calculator with Tax key highlighted in red

Electronic T4A slips available to students

Students who have received scholarships, bursaries, awards or other income from the University may receive their T4A tax slips in electronic format through myUWindsor, reports student accounts manager Renée Turner.

“This convenient and secure option will allow students to print and re-print their T4A wherever and whenever they like with no waiting, no time lost in the mail, and accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week for as long as they have access to myUWindsor,” she says.

By default, printed T4A slips will be mailed to their home addresses.

Students who would like the new electronic option must provide their consent by February 20 by logging into their myUWindsor account and checking the box under “Online Tax Document Consent.”

Those who have already provided consent through myUWindsor need not login again.