Spring Choral Concert

Members of the UWindsor Chamber Choir performing in the Heritage Auditorium April 2016Members of the UWindsor Chamber Choir performing in the Heritage Auditorium April 2016
Friday, April 5, 2019 - 19:30

Friday, April 5, 7:30 pm

 Dr. Bruce J. G. Kotowich is the University of Windsor's director of choirsSpring Choral Concert

UWindsor Chamber Choir
University Singers
  Dr. Bruce Kotowich, director
Alde Calongcagong, collaborative pianist

SoCA High School Honour Choir,
  Ms. Elspeth Maynard, director
Erik, Swiatoschik, accompanist
Heritage Auditorium, Assumption Hall,
400 Huron Church Rd

Tickets $20;  Students with ID $5
Tickets will be available for purchase at the door this evening. Doors open 6:45 pm



Ambe        Andrew Balfour
Come in two-legged being, come in all people. There is good life here. Come in!
UWindsor Chamber Choir
Dr. Bruce Kotowich, director of choirs
Alde Calongcagong, collaborative artist
Jauchzet dem Herrn, Psalm 100      Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Make a joyful sound unto the Lord, all ye lands, Serve the Lord with gladness, come before his presence with singing. For the Lord is good, his mercy is everlasting, and his truth endureth to all generations.
Savana Muscat, student director
Sommarafton       Ingvar Lidholm
Summer evening, the wind is still in the green-light Sun by our ivy draped home. After summer, the woods are quiet and the bird no longer sing. The leaves fall. Summer evening.
Max Arvidsson, choral assistant
Requiem, K. 629        Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
While the wicked are confounded, assigned to flames of woe unending, Call me with Thy saints surrounded. Low I kneel, with heart submission; see, like ashes, my contrition; help me in my last condition.
Oh, that day of tears and weeping, when, from dust of earth returning, man must prepare for judgement. Spare, O God, in mercy spare him! Lord all pitying, Jesu blest, grant them Thine eternal rest. Amen.
      Domine Jesu
Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory, deliver the souls of the faithful dead from punishment of Hell and from the bottomless pit; deliver them from the mouth of the lion; nor suffer the fiery lake to swallow them up, nor endless darkness to enshroud them But let Thy holy standardbearer Michael lead them to the sacred light, as once Thou promised to Abraham and his children.
I Was Glad      Sir C. Hubert H. Parry
 University Singers
Dr. Bruce Kotowich, director of choirs
Alde Calongcagong, collaborative artist
Two French-Canadian Folksongs              arr. Richard S. Eaton
            Vive La Canadienne
Long live the Canadian, steal my heart, steal
Long live the Canadian and her pretty sweet eyes.
We lead her to the wedding, steal my heart, steal
We lead her to the wedding, in all hers finery.
We dance with our blondes, steal my heart, steal
We dance with our blondes, we change in turn.
A La Claire Fontaine
As I was walking by the clear fountain, I found the water so lovely I had to bathe.
I've loved you for so long, I will never forget you.
I lost my love without deserving it, because of a rosebud I kept from him.
I've loved you for so long, I will never forget you.
I wish the rose were still on the bush, and my sweetheart loved me still.
I've loved you for so long, I will never forget you.
Let the River Run                                                                               arr. Craig Helle Johnson
SoCA High School Honour Choir
Elspeth Maynard, director
Eric Swiatoschik, collaborative artist
Nick Baddeley, percussion
Alex Adeira-Leite, bass
El Hambo                   Jaakko Mäntyjärvi
O magnum mysterium               Ivo Antognini
O great mystery, and wonderful sacrament,
that animals should see the newborn Lord,lying in a manger!
Blessed is the virgin who was worthy to bear the Lord, Jesus Christ.
I know the song that Luna sings (premiere)         Brent Lee
Adorate Deus                  David Katich-McNamara
Worship the Lord
David Katich-McNamara, student director
Loch Lomond                 Jonathan Quick
Lilly Korkontzelos, choral assistant
UWindsor Chamber Choir
Rock-A-Bye Your Baby With A Dixie Melody       arr. Kirby Shaw
Tuxedo Junction      arr. P. Jennings
SoCA High School Honour Choir
Sam Poole, piano 
Alex Adeira-Leite, bass 
Nick Baddeley, drums
Aspects of Love (medley)      arr. E. Lojeski
SoCA High School Honour Choir
 UWindsor Chamber Choir

SoCA High School Honour Choir

Karly-Anne Abalajon   
Kendall Ackland
Julia Archer              
Mikayla Basque 
Mackenzie Beltran
Phoenicia Cassidy-Boulos
Julia Cote   
Carmen De Castro Olivera
Josh Dunkley
Zeb Fulcher
Parker Jones        
Spencer Ridpath                  
Lev Tokol
Director, Ms. Elspeth Maynard
Erik, Swiatoschik, accompanist
**Special thanks to Pia Lampitoc and Joseph Nguyen for their assistance with the choir throughout the year. 

Chamber Choir


Vivian Alcantrara Romero
Jael Hernandez
Gabrielle Johnstone
Nicole Wall

Madeline Doornaert
Anson Ho
Lilly Korkontzelos
Savanna Muscat
Alanah Shields
Bonnie Trealout
Pia Lampitoc
Quinn Mccarthy
Joseph Nguyen
Ken Wood
Michael Zalewski
Max Arvidsson
Aaron Beaudette
Steven Boere, Steven
Radoslow Budzik
Zhining Hu
Konrad Jarecki
David Katich-Mcnamara
Parker Manson

University Singers

Vivian Alcantrara Romero
Sam Beck
Hailey Bennet
Sydney Brouillard-Coyle
Meaghan Carpentier
Jade Annie Change
Felicity Cincurak
Bernada Doctor
Diamond Duyen
Maxine Hendy
Jael Hernandez
Gabrielle Johnstone
Lucy Kavanagh
Sophia Lu
Kaitlyn Montgomery
Savanna Muscat
Lisha Ottley
Shanice Vincet
Nicole Wall
Bryn Coghill
Bethany D'Alimonte
Madeline Doornaert
Gisele Gagnon
Britnie Groves
Anson Ho
Franscesca Incitti
Lilly Korkontzelos
Lauren Lopez
Mariana Zec
Andreea Marinescu
Corinne Montpetit
Sarah Richards
Elexus Roberstson
Jilian Sheeler
Alanah Shields
Emily Thompson
Naomi Woods
Mackenzie Hoekstra
Pia Lampitoc
Julian Macioce
Quinn Mccarthy
Joseph Nguyen
Allesandro Rotondi
Ken Wood
Michael Zalewski
Max Arvidsson
Steven Boere
Radoslow Budzik
Colin Cooper
Mitch Corrent
Gregory Duff
Zhining Hu
Dylan Iannicello
Konrad Jarecki
David Katich-Mcnamara
Francois Lepage
Kevin Mahzoon
Parker Manson
Jonathan Mastrogiacomo
Sam Poole
Ragn Royle
Ian Scott
Bruce Simpson
Tomi Xhelili
University of Windsor Director of Choirs, Dr. Bruce J. G. Kotowich
Alde Calongcagong, collaborative pianist



Trevor Pittman