PDC140508A - May 8, 2014

There will be a meeting of the
Thursday May 8, 2014 at 9:00am-11:00am
In Room 203 Anthony P. Toldo Health Education Centre
Formal Business
1    Approval of Agenda
2    Minutes of meeting of April 2, 2014
3    Business arising from the minutes
4    Outstanding business
5    Reports/New Business
Items for Approval 
      5.1   Nursing (BScN) Degree Completion Program                        PDC140508-5.1     Dr. L. Patrick
              for Graduates of the Lambton College Practical                    PDC140508-5.1a
              Nursing Program-PDC Form B                                              PDC140508-5.1b
    *5.2   Changes to All FAHSS Combined Honours Programs             PDC140508-5.2     Prof. L. Walsh
    *5.3   Education – New Course Proposals Masters of Education      PDC140508-5.3     Dr. K. Roland
              (International Cohort) (Graduate)  
    *5.4   Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology – New Course      PDC140508-5.4  Dr. D. Soulliere
    *5.5   Education – New Course Proposals                                       PDC140508-5.5     Dr. K. Roland
    *5.6   General Bachelor of Computer Science – Minor Program       PDC140508-5.6       Dr. C. Ezeife
    *5.7   Certificate in Labour Studies - Minor Program Changes        PDC140508-5.7     Dr. A. Forrest     
    *5.8   School of Dramatic Art – Minor Program Changes                 PDC140508-5.8   Dr. T. Pugliese
    *5.9   Disability Studies Degree Completion Programs for CAAT     PDC140508-5.9        Dr. J. Grant     
              Diploma Graduates
    *5.10 BA/BSW and Social Service Worker Articulation                   PDC140508.5.10      Dr. J. Grant
              Agreement – Minor Program Change
    *5.11 School for Arts and Creative Innovation – New Course        PDC140508-5.11       Dr. K. Engle
    *5.12 French Studies – Minor Program Change                            PDC140508-5.12      Dr. M. Hamil
    *5.13 Civil, Electrical, Environmental, Industrial and                   PDC140508-5.13     Dr. N. Zamani     
              Mechanical Engineering Co-op Admissions – Minor
              Program Changes
    *5.14 Civil and Environmental Engineering Articulated               PDC140508-5.14         Dr. F. Ghrib
              Agreement with St. Clair College – Minor Program
    *5.15 Concurrent Honours Biological Sciences                             PDC140508-5.15      Dr. K. Roland
              (with/without thesis)/Bachelor of Education – Minor
              Program Changes
    *5.16 Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology –  New Course   PDC140508-5.16 Dr. F. Omorodion     
              Proposal (Graduate)
Items for Information                                                                                                     Dr. L. Walsh
    *5.17 Master of Social Work – Summary of Minor Course             PDC140508-5.17                          
              and Calendar Changes                                                                   
    *5.18 Program Learning Outcomes – Sociology, Anthropology,    PDC140508-5.18
              Criminology, Family and Social Relations
    *5.19 Education - Summary of Minor Course and Calendar          PDC140508-5.19
    *5.20 Physics - Summary of Minor Course and Calendar              PDC140508-5.20
    *5.21 Women’s Studies and History - Summary of Minor            PDC140508-5.21
              Course and Calendar Changes
    *5.22 Political Science - Summary of Minor Course and              PDC140508-5.22
              Calendar Changes
    *5.23 Dramatic Arts - Summary of Minor Course and Calendar    PDC140508-5.23
    *5.24 Social Work and Psychology - Summary of Minor              PDC140508-5.24
              Course and Calendar Changes
    *5.25 Admission to the three year Genearl BA in Dramatic Art    PDC140508-5.25
    *5.26 Electrical Engineering – Summary of Minor Course and    PDC140508-5.26
              Calendar Changes
    *5.27 Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology - Graduate       PDC140508-5.27
              Program Learning Outcomes
    *5.28 Engineering – Summary of Minor Course and  Calendar   PDC140508-5.28
Items for Approval
      5.29 CONFIDENTIAL Draft PDC Reports on UPR (IN CAMERA)                                 Ms. G. Ebbett
              (Documents will be circulated to PDC members only separately)
              5.29a   General Science 3rd Annual Report                                                   
              5.29b   Physics 4th Annual Report                                                         
              5.29c   English (New University Program Review)         
              5.29d   Nursing (New University Program Review)        
    *5.30 Inter-Faculty Programs – New Course Proposal                PDC140508-5.30            Dr. M. Lee
      5.31 Education Name Change                                                  PDC140508-5.31        Dr. K. Roland     
    *5.32 Bachelor of Forensic Science - Minor Program Change      PDC140508-5.32            Dr. M. Lee
Additional Business
6    Question Period/Other Business
7    Adjournment