School of the Environment

Ken Drouillard holding fabric face masks.Ken Drouillard, a professor in UWindsor’s School of the Environment, is heading a research project to help the Windsor-Essex Sewing Force. The group of volunteers is sewing masks for healthcare workers.

UWindsor researchers lend expertise to volunteers sewing masks at home

Ken Drouillard, a professor in UWindsor’s School of the Environment, is heading a research project to help the Windsor-Essex Sewing Force.

Book cover: Return from the StarsMIT Press has released a new edition of a novel translated into English by UWindsor professor Frank Simpson and his late wife.

Translation project combines English and science talents

MIT Press has released a new edition of a novel translated into English by UWindsor professor Frank Simpson and his late wife.

Brianna Lunardi taking samples of the sand and vegetation in Stanhope on the island’s north shore.Grad student Brianna Lunardi, a member of the Coastal Research Group, is in Prince Edward Island studying sand dunes and beaches. Here, she is shown taking samples of the sand and vegetation in Stanhope on the island’s north shore.

Coastal research takes group to Prince Edward Island beaches

Members of the Coastal Research Group are flying drones over the Prince Edward Island shore to map beaches, dunes, and rip currents.

Dr. Kenneth Drouillard, professor at the University of Windsor's Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research, explains why the emergence of mayflies can be an indication of lake health.Dr. Kenneth Drouillard, professor at the University of Windsor's Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research, explains why the emergence of mayflies can be an indication of lake health.

UWindsor prof clears the air on mayflies

Most years, they rise from the water and blanket unsuspecting communities.

Children scream as their friends run in pursuit with one of these winged-insects pinched tight between their fingers.

But what are they exactly and should we be encouraged when some years produce seemingly record levels and others don’t?

Are they fishflies, June bugs, or mayflies?

Barry RabeUniversity of Michigan professor Barry Rabe will examine the political feasibility of carbon pricing in a free public lecture Thursday, March 21.

Carbon pricing subject of address

University of Michigan professor Barry Rabe will examine the political feasibility of carbon pricing in a free public lecture Thursday, March 21.

beach with sign warning "strong currents"Recent studies suggest that tourists believe that beach access points and resorts are located adjacent to safe swimming areas, but that isn’t always true.

Dean warns of drowning danger

UWindsor dean of science Chris Houser writes for the Conversation with a warning for anyone preparing to head south for March break.

Dalton McGuintyFormer Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty will speak on “Climate Change: Can We Win This? Be Honest,” Wednesday on the UWindsor campus.

Former premier to address challenges of climate change fight

Former Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty will speak on “Climate Change: Can We Win This? Be Honest,” Wednesday on the UWindsor campus.

Ground-penetrating radar screenGround-penetrating radar used to locate graves and buried buildings is one of the instruments featured at Thursday’s event.

Public event to dig into local history

The next event in the Science on Tap series offers the public a chance to hear from professors participating in the WEDigHistory project.