Robert Gordon poses with Move-in Day student volunteersUWindsor president Robert Gordon (centre) poses with student volunteers helping to welcome newcomers to campus residences, Sunday in Cartier Hall.

Volunteer movers welcome students to campus residences

Dozens of volunteers welcomed hundreds of UWindsor students to campus life on Residence Move-in Day, Sunday, Sept. 1.

In his first day in his new position, president Robert Gordon said he enjoyed the chance to meet with students, both new and returning.

“This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with our student leaders, and of course with a new class of students coming into residence on what is a really significant date for them,” he said. “And to make connections with some of their parents.”

He praised the crews hauling clothing, electronics, and school supplies from the curbs into residence rooms, and noted it marks just the entry into a welcoming campus community.

“We will provide support and assistance through their UWindsor student experience,” Dr. Gordon said. “Like them, I am looking forward to the coming year and a lot of exciting developments underway.”

More than 850 students will live on campus this year, with about three-quarters from Canada and the rest representing 43 different countries.

Fourth-year science student Herman Dayal was one of the volunteers on hand to help settle the newcomers.

“Move-in Day is always super exciting,” he said during a break from carrying boxes and bins into Cartier Hall. “It’s nice to put a smile on and make them know they’re home.”

One of the new students is Emily Fletcher of St. Thomas, Ont., who will begin studies this week in concurrent education and psychology.

Volunteers finished unloading her parents’ car just before a rain shower threatened to dampen her clothes, if not her spirits.

“It went pretty smoothly,” Fletcher said. “They did a really great job of being efficient.”

UWindsor Welcome Week activities continue today — Tuesday, Sept. 3 — with the Involvement Fair from noon to 2 p.m. in the David Wilson Commons. Dozens of campus services and student associations will offer games and swag along with information on their activities. Participants will earn points toward the Battle of the Faculties competition.

Orientation takes a serious turn on Wednesday, Sept. 4, with sessions for academic programs starting at 9 a.m. in locations across campus. First-year students will gather for the Welcoming Celebration at 3 p.m. in the Dennis Fairall Fieldhouse. Highlights include the draw for a free semester’s tuition, sponsored by the Alumni Association.

Find more information on UWindsor Welcome Week activities on the program website.

Windsor Wednesday buttonsFree Windsor Wednesday buttons for faculty and staff allow them to join the UWinProud spirit campaign.

Projects to promote UWindsor pride

The #UWinProud campaign is entering its second year and organizers are hoping to improve on efforts to build school spirit on campus.

Throughout the academic year, the Office of Student Experience plans to host events, contests, and more in partnership with various departments.

“We know that our students, faculty, and staff are Windsor Proud and now we want you to show it,” says Sarah Racinsky, communications assistant in the Office of Student Experience.

Find a list of projects on the #UWinProud website.

Racinsky also hopes employees will keep alive the tradition of “Windsor Wednesdays,” wearing Lancer and UWindsor apparel midweek.

“If your closet is lacking blue and gold, we have you covered,” she says. “You can still show off your pride by wearing a Windsor Wednesday button, free for faculty and staff.”

Departments and individuals may place an order emailing Racinsky at

cartoon of person sitting at computerIT Services is upgrading more than 70 computers in general-purpose classrooms across campus for the start of fall classes.

Computers ready for new semester in general-purpose classrooms

Information Technology Services is upgrading more than 70 computers in general-purpose classrooms across campus for the start of Fall 2019 classes.

Windows 10 and the latest version of Microsoft Office 365 are being installed on all machines. Going forward, updates will be completed automatically ensuring these classroom computers match university computer standards.

“With these upgrades, general-purpose classroom computers will be faster than before,” says Stephen Karamatos, manager of technology and innovation for IT Services. “They will also provide access to your OneDrive files from within Office applications such as PowerPoint. So, you don’t need to remember to bring a USB with your presentation on it anymore.”

Faculty, staff, and students will be able to sign in to these computers with their email address and UWin Account password. Off-campus users may log in as guests to use the system without a password. Instructions for logging in and out will be located by each computer.

For more information about general-purpose classroom computers, including storage, a list of the installed software, and what to expect when you log in, read this article.

These upgrades are part of the Y2K20 Project being undertaken by Information Technology Services and departmental IT staff. The process of upgrading other (non-general purpose) classroom computers on campus is also underway. Classrooms in education and law were upgraded during the summer. Work will continue into Winter 2020 on the remaining classroom computers.

projector in the darkA move to the University Computer Centre will address all campus computing and audio-visual needs from one site.

Audio-Visual Counter relocates to computer centre

The Audio-Visual Counter is now centrally located at the IT Service Desk on the lower level of the University Computer Centre. This move allows staff of Information Technology Services to address all campus computing and AV needs from one site.

Members of the Classroom Technology Support Team looks forward to continuing to serve audio-visual needs from their new location. Visit them to pick up and drop off audio-visual equipment.

Audio-visual equipment can still be booked by submitting an online service request. It is recommended that equipment be booked five working days in advance.

Available equipment for rooms without integrated media systems includes:

  • video and data projectors
  • overhead projectors
  • document cameras
  • small public-address units
  • extension cords
  • projection screens
  • equipment stands
  • laptop computers for classroom use
  • microphones

Faculty, staff, and students may book audio-visual equipment for classroom use without charge. Equipment may be booked for non-academic use within the University at a reduced rental rate.

—Ericka Greenham

Chancellor issues message of welcome

UWindsor chancellor Mary Jo Haddad has issued a message for the start of the new academic year:

As we prepare for a new academic year, I’d like to take the opportunity to welcome all new and returning University of Windsor students, faculty, and staff and wish you a productive and inspiring year.

I’d also like to extend a warm welcome to our new president, Robert Gordon, and wish him a rewarding leadership tenure.

Please join me in thanking Dr. Douglas Kneale who served as interim president with grace, passion, and distinction. I thank him for his guidance and support as I transitioned to my role as your Chancellor.

Dr. Mary Jo Haddad CM
Chancellor, University of Windsor

cones of gelatoThe Student Centre is hosting a free ice cream social on Tuesday, Sept. 10.

Social a chance to get the scoop on student life

The Student Courtyard is home to an Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, Sept. 10, organized by the Student Centre.

“It’s the first full week of school, so why not take a quick break to get the scoop from other Lancers with some ice cream?” reasons events director Sandra Riccio-Muglia.

Local producer Sottozero Gelato will supply the sweet treats. The scooping starts at 11:30 a.m. and runs until 1 p.m., or while supplies last.