren
Dreaming and Duelling  - directed by D. Mady Kelly
On The Town  - directed by C. Smith



The Doctor in Spite of Himself  - directed by W. Pinnell
Goodnight Desdemona (Goodmorning Juliet) - directed by P. Hennessy Laing
Into the Woods - directed by R. Menzies
Our Country's Good - directed by A. O. Klein
The House of Bernarda Alba - directed by R. Carley
Girls in the Gang - directed by D. Belshaw
Cross Border - directed by B. Warren
Enemy to the People - directed by English Shakespeare Co.



Lysistrata - directed by W. Pinnell
The Passion of Dracula - directed by R. Stephens
The Threepenny Opera - directed by L. Seligman (Guest)
Salt-Water Moon - directed by W. Pinnell
The Lady's Not for Burning - directed by A. O. Klein
Farther West - directed by D. Belshaw
Pippin - directed by P. Hennessy Laing



Nurse Jane Goes to Hawaii - directed by D. Mady Kelly
Macbeth - directed by R. Vance Paul
Dames at Sea - directed by P. Hennessy Laing
The Dining Room - directed by W. Pinnell
Topgirls - directed by D. Cottreau
Bent - directed by R. Stephens
Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris - directed by V. Strombergs (Guest)


Room Service - directed by W. Pinnell
The Real World? - directed by D. Mady Kelly
Love's Labour's Lost - directed by M. Shamata (Guest)
A Lie of the Mind - directed by R. McKenna
Fiddler on the Roof - directed by M. Fletcher (Guest)



Educating Rita - directed by D. Mady Kelly
Romeo and Juliet - directed by T. Tweed (Guest)
Quiet in the Land - directed by V. Paul
Our Town - directed by W. Pinnell
Brighton Beach Memoirs - directed by D. Mady Kelly
Joseph and the Amazing... - directed by J. White (Guest)



Taming of the Shrew - directed by R. E. Dorrell
My Sister in This House - directed by W. Pinnell
Children of a Lesser God - directed by D. Mady Kelly
Look Back in Anger - directed by B. Garnett
Guys and Dolls - directed by D. P. Kelly



Back to Beulah - directed by D. Mady Kelly
Jitters - directed by R. E. Dorrell
Grease - directed by R. Stephens
Whose Life is it Anyway? - directed by B. Garnett
When You Coming Back, Red Ryder? - directed by W. Pinnell
The Hollow Crown - directed by D. P. Kelly



Come Back to the 5 & Dime... - directed by V. Paul
The Wayside Motor Inn - directed by B. Garnett
Once Upon a Mattress - directed by R. E. Dorrell
Picnic - directed by D. Mady Kelly
A Midsummer Night's Dream - directed by D. P. Kelly



The Country Wife - directed by J. Hackett
The Miracle Worker - directed by D. Mady Kelly
The Magic Apple - directed by R. Dorrell
Summer and Smoke - directed by B. Garnett
The Boyfriend - directed by D. P. Kelly



Absurd Person Singular - directed by B. Garnett
Ten Lost Years - directed by T. Tweed (Guest)
The Lion Who Wouldn't - directed by R. Dorrell
The Elephant Man - directed by V. Paul
The Robber Bridegroom - directed by B. Garnett
Chamber Music - directed by R. Dorrell
Moonchildren - directed by D. Mady Kelly



Bedroom Farce - directed by V. Chapman (Guest)
Major Barbara - directed by B. Garnett
The Christmas Nutcracker - directed by R. Dorrell
Blood Relations - directed by Vance Paul
Canterbury Tales - directed by William Pinnell
Spratt - directed by Vance Paul
The Shadow Box - directed by B. Garnett
3 by Tennessee - directed by B. Garnett/Vance Paul



The Importance of Being Earnest - directed by G. Neilson
Under Milk Wood - directed by Vance Paul
The Hollow - directed by R. Dorrell
Chicago - directed by William Pinnell
Equus - directed by V. Paul
Il Campiello - directed by A. Stockwell (Guest)



Waltz of the Toreadors - directed by R. Dorrell
He To Hecuba - directed by G. Neilson
The Emperor's Nightingale - directed by R. Dorrell
Les Belles Soeurs - directed by Vance Paul
Company - directed by William Pinnell
Madwoman of Chaillot - directed by B. Garnett
Forever Yours, Mary Lou - directed by B. Garnett
Zastrozzi - directed by Vance Paul


Lady from Maxim's - directed by G. Neilson
The God Doctor - directed by B. Garnett
The Rimers of Eldritch - directed by R. Dorrell
Tricky Dicky Deuce... - directed by B. Parker (Guest)
A Murder is Announced - directed by Vance Paul
Cabaret - directed by William Pinnell
The Imaginary Invalid - directed by A. Stockwell (Guest)



Not Now; Darling - directed by G. Neilson
A Doll's House - directed by B. Garnett
You Can't Take it With You - directed by R. Dorrell
The Dandy Lion - directed by J. Biros (Guest)
Nightwatch - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly
A Funny Thing Happened... - directed by William Pinnell
The Fighting Parson - directed by K. McNair (Guest)



The Changing Room - directed by G. Neilson
How the Other Half Loves - directed by G. Neilson
The Sea - directed by Vance Paul
Dirty Work at the Crossroads - directed by R. Dorrell
After Magritte... - directed by F. Canino (Guest)



The Lion in Winter - directed by Vance Paul
Indians - directed by G. Neilson
Orpheus Descending - directed by B. Garnett
Death Takes a Holiday - directed by R. Dorrell
A Midsummer Night's Dream - directed by C. Smith (Guest)



As You Like It - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly
Prime of Miss Jean Brodie - directed by B. Garnett
The Ruling Class - directed by V. Paul
Celebration - directed by R. Dorrell
Anna K - directed by T. Bond (Guest)



Twelfth Night - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly
Effect of Gamma Rays... - directed by B. Garnett
Ah, Wilderness - directed by R. Dorrell
Threepenny Opera - directed by V. Paul
The Matchmaker - directed by R. Hartman (Guest)



Summer and Smoke - directed by V. Paul
Playboy of the Western World - directed by D. P. Kelly
Little Murders - directed by B. Garnett
Ring Round the Moon - directed by J. Hackett
Three Sisters - directed by V. Paul



Ondine - directed by J. Hackett
The Crucible - directed by V. Paul
Three Men on a Horse - directed by A. Ruscio
Juno and the Paycock - directed by G. Neilson



Romeo and Juliet - directed by J. Benson
Arms and the Man - directed by M. Harty (Guest)
The Flies - directed by M. Piscator (Guest)
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead - directed by V. Paul
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? - directed by B. Hiatt
Waiting for Godot



Tiger at the Gates - directed by V. Paul
Philadelphia, Here I Come - directed by J. Hackett
Woyzeck - directed by G. Neilson


The Miser - directed by J. Hackett
Roar of the Greasepaint - directed by B. Hiatt
The Hostage - directed by V. Paul
A Midsummer Night's Dream - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly



Introduction of the BFA Acting Program

Angels in Love - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly
Macbeth - directed by V. Paul
Caucasian Chalk Circle - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly/G. Neilson
The Fantasticks - directed by A. O. Klein



The Changeling - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly
Death of a Salesman - directed by A. O. Klein
Sleeping Beauty - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly
Charley's Aunt - directed by G. Neilson
Endgame - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly
The Replacement - directed by G. Neilson

One Acts Directed by Students:
Clown Who Ran Away - directed by Olwyn Veighey
Passion, Poison & Petrifaction - directed by C. Kilpatrick
One-Man Masque - directed by J. Labor
The Big Black Box - directed by A. Stannard



Our Town - directed by A. O. Klein
Thieves Carnival - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly
As You Like It - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly

One Acts directed by Students:
Pigeons - directed by R. Stephens
A Resounding Tinkle - directed by M. Monck
The Marriage Proposal - directed by J. M. J. Gray
The Sandbox - directed by B. Sinclair



As You Like It - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly
Hamlet - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly
An Evening of Readings



The Crucible - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly
Ring Around the Moon - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly



Twelfth Night - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly
Thunder Rock - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly
My Three Angels - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly

One Acts Directed by Students:
Grand Cham's Diamond - directed by R. Hornsey
A Lady in a Cage - directed by D. Skilling
Two Gentlemen of Soho - directed by A. Vanderhoven


Family Reunion - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly


The Torch Bearers - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly

One Acts:
The Bald Soprano
A Phoenix Too Frequent
St. Joan: Trial Scene - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly


Playboy of the Western World - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly
The Potting Shed - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly


Kind Lady - directed by Daniel Patrick Kelly