Electrical and Computer Engineering

Donovan O’Donnell and Claudia Lutfallah prepare their automated plant watering system for judging.Donovan O’Donnell and Claudia Lutfallah, second-year electrical engineering students, prepare their automated plant watering system for judging in UWindsor Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ first Electrical Circuit Design Competition.

Circuit design competition gives students hands-on education

Electrical engineering students participated in the UWindsor Electrical Circuit Design Competition, April 7 in the Centre for Engineering Innovation.

Paul Grzeszczak (m.) received the IT Services Achievement Award as part of the first annual IT Services Awards program. In the picture: Gwendolyn Ebbett (r.) and Dr. Alan Wright (l.)Paul Grzeszczak (m.) received the IT Services Achievement Award as part of the first annual IT Services Awards program. In the picture: Gwendolyn Ebbett (r.) and Dr. Alan Wright (l.)

Awards recognize efforts of IT staff members and supporters

Newly established annual IT Services Awards initiative recognizes efforts of IT staff members and supporters.

Shanawaz Ali Mohammad and Ken Bishop stand with the laser-based custom measuring machineShanawaz Ali Mohammad and Ken Bishop stand with the laser-based custom measuring machine they are exhibiting at the annual conference of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association.

Gauge company hires grad student who designed laser-guided measuring machine

Ken Bishop and his crew at Landau Gage had a great idea for an innovative new quality control product for the auto industry, but knew they needed help making it a reality.

Thanks to a graduate student in engineering and a federal government program that pairs up bright young researchers with potential employers, Bishop’s company has a new prototype they can show off, and a new employee to boot.