Civil and Environmental Engineering

trucks heading onto Ambassador BridgeTwo case studies on transportation across the Canada-U.S. border are the subject of a seminar Thursday on the UWindsor campus.

Seminar to explore regional transportation planning

Two case studies on transportation across the Canada-U.S. border are the subject of a seminar Thursday on the UWindsor campus.
Kerry McPhedranKerry McPhedran stands beside a warning sign posted on a lifeguard stand at Sandpoint Beach. The post-doctoral fellow believes predictive modelling may be a better way to determine whether beaches should be closed to swimmers.

Predictive modelling may be better way to determine beach closures, researcher believes

Post-doctoral fellow Kerry McPhedran believes predictive modelling may be a better way to determine if beaches ought to be closed to bathers.
Mariam Hamadani, Khaled Alhakim, Felipe Paramo and Darius Ghib holding bridgeStudents display their model bridge, winner for most creative design: Mariam Hamadani, Khaled Alhakim, Felipe Paramo and Darius Ghib.

Competition bridges gap between theory and practice

Third-year civil engineering students learned a lot in a competition to design and build a model bridge—and watch it destroyed to test its strength.
Students pose with their popsicle stick bridgeThe winners of last year’s popsicle sticks bridge competition—Josh Mailloux, Ismaeel Babur, Eric Sylvestre and Evan Reidel—show off their arched design, which held more than 4800 newtons (almost 1,100 pounds) while weighing just over 1100 grams.

Model competition to test engineering students’ bridge-building skills

The public is invited to watch engineering students test the strength of their model bridges on Wednesday.