calculator display reading PensionThe Annual Open Pension Meeting will provide an update at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 14, online or in room 203, Toldo Health Education Centre.

Meeting to provide update on pension funds

Members of the two UWindsor retirement plans are invited to the Annual Open Pension Meeting at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 14, in room 203, Toldo Health Education Centre.

Representatives from the University’s investment consultants, Telus Health, and representatives from the investment management firms will make presentations with regards to pension funds.

Where possible, information relating to the Open Pension Meeting presentation will be made available for viewing prior to the meeting; following the meeting, a recording will be posted.

The session will have a hyflex option allowing for attendance in Microsoft Teams. To join the meeting or review the meeting materials at any time, visit the meeting webpage.

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