Korissa Williams

Film combines investigative journalism, eco-adventure and arresting imagery

The International Student Centre International Wednesdays documentary series presents a screening of The Cove, February 22 at noon in the centre on the second floor of Laurier Hall.

Winner of the 2009 Academy Award for best documentary, the Cove follows an elite team of activists, filmmakers and freedivers as they embark on a covert mission to penetrate a remote and hidden cove in Taiji, Japan, shining a light on a dark and deadly secret.

Quiz to brighten winter days

For those hardy souls holding down the UWindsor fort during Study Week, DailyNews is offering a small measure of recompense: a chance to win some swag.

Up for grabs are two 50 mm square photo frames in bonded leather, courtesy of the special events manager in the Office of the President, and two 100 per cent silk scarves – ideal to ward off winter’s chill – donated by the Office of Public Affairs and Communications.

Fitness instructors offering free classes this week

Looking to get in shape for spring? Instructors of X-Training classes in the St. Denis Centre are offering a free sample this week – try a class and if you like it, sign up at half-price for the remainder of the semester.

Included in the offer are:

Expert to discuss childhood attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has a profound impact on children and commonly persists into adulthood. Local psychiatrist Tamison Doey will be sharing some of her insights into this condition in a free public lecture, “Let’s talk about Childhood ADHD,” at the Windsor Public Library’s central branch on Tuesday, February 21, at 7 p.m.

The event is part of the Schulich Windsor Health Lecture Series organized by the faculty and medical students at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry – Windsor Campus.

Automotive giveaway to fuel drive to quit smoking

Quitting smoking or tobacco use for the month of March could win a member of the UWindsor community a new Ford Fusion hybrid or Ford Edge, one of two $5,000 dream vacation getaways or one of seven $2,000 cash prizes, reports the campus Leave The Pack Behind team.

The students, working out of the health promotion office, are registering participants in the Driven to Quit Challenge.

To enter:

Disability and mad studies subjects of conversation

Jijian Voronka will lead a conversation about disabilities studies, mad studies and mad pride during her free public lecture “The Making of Bipolar Britney,” at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, February 21, at Windsor Pride.

A doctoral student in the Department of Sociology and Equity Studies at the University of Toronto, she teaches “A History of Madness” at Ryerson University’s School of Disability Studies and works as a consumer research consultant for the Mental Health Commission of Canada.

Windsor Pride is located at 422 Pelissier Street.

Holiday an opportunity to consider importance of families

The Family Day holiday helps to focus attention on the importance of family in Canadian society, says a UWindsor social work professor.

“The idea that we have decided this is important highlights that as a nation, we are dedicated to family,” Jim Coyle said in an interview Wednesday. “Whether we are First Nations, have long roots in Canada, or are recent immigrants to this country, one of the things we all have in common is that family is a basic building block in our lives.”

Piping repairs to shut down campus hot water Tuesday

Repairs to pipes will deny hot water service to most buildings on campus, from about 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, February 21.

The shutdown will apply to all campus buildings with the exception of:

Drummond report underscores importance of higher education to economy, says Council of Ontario Universities

Ontario universities appreciate the focus on postsecondary education issues provided by the Commission on the Reform of Ontario’s Public Services, welcoming particularly its support for sufficient tuition revenue so that universities can continue to maintain the quality of the student experience, the Council of Ontario Universities announced in a news release yesterday.