Learning Outcomes

Learn While You Serve

The outcomes of the experience are focused on service and relationship-building. You will help the University of Windsor to develop community and form sustainable relationships. Our central goal is a sustainable, mutual relationship with our partner organizations. Achieving that requires active awareness of our power and privilege and an open mind.

Therefore it is vitally important that we listen to the partner organization as they identify needs so that both those who provide and receive the service benefit from the experience.

Your service learning experience deserves recognition! Don't forget to add your ASB to your Co-Curricular Record!

The learning outcomes for the ASB program are that students will:

  1. Demonstrate empathy and the ability to explore real-world issues and experiences from viewpoints other than their own, through reflective practice, group discussions and program activities
  2. Demonstrate intercultural sensitivity while working with community partners, community members, and other members of a team
  3. Apply disciplinary knowledge to researching, analyzing, and suggesting creative solutions to problems in a variety of contexts
  4. Understand and apply principles of civic engagement and social responsibility by participating in community work, and describing that work through reflection that culminates in a public presentation
  5. Apply service leadership and personal self-awareness while actively participating in every phase of the ASB experience