Dr. Shijing Xu

Contact Information Icon Contact Information

Phone: 519-253-3000 ext. 3828
Office: Room 3345, Leonard & Dorothy Neal Education Building

Profile Icon Profile

Professor, Faculty of Education
Ph.D. University of Toronto 
Canada Research Chair 
Reciprocal Learning Program Coordinator: https://www.uwindsor.ca/education/313/reciprocal-learning-program
Book Series Co-editor, Intercultural Reciprocal Learning in Chinese and Western Education, Springer Macmillan: https://www.palgrave.com/gp/series/15114

Research Interests Icon Research Interests

  • West-East Reciprocal Learning in education
  • Second Language Acquisition
  • Narrative Approaches to Cross-cultural Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education
  • Intergenerational, Bilingual and Multicultural Educational Issues
  • School-Family-Community Connections
Dr. Shijing Xu is Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in International and Intercultural Reciprocal Learning in Education at the University of Windsor.  As the Principal Investigator, she co-directed the SSHRC Partnership Grant Project, “Reciprocal Learning in teacher education and school education between Canada and China” with Dr. Michael Connelly at OISE/University of Toronto (https://reciprocal-learning.ca/pages/). The project  has involved six Canadian and Chinese universities, the Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB), the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) and more than 40 Canadian and Chinese schools participating in reciprocal learning for pre- and in-service teachers and school students. Six cross-cultural research teams of university researchers and graduate students study the process thereby ensuring global impact by bringing social, cultural, educational and economic benefits to both countries. (e.g. See participant events, activities and assessments captured in news reports and  conferences here https://reciprocal-learning.ca/pages/news_n_events.php, and here https://reciprocallearning.ca/c2019/ ). 

Education Icon Education

Ph.D. - OISE/University of Toronto (2006)
M.A. - York University (2000)
Graduate Diploma - University of Science & Technology, (1988)
B.A. - Suzhou University, China (1986)

Courses Taught Icon Courses Taught

Graduate Courses

  • EDUC 8390 Theories and Approaches in Language Acquisition and Instruction (Master)
  • EDUC 9510 Individual Reading Course: Narrative Inquiry: Experience and Story in Educational Research and Teacher Development (PhD)
  • 05-80-631 Social, Cultural and Political Contexts of Education (PhD)
  • 05-80-534 Individual Reading Course: Intercultural Competence and ESL/EFL Education (PhD)
  • 05-80-539 Second Language Teaching: Theory and Practice (Master) 
  • 05-80-565-01Sociological Aspects of Education (Master)
  • 05-80-591(21) Narrative Inquiry  

Undergraduate Courses

  • EDUC 5207 Service Learning: Reciprocal Learning Program
  • 05-80-207 Issues in Education
  • 05-80-207 Issues in Education: Teaching EAL learners in Every Classroom,
  • 05-80-207 Language and Culture Engagement Seminar

Program Development 

Graduate Program: initiated and developed the new concentration in Second Language Acquisition, Culture and Society (SLACS), with Dr. Susan Holloway, Dr. Zuochen Zhang, Dr. Kara Smith and Dr. Cam Cobb, with Faculty of Education and University of Windsor Administrations’ support. https://www.uwindsor.ca/education/masters/slacs

Pre-Service Program: initiated and developed the Teacher Education Reciprocal Learning Program (RLP) at University of Windsor with Southwest University (SWU) China, in partnership with GECDSB, with Faculty of Education and University of Windsor support. https://www.uwindsor.ca/education/supplemental/reciprocal-learning#overview

Student Supervision

Dr. Shijing Xu’s SSHRC Partnership Grant Project (2013-2020), Reciprocal learning in teacher education and school education between Canada and China, her 2014-2019 Canada Research Chair (CRC) Program,  International and Intercultural Reciprocal Learning in Education, and her renewed CRC Program (2019-2024) on Intercultural Reciprocal Learning in Education among Nations and Cultures through International, Interdisciplinary, and Inter-ethnic community Collaborations, have been providing many learning and research opportunities for doctoral, master’s and undergraduate students in addition to visiting scholars and post-doctoral fellows. In addition to supervising doctoral and master’s theses, Dr. Xu has also supervised UWin pre-service teachers for their Mitacs Globalink Research Award Applications and the three-month international internship in China for each cohort since September 2014. She also coordinated the Teacher Education Reciprocal Learning Program for UWin teacher candidates in 2011-2014 and 12 cohorts of visiting students from Southwest University Pre-service Teacher Education Programs during their three-month visit at the University of Windsor and Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB) schools between 2010 and 2019 (19-22 student each fall with two Winter Cohorts). She has involved UWin pre-service teachers and graduate students in the RLP and the SSHRC Partnership Grant Project as research assistants to help enhance their cross-cultural learning and research capacity.

Post-Doctoral Supervision:

Yishin Khoo, (Postdoctoral), Sep 2018-Present, (Project)

Lingyang Zhang, (Postdoctoral), Jan 2015-Jan 2016, (Project)

Wes Chiang, (Postdoctoral), Sep 2013-Dec 2013, (Project)

Yi Zhou, (Postdoctoral), Oct 2011-Mar 2012, (Project)

Yi Liu, (Postdoctoral), May 2011-Mar 2012, (Project)

Doctoral Supervision:

David Potocek, (Doctoral), Voices of Post-Secondary Graduates with Disabilities: Exploring Student Experiences of Higher Education programs for Individuals with Disabilities, July 2021 – ongoing (Dissertation)

Yuhan Deng, (Doctoral), A Narrative Inquiry into Canadian New Teachers’ Development in a Cross-cultural Educational Environment, Jul 2020-ongoing (Dissertation)

Zhengxi Liu, (Doctoral), EFL learners' self-regulated use of technology for vocabulary learning, Jul 2020- ongoing (Dissertation), Co-supervisor with Dr. Zuochen Zhang)

Chenkai Chi, (Doctoral), A Narrative Inquiry into Curriculum Integration Contextualized in a Cross-Cultural Educational Partnership, Jul 2019- ongoing (Dissertation) 

Haojun Guo, (Doctoral), Exploring Communicative Needs of Translanguaging across Time among Chinese Immigrant Children in Canada, Jul 2019-ongoing (Dissertation) 

Xuan Le Nguyen, (Doctoral), Maintaining Cultural Values in Vietnamese Immigrant Families in Windsor: Practices and Challenges, Jul 2013-ongoing, (Dissertation)

Nesreen Elkord, (Doctoral), Arab Immigrant High School Students’ Perceptions of Their High School Experiences in Canada: A Narrative Inquiry. July 2011 - Sep 2017. (Dissertation) (Published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2019, entitled Cross-Cultural Schooling Experiences of Arab Newcomer Students: A Journey in Transition between the East and the West)

Ju Huang, (Doctoral), A Narrative Inquiry into Chinese Pre-service Teacher Education and Induction in West China through Cross-Cultural Teacher Development, Jul 2011-Feb 2017. (Dissertation) (Published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2018, entitled Pre-Service Teacher Education and Induction in Southwest China: A Narrative Inquiry through Cross-Cultural Teacher Development)

Yi Zhou, (Doctoral), Chinese University EFL Teachers and Intercultural Competence Teaching, Jan 2007-Aug 2011, (Dissertation)

Master’s Supervision:
Hailun Ma, (Master's), Cultural Integration and Language Learning from the Perspectives of Chinese Students in a Canadian Context, Mar 2020-Present, (Major Research Paper)
Samantha DI Fazio (Master’s), How a Global Pandemic Affects ESL Learning, Sept 2019 – Present (Thesis)
Jiayang Shi, (Master’s), Adaptation of the Chinese Immigrant Children with Limited Literacy to the Ontario Curriculum, Jan 2019 - Present (Thesis) 
Thanh Tran, (Master’s), The Effects of Modernization on the Value of Chinese School Education, Sep 2018 – Present (Thesis) 
Nicole Moussallem, (Master's), French as a Second Language Teachings: Identifying Methods that Improve Adult Learners Competencies, Jan 2017-Present (Thesis) 
Yuhan Deng, (Master's), Chinese as a Foreign Language: Narrative Inquiry into Canadian Teacher Candidates in the Teacher Education Reciprocal Learning Program, Jan 2017-Jan 2019 (Thesis) 
David Potocek, (Master's), Language immersion in ESL and EFL classes, Sep 2014-Jan 2016 (Thesis)
Minghua Wang, (Master's), Narratives of Canadian Teacher Candidates' Cross-Cultural Experience in China, Sep 2013-Jan 2016 (Thesis)

Graduate Student Committees 

Doctoral Committee member
Cathy VanderVliet (2017-2020), Brock University, Supervisor: Dr. Nancy Taber 
Laxmi P. Pathak (2015-2017), Lakehead University, Supervisor: Dr. Wayne 
Kristen Jones (2011-2014), Lakehead University, Supervisor: Dr. Sonja Grover
Master’s Committee Member
1. Ping-e Ai (2019), University of Windsor, Supervisor: Dr. Zuochen Zhang
2. Lan Ma (2018), University of Windsor, Supervisor: Dr. Zuochen Zhang 
3. Jing Shao (2013), University of Windsor, Supervisor: Dr. Zuochen Zhang
External Examiner
Master’s Thesis External Examiner:
Sofia Palermo (2009), Ethnic Minority Parents’ Involvement in Education: Exploring and Understanding Their Experiences. Master’s Thesis. Brock University, Supervisor: Dr. Susan Tilley 
Doctoral Portfolio External Examiner:
Min Huang (2020), Navigating the Research Sea: Exploring the Potentials of Mobile Devices for Student Engagement. Brock University, Supervisor: Dr. Diane Collier
Rob Blom (2021), Laying Down The Path By Walking: Optimising The Comprehensive Portfolio ‘Product’ Through A Contextual And Systemic Approach To The ‘Process’. Brock University, Supervisor: Dr. Chunlei Lu

UWin Students’ Mitacs Research Award Application and International Internship Supervision (Sep 2014- Mar 2020) 

(as Home Supervisor for UWin Students, and Host Supervisor for Chinese Students, 2010-2019)

2020 Cohort (Award Application)

Erica Best, Social-emotional learning in the ecology of Chinese schools. Dr. Zuochen Zhang (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Ju Huang (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

Max Betteridge, Scopes of Historical Education. Dr. Bruce Tucker (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

Kristine Boileau, The differences in classroom management in Canadian and Chinese classrooms and how it fosters motivation and self-discipline in the students, Dr. George Zhou (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

Samantha Godden, The cultural, sociological implications of classroom management found in Canadian and Chinese classrooms. Dr. Susan Holloway (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

Sydney Hector, Comparing nutrition and safety education in China and Canada. Dr. Zuochen Zhang (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Shijian Chen (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

Jessica Landgraff, Tertiary Education in Second Language Acquisition. Dr. Susan Holloway (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Luxin Yang (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

Lucas Lavoie, A Comparison of Learning Disability Support in China vs. Canada. Dr. Susan Holloway (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Shijian Chen (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

Sarah Lossing, A Comparison of Learning Disability Support in China vs. Canada. Dr. Susan Holloway (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Ju Huang (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

Jason Maisonville, Themes of Sustainability in Geography Classrooms. Dr. George Zhou (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yuanrong Li (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

Matthew Mancina, Inequality of Special Education in Canada and China. Dr. Elizabeth Starr (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Shijian Chen (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

Nicole Mendes, Students’ Social Behaviours and Activities Facilitated in Canadian and Chinese Schools. Dr. Cam Cobb (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

Alexandria Mertz, Cultural Aspects of Second Language Classrooms. Dr. Susan Holloway (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Luxin Yang (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

Taylor Morkin, Fostering Self-Regulation Skills Through the Use of School Gardens for Academic Achievement Purposes. Dr. George Zhou (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

Jennifer Mitri, STEM Education in Canada and China. Dr. Geri Salinitri (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yuanrong Li (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

Lewis Panico, Bullying in an elementary school environment. Dr. Zuochen Zhang (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Shijian Chen (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

Lord Razooq, Student Conduct and Behaviour in the classroom in Eastern and Western Societies. Dr. Cam Cobb (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Ju Huang (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

Julia Ristoska, A comparison study on traditional Chinese Instructional strategies vs Canadian Student-centered approaches to teaching. Dr. Bruce Tucker (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

Stephen Ristovski, Analyzing the Benefits of School-Family Collaboration in China Compared to Canada. Dr. Zuochen Zhang (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Luxin Yang (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

Nikolas Telford, How Does Chinese National Identity Affect Student Learning. Dr. Cam Cobb (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Luxin Yang (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

Taren Whited, Exploring Special Education and Inclusiveness Amongst Elementary Students. Dr. Elizabeth Starr (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Shijian Chen (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

Lindsay Williams, The Effectiveness of Incorporating International Teaching Strategies for ESL and EFL learning in Canadian Classrooms. Dr. Susan Holloway (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Luxin Yang (Host Supervisor), Sep 2019 – Mar 2020

2019 Cohort (Award Application and Internship)

Ryan Patrick Dodich, Evaluating the Influence of Student-Teacher Relationships on Chinese and Canadian Elementary School Systems. Dr. George Zhou (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Shijian Chen (Host Supervisor), Sep 2018 – Jun 2019.

David Andrew Meloche, A Comparison of the Cultural and Philosophical Attitudes towards Health & Wellness between Chinese and Ontario Schools. Dr. Geri Salinitri (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yuanrong Li (Host Supervisor), Sep 2018 – Jun 2019.

Taylor Pare, Exploring the Historical, Cultural, and Sociological Implications of Vocal Music and Pedagogy in Canadian and Chinese Musical Education. Dr. Jonathan Bayley (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2018 – Jun 2019.

Jillian Charlotte Mae Parker, East and West: A Comparative Study of Outdoor Education between Canada and China. Dr. Zuochen Zhang (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Shijian Chen (Host Supervisor), Sep 2018 – Jun 2019.

George Paterson, A comparative study of high school mathematics curriculum and pedagogies in Canada and China: A case study of mathematics in the south-west region. Dr. Anthony Ezeife (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Aihui Peng (Host Supervisor), Sep 2018 – Jun 2019. 

John Christian Serio, The Role of Nutrition and Health Education in Chinese Schools. Dr. Zuochen Zhang (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yuanrong Li (Host Supervisor), Sep 2018 – Jun 2019.

Caroline Louise Voyer, Special Education and Student Support in Ontario, Canada Compared to China. Dr. Bruce Tucker (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Ju Huang (Host Supervisor), Sep 2018 – Jun 2019.

Alana Krsity Wever, An instrumental music education comparison between China and Canada. Dr. Jonathan Bayley (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2018 – Jun 2019.

Kathryn Jane Hatfield, A comparative analysis of the student-centered standardized testing in China and the teacher-centered standardized EQAO in Ontario, Canada. Dr. Anthony Ezeife (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Aihui Peng (Host Supervisor), Sep 2018 – Apr 2018, (No Internship).

2018 Cohort (Award Application and Internship)

Kayla Bacon, The Utilization of Creative Elements within an ESL Classroom. Dr. Susan Holloway (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Dr. Yuanrong Li (Co-Host Supervisor), Sep 2017 – Jun 2018.

Christopher Cuffaro, A Comparison of Canadian and Chinese Historical Narrative Formation. Dr. Bruce Tucker (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Dr. Ying Li (Co-Host Supervisor), Sep 2017 – Jun 2018.

Terry Dang, English Education and the Evolving language in China. Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Dr. Ju Huang (Co-Host Supervisor), Sep 2017 – Jun 2018.

Samantha Di Fazio, The Role of The Arts in Chinese Middle Schools. Dr. Geri Salinitri (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Dr. Bo Hu (Co-Host Supervisor), Sep 2017 – Jun 2018.

Gilbert Gilbert, Technology in the Classroom. Dr. Jonathan Bayley (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Dr. Bo Hu (Co-Host Supervisor), Sep 2017 – Jun 2018.

Marium Khan, Classroom Differences: What Works Best. Dr. George Zhou (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Dr. Ying Li (Co-Host Supervisor), Sep 2017 – Jun 2018.

Sanah Malik, English Writing: Chinese High School English Writing. Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Dr. Ju Huang (Co-Host Supervisor), Sep 2017 – Jun 2018.

Crystal McDonald, Examining Play-based Learning Cross-culturally. Dr. Zuochen Zhang (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Dr. Yuanrong Li (Co-Host Supervisor), Sep 2017 – Jun 2018

Peter Miller, How Curriculum in Chongqing Portrays Chinese Socialism. Dr. Bruce Tucker (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Dr. Ying Li (Co-Host Supervisor), Sep 2017 – Jun 2018.

Kaleb Stropkovics, Academic Support in Secondary School. Dr. Susan Holloway (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Dr. Aihui Peng (Co-Host Supervisor), Sep 2017 – Jun 2018.

2017 Cohort (Award Application and Internship)

Altion Dafa, Technology in Geography- An analysis of the Geography Curriculum. Dr. Zuochen Zhang (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2016 – Jun 2017.

Micheal Doyon, Pedagogical Comparisons in the Subject of English between Chinese and Canadian High School. Dr. Susan Holloway (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2016 – Jun 2017.

Victoria Macinnis, Geography and Environmental Science: Exploring Differences & Similarities in Curricula. Dr. Geri Salinitri (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2016 – Jun 2017.

Aline Nguyen, The Perception and Practices of English Language Teachers in China. Dr. Susan Holloway (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2016 – Jun 2017.

Alaura Tiffin, The Use of Drama in Middle School Classrooms to Enhance Learning. Dr. Wayne Tousigant (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2016 – Jun 2017.

Abdullahi Abdulle, Understanding Different Classroom Management Strategies in the Chinese School System. Sep 2016 – Mar 2017, (No Internship).

Sameer Chawla, The Depletion of the Arts in Western Education: A Comparative Study. Sep 2016 – Mar 2017, (No Internship).

Kara Hadwen, Differences of History: Mandatory versus Complimentary School Requirements. Sep 2016 – Mar 2017, (No Internship).

Colin Spencer, DPA in Chinese Curriculum. Sep 2016 – Mar 2017, (No Internship).

2016 Cohort (Award Application and Internship)

Jessica Goodman, Classroom Management in Chinese Schools. Dr. Shijian Chen (Host Supervisor), Sep 2015 – Jul 2016.

Monika Hakala, Differences in Chinese and Canadian Music Education. Dr. Jonathan Bayley (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2015 – Jul 2016.

Tracy Lam, Literacy of the 21st Century: Defining Media Arts and Technologies in the China Education Curriculum. Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2015 – Jul 2016.

Sanna Mahmood, Elements of Hidden Curriculum in Chinese Classroom. Dr. Geri Salinitri (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2015 – Jul 2016.

Danielle Salters, Physical Education as Related to the Promotion of An Active lifestyle in School Aged Youth: A Comparative Analysis. Dr. Zuochen Zhang (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Shijian Chen (Host Supervisor), Sep 2015 – Jul 2016.

Ryan Stickney, The Use of Drama in the Chinese Curriculum. Dr. Jonathan Bayley (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2015 – Jul 2016.

Emily Towsley, A Comparative Analysis in Individual Education: How Do Culture's Differ in the implementation of an Individualized Education, and How Do These Differences Influence the Classroom? Dr. George Zhou (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2015 – Jul 2016.

Thanh Tran, Standardized Testing in Chinese School System. Dr. Zuochen Zhang (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Shijian Chen (Host Supervisor), Sep 2015 – Jul 2016.

Chris Chamberlain, Analysis Instrumentation, Repertoire and Practices in Chinese Music Classrooms. Sep 2015 – Apr 2016, (No Internship).

Molly Higgins, Music and Education. Sep 2015 – Apr 2016, (No Internship).

2015 Cohort (Award Application and Internship)

Shums-Orchee Afsana, Is there a secret to math instruction in Chinese elementary schools that results in more successful math students? Dr. Anthony Ezeife (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Aihui Peng (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

Joshua Braiden, Musical Culture & Pedagogy: A Study of Middle School Students in Chongqing. Dr. Jonathan Bayley (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Maoping Zheng (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

Tiffanie Christopher, Classroom management and student engagement in Canadian and Chinese educational institutions. Dr. Anthony Ezeife (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Aihui Peng (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

Ju Huang, A Narrative Inquiry into Chinese Pre-service Teacher Education and Induction in West China through Cross-cultural Teacher Development, Dr. Jonathan Bayley (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yuhua Bu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

Lindsey Kiss, Comparing Teacher Focused and Inquiry Based Learning across Cultures. Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

Jacklyn Lather, It Takes a Village: How Chinese teachers build the environments and relationships that foster resiliency in their students. Dr. Bruce Tucker (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Shijian Chen (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – June 2015. 

Jasmine Long, A Comparative and Observational Analysis of Music Education in Chongqing and Ontario. Dr. Jonathan Bayley (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Maoping Zheng (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

Mary Mariyathas, Cross-cultural Comparison of Science Education in Canadian and Chinese Schools. Dr. George Zhou (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yuanrong Li (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

Nevin MacLeod, Comparisons: Learning English as an Additional Language (EAL) in a Dominantly Non-English vs. Dominantly English-Speaking Culture, Dr. Geri Salinitri (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Dan Xiao (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

Ruxandra Nahaiciuc, Cultural Assimilation through Language Acquisition: How Much of a Foreign Culture is Absorbed When Learning a New Language? Dr. Na Wu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

Matt Pham, The impact of student government/council on the Canadian and Chinese elementary school systems, Dr. Shijian Chen (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

David Potocek, Language immersion in ESL and EFL classes, Dr. Dan Xiao (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

Nausheen Raziq, Tools of English Literacy in China, Dr. Kara Smith (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Na Wu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

Karleen Reynolds, Examining the concept of inner-city schools in China, Dr. Yibing Liu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

Erika Robinet, Classroom Management: Decoding the Strategies of Chinese Elementary Teachers. Dr. Shijian Chen (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

Ayham Salameh, Cultural Diversity and Learning: A Comparative Study of Chinese and Canadian Curriculums. Dr. Shijian Chen (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

Aarti Sharma, Examining the importance of extra-curricular activities in education - a cultural comparison. Dr. Shijian Chen (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

Kenneth Tang, East/West Music: A Comparison of Two Distinct Cultures, Dr. Jonathan Bayley (Home Co-Supervisor). Dr. Maoping Zheng (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

Ayla Tytkanych-Rees, A Comparative Study of the Classroom Management Techniques Teachers Perform in Windsor, Ontario and Chongqing, China. Dr. Shijian Chen (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

Jacqueline Veres, Analyzing What Works Globally to Provide Equal Opportunities to both Male and Female Students in the Science Classrooms. Dr. Geri Salinitri (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yuanrong Li (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

Minghua Wang, Narratives of Canadian Teacher Candidates' Cross-Cultural Experience in China, Dr. Yibing Liu (Host supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

Zachery Zhang, A comparative study of high school math and physics pedagogies in China and Ontario. Dr. George Zhou (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Yuanrong Li (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

Pamela Zuniga, Comparing Teaching Approaches Used in EFL classrooms in China vs. ESL in Canada. Dr. Zuochen Zhang (Home Co-Supervisor), Dr. Na Wu (Host Supervisor), Sep 2014 – Jun 2015.

The SSHRC Partnership Grant Project: Reciprocal Learning in Teacher Education and School Education between Canada and China (2013-2020)

Reciprocal Learning Annual Conferences

The 6th Annual Reciprocal Learning Conference, University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada:  https://reciprocallearning.ca/c2019/
The 5th Annual Reciprocal Learning Conference, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China: https://reciprocallearning.ca/c2018/
The 4th Annual Reciprocal Learning Conference,  Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada: https://reciprocallearning.ca/c2017/.
The 3rd Annual Reciprocal Learning Conference, Southwest University, Chongqing, China: https://reciprocallearning.ca/c2016/
The 2nd Annual Reciprocal Learning Conference, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China: https://reciprocallearning.ca/con2015/
The 1st Annual Reciprocal Learning Conference, University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada: https://reciprocallearning.ca/conference2014/

News and Videos about the RLP

UWindsor Teacher candidates make news in China: https://www.uwindsor.ca/dailynews/2019-07-15/faculty-education-students-make-news-china
Public board welcomes Chinese student teachers to the classroom: https://windsorstar.com/news/local-news/public-board-welcomes-chinese-student-teachers-to-the-classroom
Hugs and tears mark send-off of Chinese teacher candidates: https://www.uwindsor.ca/dailynews/2019-12-20/hugs-and-tears-mark-send-chinese-teacher-candidates
Reciprocal Learning Program Overview: https://www.uwindsor.ca/education/supplemental/reciprocal-learning
Reciprocal Learning Sister School Program: https://www.uwindsor.ca/dailynews/2017-06-23/uwindsor-sister-school-program-life-changing-local-principal
Reciprocal learning provides unique cultural perspective for UWindsor teacher candidates: https://www.uwindsor.ca/dailynews/full-issue/2016-03-30
UW RLP/Mitacs 2019 Reciprocal Learning Experiences: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8b6E8_Kcm0Q
UW RLP/Mitacs 2018 Reciprocal Learning Experiences: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NRqw-sWf9U
UW RLP/Mitacs 2017 Reciprocal Learning Experiences: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-usuhU8kwk

Major Funding & Projects

June 2021 to May, 2022. Principal Investigator (PI); Project Director. Building Collaborative and Reciprocal Learning Capacity for Global Stewardship and Sustainability, funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Partnership Grant (Stage 1) Talent Program ($20,000).File Number 895-2021-0068.24 Co-Applicants and 22 Collaborators from 12 partner institutions and 9 non-partner universities in Canada, China, Jamaica, Tanzania, the UK and USA.

May 2020 – December 2021, Principal Investigator, Research Stimulus Fund Grant (RSFG), ($3,000). An International and Comparative Study of Primary School Teacher Education Models: Generalist Teachers vs. Specialist Teachers in Primary Schools. Funded by University of Windsor, Canada. Collaborator/Research Assistant: Chenkai Chi

2019-2024, Canada Research Chair -Tier 2 (renewed): International and Intercultural Reciprocal Learning in Education ($500,000). The Tri-agency Institutional Programs Secretariat (TIPS), Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, Government of Canada.

Mar 2013 – Feb 2020, Principal Investigator (PI), Project Director ($3,381,000). Reciprocal Learning in Teacher Education and School Education between Canada and China. Funded by SSHRC Partnership Grant (extended to Feb 2022 due to the global pandemic). Project Co-Director and Principal Co-Investigator: Dr. Michael Connelly, OISE/University of Toronto. Six Research Teams of Co-applicants and Collaborators from 8 Canadian and Chinese partner institutions. Please see https://reciprocal-learning.ca/pages/ for more details.

Oct 2017 – Aug 2019 Principal Investigator (PI) ($80,000) Funded by Canadian Foundation of Innovation (CFI) Award for the John R. Evans Leaders. Co-Applicant: Dr. Zuochen Zhang.

2014-2019, Canada Research Chair -Tier 2: International and Intercultural Reciprocal Learning in Education. Minister of State for Science and Technology ($500,000), Government of Canada.

2012-2013 Principal Investigator, Project Director ($20,000). Partnership Grant. Reciprocal Learning in Teacher Education and School Education between Canada and China. It is the first-stage fund with Michael Connelly at OISE/UT for full application of the SSHRC. Funded by SSHRC Partnership Grant-LOI.

May 2011-  May 2019 Reciprocal Learning Program Coordinator, Broaden the Horizons: Teacher Education Reciprocal Learning Program between University of Windsor and Southwest University China. Funded by University of Windsor Strategic Priority Funds. It is a result of teamwork of many colleagues in the Faculty of Education in partnership with Greater Essex County District Board and its schools, and in collaboration with Southwest University and the local schools in Chongqing China. UW student travel has been supported by Mitacs Globalink International Research Award (https://www.mitacs.ca/en/programs/globalink). Watch what UWindsor Education students say: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQNnXfDGZwo  and  what UWindsor RLP/Mitacs 2019 Spring Cohort do in China: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8b6E8_Kcm0Q. This program is a reciprocal learning experience for both Canadian and Chinese participants at university and school. It also provides cross-cultural and international research opportunities for faculty members and graduate students involved in the program.

Apr 2009- Mar 2012 Co-Principal Investigator. ($74,967 allocated to UWindsor from the total of $149,933, SSHRC Standard Research Grant). Cross-cultural school narratives: Shanghai and Toronto sister school network. Funded by Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Canada Principal Investigator: Professor Michael Connelly, OISE/University of Toronto Research Collaborators: Professor Ye Lan, East China Normal U., Shanghai China; Dr. Luxin Yang, China National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education, Beijing.

Apr 2008 – Mar 2011 Principal Investigator ($115,917) Emergent issues in immigrant children’s education: Transnational circular migration and reciprocal learning. Funded by the SSHRC Standard Grant, Canada Research Collaborators: Dr. Michael Connelly, OISE/University of Toronto and Dr. L. Yang, China National Research Center for Foreign Language Education, Beijing.

2008-2009 Principal Investigator ($5,000) Funded by Centre for Teaching and Learning, and the Faculty of Education, University of Windsor. Co-applicant: Zuochen Zhang.

2008 Principal Investigator ($5,000) Funded by New Faculty Grant Writing Workshop grant, University of Windsor.


1. 2022 Nominee of SSHRC Impact Award: Partnership Award, by the Office of the University of Windsor Vice President of Research and Innovation
2. 2017 Honoree recognized by University of Windsor at its Celebration of Excellence in Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity, 2018
3. 2015 Honoree recognized by University of Windsor at its Celebration of Excellence in Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity, 2016
4. 2014 Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in International and Intercultural Reciprocal Learning in Education, announced by University of Windsor in Apr 2015
5. 2014 Nomination of Royal Society of Canada College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists by University of Windsor Vice President of Research and Innovation
6. 2013 Honoree recognized by University of Windsor at its Celebration of Excellence in Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity, 2014
7. 2011 Elected Member of Professors of Curriculum, an honorary group of 125 invited professors of curriculum elected by the membership, which meets under the auspices of AERA
8. 2011 Winner of the 2011 Early Career Award at Narrative Research SIG, AERA
9. 2011 Winner of the 2011 Outstanding Publication Award, Narrative Research Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), for the article Xu, S. & Connelly, M. (2010). Narrative inquiry for school-based research. Narrative Inquiry, 20 (2), 349-370
10. 2007 American Association of Teaching and Curriculum (AATC) Outstanding Dissertation in Curriculum Award
11. 2007 American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2007 Outstanding Dissertation Award. Narrative and Research in Education Special Interest Group (SIG)
12. 2007 Canadian Association of Curriculum Studies (CACS) Outstanding Dissertation Award. Canadian Society for Studies in Education, Saskatoon, Canada
13. 2005 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Wholistic Education Special Interest Group Outstanding Research Paper Award

Publications Icon Publication

Books Authored 

Xu. S. J. (2017). Cross-Cultural schooling experiences of Chinese immigrant families: In search of home in times of transition. New York: Springer Palgrave Macmillan.

Articles in Refereed/Peer Reviewed Journals 

Parker, L., Xu, S. J. & Chi, C. (2022). Chinese Pre-Service Teachers’ Perspectives of Mentoring Relationships in an International Learning Partnership. Journal of Teacher Educationhttps://doi.org/10.1177/00224871221108655

Xu, S. J. (2019). Reciprocal learning in teacher education between Canada and China, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 26(6), 703-729.

Connelly, F. M., & Xu, S. J. (2019). Reciprocal learning in the partnership project: From knowing to doing in comparative research models. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 25(6), 627-646.

Xu, S. (2019). Broadening teacher candidates’ horizons: An introduction to the teacher education Reciprocal Learning Program. [Special Issue Guest Editor]. Journal of Teaching and Learning, 13(1), 1-6. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.22329/JTL.V13I1.5987

Xu, S. J. & Connelly F. (2017). Reciprocal learning between Canada and China in teacher education and school education: Partnership studies of practice in cultural context. Frontiers of Education in China, 12(2), 135-150. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11516-017-0013-6

Huang, J. & Xu, S. J., (2015). A narrative inquiry into Chinese teacher induction in west China through cross-cultural teacher development, Frontiers of Education in China 10, 470-492. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03397080

Howe, E. R. & Xu, S. J. (2013). Transcultural teacher development within the dialectic of the global and local: Bridging gaps between East and West. Teaching and Teacher Education, 36 (10), 33-43.

Xu, S. J. (2012). Narrative inquiry, reflection, and researcher bias: Thinking about interactions of differing educational narratives. Pratiche Riflessive in Educazione (Educational Reflective Practice Journal),2010 (1), 69-87 (published in Italian).

Xu, S. J., & Connelly, F. M (2010). Narrative inquiry for school-based research. Narrative Inquiry, 20(2), 349-270.

Xu, S. J., & Connelly, F. M. (2009). Narrative inquiry for teacher education and development: Focus on English as a foreign language in China. Teaching and Teacher Education: An Internal Journal of Research and Studies, 25(2), 219-227.

Xu, S. J., & Connelly, F. M. (2008). Narrative inquiry and teacher development. Peking University Educational Review, 6(1), 51-69. (in Chinese)

Connelly, F. M., & Xu, S. J. (2007). On the state of curriculum studies: A personal practical inquiry. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 9 (1 & 2), 3-19. 

Xu, S. J., Connelly, F. M., He, M. F., & Phillion, J. (2007). Immigrant students’ experience of schooling: A narrative inquiry theoretical framework. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 39 (4), 399-422.

Xu, S. J., & Stevens, E. D. (2005). Living in stories through images and metaphors: Recognizing unity in diversity. McGill Journal of Education, 40 (2), 303-319.

Book Chapters

Xu, S. J. & Connelly, F. M. (2022). Reciprocal learning in teacher education between Canada and China in a globalized context. In Ian Menter & Mara Teresa Tatto (Eds)., Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research, Comparative Studies in Teacher Education Section. Palgrave Macmillan.

Connelly, F. M., & Xu, S. J. (2020). Reciprocal learning as a comparative education model and as an exemplar of Schwab's The Practical in curriculum studies Oxford Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 

Xu, S. J., (2015). Ethical boundaries and considerations in cross-cultural narrative inquiry. In Trahar, S. & Ming, Y.W. (Eds.), Using Narrative Inquiry for Educational Research in the Asia Pacific (pp. 136-151). Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

Huang, J., & Xu, S. J., (2015). A glimpse of quality and equity issues in education in West China: A narrative inquiry into a novice Mongolian teacher’s life in Northwest China. In John Lee, J.C., Yu, Z., Huang, X. & Law, E.H. (Eds.), Educational Development in Western China: Towards Quality and Equity (pp.137-162). Sense Publisher.

Xu, S. J., Chen, S., Huang, J., (2015). Pedagogies of working with diversity: West-East reciprocal learning in preservice teacher education. In Craig, C. and Orland, L. (Eds.), International teacher education: Promising pedagogies (Part B) (Advances in Research on Teaching, Vol. 22B) (pp. 137-160). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 

Xu, S. J., (2015). Ethical boundaries and considerations in cross-cultural narrative inquiry. In Trahar, S. & Ming, Y.W. (Eds.), Using Narrative Inquiry for Educational Research in the Asia Pacific (pp. 136-151). Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

Zhang, Z. C. & Xu, S. J. (2014). ICT literacy, an essential component of teacher education curriculum in an era of emerging technologies. In O. Tan & T. Liu. (Eds.), Teaching effectiveness: Capacity building in a complex learning era (pp.281-306). Singapore: Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd.

Xu, S. J. (2011). Bridging the East and West dichotomy: Harmonizing eastern learning with Western knowledge. In J. Ryan (Eds.), Understanding China’s education reform: Creating cross cultural knowledge, pedagogies and dialogue (pp.224-242). London, UK: Routledge.

Xu. S. J. (2011). Narrative inquiry in curriculum of life on expanded and extended landscapes in transition. In D. C. Parker, D. Pushor, & J. Kitchen (Eds.), On narrative inquiries into curriculum-making in teacher education (pp.263-280). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 

Connelly, F. M., & Xu, S. J. (2011). Curriculum and curriculum studies (Chapter 13) In J. Arthur & A. Peterson (Eds.), The Routledge companion to education (pp.115-124). Abingdon, Oxford, U.K.: Routledge: The Taylor and Francis Group. Milton Park.

Zhou, Y., Xu, S. J., & Bayley, J. (2011). Intercultural competence and EFL teaching in China. In Jin L. & Cortazzi M. (Eds.), Researching Chinese learners - skills, perceptions & intercultural adaptation (pp. 138- 166). Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Connelly, F. M. & Xu, S. J. (2010). An overview of research in curriculum inquiry. In Peterson P., Baker, E. & McGaw, B. (Eds), International Encyclopaedia of Education (pp. 324-334). Oxford: Elsevier.

Xu, S. J. (2010). Cultural and linguistic difference. In Craig K. (Eds.), SAGE encyclopaedia of curriculum studies (pp. 162-164). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, International Educational and Professional Publisher.

Xu, S. J. (2010). Cultural literacies. In Craig K. (Eds.), SAGE encyclopaedia of curriculum studies (pp. 167-168). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, International Educational and Professional Publisher.

Xu. S. J. & Connelly, F. M. (2010). Narrative research. In Craig K. (Eds.), SAGE encyclopaedia of curriculum studies (pp. 595-599). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, International Educational and Professional Publisher.

Xu. S. J. & Connelly, F. M. (2010). On the need for curious and creative minds in multicultural and cross-cultural educational settings: Narrative possibilities. In Craig C. & Louise F. Deretchin (Eds.), TEACHER EDUCATION YEARBOOK XVIII: Cultivating curious and creative minds: The role of teachers and teacher educators (pp. 252-266). Scarecrow Education (An imprint of the Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group).

Connelly, F. M., & Xu, S. J. (2008). The landscape of curriculum and instruction: Diversity and continuity. In F. M. Connelly, M. F. He & J. Phillion. (Eds.), SAGE handbook of curriculum and Instruction (pp. 513-533). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, International Educational and Professional Publisher. 

Connelly, F. M., & Xu, S. J. (2008). Narrative inquiry: Concept and method. In X. M. Chen (Ed.), Research methodologies in social sciences. Chongqing, China: Chongqing University Press. [In Chinese]

He, M. F., Phillion, J., Chan, E., & Xu, S. J. (2008). Immigrant, minority, and second language students' experience of curriculum (Chap. 11). In Connelly, F. M. (Eds.), Sage Handbook of Curriculum and Instruction (pp.219-239). Sage Publications.

Edited Journals

Guest Editor: Journal of Teaching and Learning, 06/2019 Special Issue: https://jtl.uwindsor.ca/index.php/jtl/issue/view/510

Editor: Journal of Cogent Education.

Conference Presentations

Xu, S. J. & Chi, C. (April 26, 2022)“Rosie’s Walk”: Reciprocal Learning Between Canadian and Chinese Kindergartens. Virtual Session,:Cultural and Ethical Dimensions: Exploring Narratively. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, ”Cultivating Equitable Education Systems for the 21st Century. San Diego, California, and Virtual. April 21-26, 2022.

Deng, Y. & Xu, S. J. (May 16, 2022). Chinese Non-English Major Teacher Candidates’ Intercultural Experience: Perspectives on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and Intercultural Learning in Canada. [Canadian Association for Teacher Education]. The 50th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE): Learning from Our Past, Navigating the Present, and Shaping the Future. Online via the Forj platform, Canada. https://csse-scee.ca/conference-2022/ 

Chi, C. & Xu, S. J. (May 30, 2021). Inquiry-based Learning through Reciprocal Learning: A Narrative Inquiry of Chinese Kindergarten Teachers' Cross-Cultural Experiences [Comparative and international education society of Canada] Canadian Society for the Study of Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. https://csse-scee.ca  (Virtual Session)

Xu, S. J. & Chi, C. (June 3, 2021). Pre-Service Teachers’ Views on Primary School Teacher Education Models through their International Reciprocal Learning Internship: Generalist Teachers vs. Specialist Teachers in Primary Schools [Comparative and international education society of Canada] Canadian Society for the Study of Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. https://csse-scee.ca   (Virtual Session)

Xu, S. J. & Khoo, Y. (2021, Virtual). Promoting globally competent teaching and learning through reciprocal learning:  A narrative inquiry of a Canada-China sister school network. The 65th Annual Meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES 2021), “Social Responsibility within Changing Contexts”.  April 25 – May 02, 2021.

Khoo, Y., Xu, S. J., Connelly, M., Chi, C., Qin, L., Deng, Y., & E. G., Kim. (2021, May 27-June 4). Reciprocal learning through a Sister School Network: Stories of hope and mutual flourishing [symposium panel]. 2021 Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, Canada

Xu, S. J. (2019, October). Dialogue on West-East reciprocal learning in education, The 6th Annual International Conference on West-East Reciprocal Learning in Education [panel session] University of Windsor, Canada. Co-presenter(s): Drs. Michael Connelly, Doug McDougall, Geri Salinitri, Luxin Yang, Shijian Chen, Yunpeng Ma, Yuhua Bu, Clara Howitt, Gerry Connelly. Discussants: Dr. Cheryl Craig and Dr. John Chi-Kin Lee. 

Xu, S. J. & Connelly, F. M. (2017, May.) An international examination of educational equity and opportunity using a reciprocal learning lens [Concurrent Symposium Presentation]. CSSE Annual Conference, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.

Xu, S. J. (2017, May). Reciprocal Learning in Teacher Education between Canada and China [Concurrent Symposium Presentation], CSSE Annual Conference, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.

Xu, S.J. (2013). Contemporary Issues in Teacher Education, China-Canada Symposium on Teacher Education, Chongqing, China.

Xu, S.J. (2012, Jun.). Retelling and reliving family stories across borders and boundaries: Transnational immigrant children. Narrative Matters Annual Conference, Paris, France.

Howe, E. R., & Xu, S. J. (2012, Apr.). Transcultural teacher development within the dialectic of the global and local: Bridging gaps between East and West. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada. 

Connelly, F.M., Xu, S.J. (2011). Developing cross-cultural education understanding through a Canada-China Sister School Network, Education and Global Cultural Dialogue Conference, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education University of Toronto.

Xu, S.J. (2011). Narrative inquiry for EFL research, Summer Institute for EFL teachers in China, Beijing China. 

Connelly, F. M., Xu, S. J., & Fang, Y. P. (2011). Narrative Inquiry: Life Studies in Education", Narrative Inquiry Workshop, National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore.

Xu, S.J. (2011). Reciprocal learning between the East and the West: Chinese teacher candidates lived experience in Canada, Education and Global Cultural Dialogue Conference, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education University of Toronto.

Xu, S. J. & Connelly, F. M. (2010). On the need for curious and creative minds in multicultural and cross-cultural educational settings: Narrative possibilities, The Annual Conference of the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE), Owning the Future through Action: An Inclusive Vision for Teacher Education, Chicago, USA.

Connelly, F. M. & Xu, S.J. (2010). Narrative inquiry: Life studies in education, oLa Nanazione di Se Paradigmi Teoricie metodologie di rieercae intervento in Psicologia e Feuagogia, University of Naples, Italy. 

Xu, S. J. (2009, March). Bridging the East and West dichotomy: Harmonizing Eastern learning with Western knowledge. The Conference on Chinese Education and Reform, Oxford, UK.

Zhang, Z., & Xu, S.J. (2009, March). I made my home in Canada, but do I feel at home: Voices of visible minority immigrants enrolled in a Canadian University. The Annual Conference of British Association of Canadian Studies (BACS), Being, Becoming and Belonging: Multiculturalism, Diversity and Social Inclusion in Modern Canada, Oxford, UK. 

Elliot Eisner, Lee Shulman, Michael Connelly, Miriam Ben-Peretz, Cheryl Craig, Shijing Xu, & Yuzhen Xu (2009, Oct.). The Relevance of Schwab and the Enactment of His Work in Cross-Cultural Curriculum Studies, AERA Presidential Session, Disciplined Inquiry: The Relevance of Schwab and the Enactment of His Work, San Diego, USA. Chair: Ian Westbury.

Connelly, F.M., & Xu, S.J. (2009). Curriculum as experience in situations: Commonplaces in Joseph Schwab's concept of curriculum [plenary session]. The International Conference on the Practical Curriculum, The Practical: An East-West Curriculum Dialogue, Beijing China. 

Xu, S. J. (2008, June). Grandparental involvement in immigrant children's Learning and Schooling. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference, Thinking Beyond Borders: Global Ideas, Global Values, Vancouver, Canada. 

Xu, S. J., & Zhang, Z. (2008, June). Listening to visible minority students. The 28th STLHE annual conference, A World of Learning, Ontario, Canada. 

Xu, S. J., Ashraf, D., Fraser, R.A., London McNab, S., Neilson, A. Stevens, D.E., Zhu, H., (2008, June). The-Dames-Who-Dine: A multicultural perspective by seven women on academic collaboration and ongoing professional and personal growth. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference, Thinking Beyond Borders: Global Ideas, Global Values, Vancouver, Canada. 

Connelly, F. M., Xu, S. J., Gagne, A ., & Angelis, M. (2008). Language and culture as a bridge on teacher education: A reflection on cross-cultural teaching experience, English Foreign Language Teacher Education Conference, Videoconference at OISE/UT with East China Normal University (ECNU), Shanghai. 

Xu, S.J., & Connelly, F. M. (2007, October). Multiculturalism and Chinese immigrant transnational circular migration. American Association of Teaching and Curriculum (AATC), Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

Xu, S. J. (2007, September). Narrative inquiry and foreign language teacher education. Conference for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Teacher Education and Development, Beijing, China.

Xu, S. J. (2007, April). Exploring circular issues from newcomer students' unseen lives between home and school. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA. 

Xu, S. J. (2007, April). Immigrant children's learning and schooling from grandparents' perspectives. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Xu, S. J. (2007, April). Visible minority children's learning: Bilingualism and multiculturalism as experienced. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Xu, S. J. (2007, January). Ethical boundaries and considerations in narrative inquiry. Conference on interdisciplinary Qualitative Studies (QUIG), Athens, Georgia

Xu, S.J. (2007). A conversation with faculty members and graduate students concerning multicultural, bilingual and immigrant education, Department Seminar, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA.

Xu, S.J. (2007). ESL and EFL in TESL, Panel for TESL Training Program. Toronto District School Board, Toronto, Canada. 

Connelly, F.M. & Xu, S.J. (2007). Narrative inquiry: The concept and the method, Shanghai Workshop on Narrative Inquiry in Teaching and Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai.

Keynote Speeches or Invited Talks 

Xu, S. J. & Connelly, F. M. (2018, May). Role of English and English language teachers in the globalized world [Invited Talk]. Education Forum at the Opening Ceremony of Graduate School of Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing China. 

Xu, S. J. & Connelly, F. M. (2018, May). Reciprocal learning in teacher education and school education for a global future [Keynote Speech]. The Fifth Annual International Conference on Reciprocal Learning between Eastern and Western Education & Deep Learning and Classroom Research. Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China.

Xu, S. J., Connelly, F. M., & Gerry Connelly (2018, May). Narrative inquiry: Knowing and doing [Invited Talk]. Unipus Webinar by Foreign Language Press, Beijing China, (Broadcast nationwide in China). 

Xu, S. J., Doyon M., & Deng, Y. (2018). Supporting ELLs for colleges and universities, Professional Development Day for Teachers [Invited Talk], Académie Ste Cecile International School, Windsor, Canada.

Xu, S. J. & Connelly, F. M., (2016). Reciprocal learning for globally-mindfulness in teacher education [Keynote Speech]. The Centennial Teacher Education Symposium and the Third Annual International Conference on East-West Reciprocal Learning in Education: Research on Reciprocal Learning in Teacher Education and School Education in a Global View.  Southwest University, Chongqing, China..

Xu, S. J. & Connelly, F. M., (2015). Reciprocal learning: Comparative models and the partnership project [Keynote Speech]. Reciprocal Learning and Symbiotic Development: An international conference to promote interschool, interregional and intercultural school improvement, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China.

Xu, S.J. (2010). Restorying foreign language education and the role of English language teachers in china: A narrative journey [Keynote speech]. The 4th National Symposium on SLA in China, Suzhou, China.

Engagement of School Educators, Pre-Service Teachers and Graduate Students in Research 

Xu, S. J. (2019, October). GECDSB Sister School Principal Panel Organizer. The 6th Annual International Conference on West-East Reciprocal Learning in Education, University of Windsor, Canada. Panel Chair: Dr. Clara Howitt (GECDSB Superintendent); Panelists: Mr. Mike Baker (Principal of Talbot Trail Public School), Mrs. Jackie Connelly (Principal of West Gate Public School), Mr. James Cowper (Principal of Kingsville Public School). Mrs. Teresa Iandolo (Principal of Prince Edward Public School); Mrs. Debra Laforet (Principal of Centennial Central Public School), Discussant: Professor Gerry Connelly (Former Director of TDSB and Adjunct professor of York University). 

Xu, S. J. (2019, October). Windsor-Chongqing Sister School Panel Organizer & Chair, The 6th Annual International Conference on West-East Reciprocal Learning in Education [panel session] University of Windsor, Canada. Co-presenter(s): Mrs. Teresa Iandolo, Prince Edward Public School Principal and Ms. Mingyue Lyu, Chongqing Zengjiayan Primary School Teacher

Xu, S. J. (2019, October). Reciprocal Learning Program Plenary Panel Organizer and Chair. Reciprocal learning program alumni’s cross-cultural learning & inquiries. The 6th Annual International Conference on West-East Reciprocal Learning in Education, University of Windsor, Canada. Panelists: RLP Chinese Alumni: Xiangyu Li, Zhengyang Yin, Zhicheng Cai, Mei Ma, Yuqing Jiang; RLP Canadian Alumni: Taylor Pare, David Potocek, Jacklyn Lather, Kevin St. Denis, Samantha Di Fazio.  Co-Chair, Dr. Yibing Liu (SWU); Discussants: Dr. Shijian Chen (SWU) & Dr. Geri Salinitri (UWin).

Xu, S. J. (2019, October). Concurrent Symposium Session Organizer and Chair. Canadian Pre-Service Teachers’ Academic & Professional Development through Reciprocal Learning in China, The 6th Annual International Conference on West-East Reciprocal Learning in Education [concurrent session]. Presenters: Alana Wevers: ‘China and Canada: An Instrumental Music Education Comparison’; Caroline Voyer: ‘Special Education and Student Support in Canada Compared to Chinese and Canadian Elementary School Systems’; David Meloche, ‘Comparing the Cultural and Philosophical Differences Between Canadian and Chinese HPE Programs’; Jillian Parker: ‘A Comparative Analysis of Outdoor Education in Chinese and Canadian School Systems’; John Serio: ‘Nutrition and Health Education in Chinese Schools’; Mitchell Paterson: ‘A Comparative Study of High School Mathematics Curriculums and Pedagogies in Canada and China: A Case Study of Mathematics in the South-West Region’; Ryan Dodich: ‘Evaluating the Influence of Student-Teacher Relationships on Chinese and Canadian Elementary School Systems’; Taylor Pare: ‘Opera in Canadian and Chinese Music Classrooms’. Graduate Assistant: Yuhan Deng. Discussants: Dr. Glenn Rideout (University of Windsor) & Dr. Yibing Liu (Southwest University)

Chi, C. K. & Xu, S. J. (2019, Oct). Reciprocal learning as collaborative partnership: Cross-Cultural onsite co-planning and co-teaching. Concurrent Session: Mechanisms and Modes for Reciprocal Learning in School Development. The 6th Annual International Conference on West-East Reciprocal Learning in Education, University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada. 

Potocek, D. & Xu, S. J. (2017, May). Speaking for Purpose: A Case Study of Bilingual Immersion Pedagogy Within the Chinese EFL Context. Concurrent Symposium: Reciprocal Learning in English Language Education between Canada and China. Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) Annual Conference, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada. 

Huang, J. & Xu, S. J. (2016, Apr.). From a visiting teacher candidate to a curriculum leader: A narrative inquiry into a Chinese beginning teachers’ induction through cross-cultural teacher development. Teacher Education Symposium and the Third Annual Conference on East-West Reciprocal Learning in Education: Research on Reciprocal Learning in Teacher Education and School Education in a Global View. Chongqing, China.

Xu, S. J. (2016, Apr). Plenary Panel Organizer and Chair: East & West Cross-cultural Teacher Education Reciprocal Learning in a Global Perspective, Teacher Education Symposium and the Third Annual Conference on East-West Reciprocal Learning in Education: Research on Reciprocal Learning in Teacher Education and School Education in a Global View. Chongqing, China. Panelists:  Dr. Clara Howitt, GECDSB; Dr. Yibing Liu, Southwest University; Dr. Shijing Xu, University of Windsor. SWU Reciprocal Learning Program Participants: Rui Guo, Bo Hu, Chunyan Li, Mei Ma, Xiangdi Qiu, Yang Xiao; UW Reciprocal Learning Program Participants: Jacklyn Lather, Nevin Macleod, David Potocek, Erika Robinet, Ayla Tytkanych-Rees, Ayham Salameh. UW Graduate Assistants: Ju Huang & Minghua Wang

Xu, S. J. (2016, Apr). Canada-China Sister School Principal Panel Organizer and Co-Chair. Teacher Education Symposium and the Third Annual Conference on East-West Reciprocal Learning in Education. Chongqing, China. Panel Chair: Dr. Clara Howitt, Superintendent, GECDSB. Windsor School Principals: Mr. Nick Arundine, Eastwood Public School; Ms. Jodi Burgon, Queen Victoria Public School (Vice-Principal); Mr. James Cowper, Kingsville Public School; Ms. Teresa Iandolo, Prince Edward Public School; Mrs. Debra Laforet , West Gate Public School; Mr. Chris Mills, Glenwood Public School.  Chongqing School Principals: Ms. Hongjie Deng, Zeng Jia Yan Primary School; Ms. Hong Ma, Ba Shu Primary School Principal; Ms. Wu Song, Experimental Kindergarten of SWU; Ms. Bingqiong Tang, Primary School Affiliated to SWU; Ms. Wanqiong Zhang, High School Affiliated to SWU.