Reminder: Campus Technology Day conference May 16

Registration for the seventh annual Campus Technology Day begins at 8 a.m. this morning—Thursday, May 16—in the CAW Student Centre.

Events will begin with the keynote address entitled “Networks, Openness, and the Future of Education” by Alec Couros of the University of Regina, at 9 a.m. in the Ambassador Auditorium. Sessions to follow include:

  • Simulations in Nursing: Preparing 21st Century Nurses to Practice
    Tour the cutting edge simulation spaces in the Medical Education Building and Toldo Health Education Centre.
  • You Can’t Control the Weather, But You Can Build Your Own Clouds
    Survey the open-source tools available to students and faculty and discover why the best way to get a job done is to do it yourself.
  • Who Makes Up These Rules Anyway?
    Participate in focus group discussions to share your ideas and feedback on the University’s move to Microsoft Active Directory for file and print sharing.
  • Introducing the Office of Open Learning: Who Are We, What Do We Do, and How Can We Help You?
    Learn about this new unit’s mandate to increase student access to high-quality online learning opportunities and to enhance the quality of online learning.
  • Scholarship at UWindsor: Showcasing and Open Access to Windsor Research
    See how the Scholarship at UWindsor repository helps to showcase, provide open access to, and preserve scholarship at the University of Windsor.
  • If Windsor Had a MOOC, What Would It Look Like?
    Imagine a Massive Open Online Course that the University of Windsor might offer, both its design and how it might be implemented.
  • myUwindsor Mobile: One Year Later
    Take a look at the impact of the student mobile app, from both a developer’s and a student’s perspective.
  • eTextbook Initiative: Mapping our Digital Future
    Reflect on lessons at the half-way mark of a project to explore the use of digital textbooks—and discuss strategies going forward.
  • Internet-based Research: Mechanical Turk, Crowd Sourcing, and Other Challenges to Research Ethics
    Explore the ethical questions posed by the expanding connectivity afforded by technology and its possibilities for conducting research.
  • Collaborating Online: Bb Collaborate Users Sharing Their Experiences
    Discuss the implementation of Blackboard Collaborate, some of these uses, hints and tips.

With a theme of “Connected Campus in a Connected World,” the one-day conference is free and open to faculty, staff, and students. Find a full schedule of events on the conference website.