people playing touch footballThe September 2018 edition of “Workplace Wellness E-Digest” offers information on the social benefits of physical activity.

Benefits of physical activity subject of wellness newsletter

Physical activity can significantly improve health, says the September edition of Workplace Wellness E-Digest.

Published by the Department of Human Resources’ Office of Employee Engagement and Development, the newsletter highlights the benefits of exercise and the effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

“By being physically active, we are strengthening our muscles, as well as burning calories. This in turn improves metabolism and blood circulation,” it notes. “However, there are many myths associated with being active and when we believe these myths, it can be much harder to stick to our physical activity goals.”

Articles offer information to demystify some of the misconceptions surrounding physical activity, tips on using wearable and mobile devices to reach fitness goals, and suggestions for activity to introduce into your fall weekends. Read the Workplace Wellness E-Digest.