children in refugee campA new website outlines efforts by the campus community to address the Syrian refugee crisis.

Website details campus response to Syrian refugee crisis

The University of Windsor has launched a new website outlining the campus community’s response to the Syrian refugee crisis.

The goal is to provide information about the sponsorship of refugees and about what the community is doing, as well as information about activities that the University and faculty, students and staff are engaged in to try to make a positive difference to refugees and their families, and to Syrian students and scholars.

The website also points up one endeavour already underway: sponsorship of a refugee family’s resettlement in Windsor. A group of colleagues and partners from the Faculty of Law will be a Group of Five and sponsor a Syrian refugee family. This will require them to raise $30,000—the amount required under Canadian immigration policy, reflecting an estimate of the minimum financial need for a family for a year.

The group must register a settlement plan, and take many varied responsibilities for the family they are sponsoring. The University of Windsor community is invited to help them reach their fundraising goal.

Information on how to make a donation is available on the website.