Dean of students Clayton Smith congratulates GEM Award winners Laura Handsor, Ann Marie Hranka, Tim Kenney, Ashley Seguin and (seated) Mike MacKinnon, Rosemary Briscoe and Chris Zelezney.Dean of students Clayton Smith congratulates GEM Award winners Laura Handsor, Ann Marie Hranka, Tim Kenney, Ashley Seguin and (seated) Mike MacKinnon, Rosemary Briscoe and Chris Zelezney.

Awards celebrate UWindsor staffers who Go the Extra Mile

Putting care into the student experience is what defines student affairs, dean of students Clayton Smith told those gathered for a luncheon Thursday recognizing members of his staff for performance above and beyond normal expectations.

The Going the Extra Mile (GEM) Awards celebrate the work of all areas of student affairs, from Aboriginal education to writing support.

Laura Handsor, who retired as international student program advisor in December after more than 40 years of employment by the University, received a lifetime award for a career of first-class service.

She said she was thrilled with the honour, and quoted poet Maya Angelou to sum up her approach: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Tim Kenney, a housekeeper in the Macdonald Hall residence, won a “Partner GEM award” as someone outside of student affairs who contributes to improving campus life.

The other awards are categorized by the source of their nomination:

  • Ashley Seguin, leadership and orientation assistant in the Student Success Centre, won a student-nominated award;
  • Ann Marie Hranka, assistant to the vice-provost, students, won a peer-nominated award; and
  • Campus Community Police officers Michael MacKinnon, Chris Zelezney and Rosemary Briscoe won a faculty-nominated award.

With an “Aloha” theme, the event featured the distribution of leis, hula lessons, and Hawaiian food.

Tuition fees set in accordance with provincial framework

Following the tuition fee framework that has been set by the provincial government, the University of Windsor’s Board of Governors has approved an average annual tuition fee increase for domestic students that is capped at 3 percent for the 2016-17 year.

On March 28, 2013, the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) announced the four-year tuition fee framework with the goal of providing stability and predictability to the sector. The provincial framework was launched in 2013-14 and, while it caps the average annual domestic student increase at 3 percent, it allows flexibility for institutions within the overall increase.

As part of the average 3 percent cap for 2016-17, tuition fee increases for full-time, undergraduate domestic students at UWindsor will range from 2 to 5 percent, depending on the program. Graduate tuition fee increases for full-time domestic students will range from 1 to 5 percent.

The University of Windsor continues to support students through a series of bursaries, scholarships and awards as well as all forms of aid and assistance.

International tuition fees are not regulated by MTCU, as universities do not receive government grants for international students. As a result, the provincial tuition fee framework does not apply to international students.

For 2016-17, undergraduate tuition fee increases for full-time international undergraduate students will range from 3.4 to 7.8 percent. Tuition fee increases for full-time international graduate students will range from 4 to 6.7 percent.

In addition to the tuition increase, the Board of Governors has also set student ancillary fees, meal plan fees and residence fees for 2016-17.

To find the fees approved by the board, visit Fee Estimator webpage.

The Chef to U station will serve home-style lunches in the CAW Student Centre Marketplace this summer.The Chef to U station will serve home-style lunches in the CAW Student Centre Marketplace this summer.

Marketplace to serve lunch through intersession

Food Services will dish up hot lunches to campus diners through the summer, operating its Chef to U station in the CAW Student Centre’s Marketplace five days a week.

Home-style meals will be available Monday to Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The Pizza Pizza station will serve from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., and the Tim Hortons self-serve counter will operate from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

In addition, the Tim Hortons Express outlet in the Centre for Engineering Innovation will operate Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Mark Bagley, manager of satellite operations, says Food Services hopes to provide choices for summer students and campus employees.

“We’re happy to offer this level of service to our customers,” says Bagley. “Hopefully, our clients will see the value and patronize these outlets.”

DailyNews to begin twice-weekly publication schedule

DailyNews will begin its summer publishing schedule next week, moving to two issues a week.

The University of Windsor’s e-newsletter will publish Mondays and Thursdays until it resumes daily publication September 6.

Holiday Mondays on May 23, August 1, and September 5 will push publication scheduled for these dates to Tuesday.