Manmeet BhullarA memorial scholarship will honour Alberta MLA and Windsor Law alumnus Manmeet Bhullar, who died Monday.

Scholarship fund established to memorialize law alumnus

A memorial scholarship will bear the name of Windsor Law alumnus Manmeet Bhullar (JD 2011), a member of the Alberta legislature who died Monday, November 23.

Professor Richard Moon said the circumstances of Bhullar’s death—he was struck by a vehicle while going to the aid of another motorist—is a reminder of his selfless commitment to others, “which is what made him such an outstanding public servant.”

He was first elected to represent the riding of Calgary-Greenway in 2008 as a 28-year-old second-year law student, one of the province’s youngest MLAs. Bhullar joined the cabinet as Service Alberta minister in 2011, became human services minister in 2013, and served as infrastructure minister in the short-lived Prentice government.

For details on the scholarship fund, contact Karen Momotiuk in Windsor Law’s Alumni and Fund Development Office.

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