person getting flu shotThe Windsor-Essex County Health Unit is conducting free flu immunization clinics for families of children between six months and six years old.

Free flu clinics to target families with children aged six months to six years

Tomorrow—October 21—marks the start of the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit’s free clinics for immunization against influenza.

This year, the clinics are for families of children from six months to six years old, but flu shots are also available from family physicians or participating pharmacies.

The vaccine is free for people who work, live, or study in Ontario. The health unit especially encourages people at high risk and their caregivers to be immunized. High-risk groups include people who:

  • Are older than 65 years of age.
  • Are six to 59 months old.
  • Are morbidly obese.
  • Are pregnant.
  • Have chronic heart or lung disease disorders such as, cystic fibrosis or asthma.
  • Live in a nursing home, chronic care, or long-term care facility.
  • Have a weakened immune system or medical condition like diabetes, HIV, cancer, anemia, or kidney disease.

You should not get the influenza vaccine if you:

  • Have had an allergic reaction to a previous influenza shot.
  • Are an infant under six months old.
  • Are ill with a fever.; wait until the fever goes down before being vaccinated.

Learn more about the health unit’s scheduled flu clinics on its website.