UK Tour

An Ireland/England tour began for Dr. Loeb on the Emerald Isle at the Supramolecular Ireland Symposium at the end of June with an invited talk on “Design and Synthesis of Rigid Molecular Shuttles”.

He was joined by LRG members Alex Stirk and Pablo Martinez-Bulit at the 12th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC 2017) in Cambridge. Dr. Loeb gave a Keynote lecture on “Designing Molecular Shuttles to Function in the Solid-State” to rave reviews. Even Nobel Laureate Sir Fraser Stoddart was atwitter …






Alex presented a poster titled “T-shaped Rotaxane Ligands for MOFs: a New Design”.

Pablo Martinez-Bulit won the ISMSC/ISACS poster prize for his presentation entitled “Running Rings Around Porphyrins One-pot synthesis of Functionalisable [5]Rotaxanes”. Well-done Pablo! 

Dr. Loeb completed his UK tour with an invited lecture “Rotaxanes. What (Else) are they Good For?” at Southampton Supramolecular (Fun-Day) Symposium held at the University of Southampton, UK.