Register Your Firm:
You can register your firm with the Career Services Office and advise us of opportunities for Windsor Law students and graduates by completing the attached form and emailing it to Anna Maria DeCia-Gualtieri, Director of Career Services.
Participate in our Job Shadowing Program:
Since 2003 our students have benefited from the Job Shadowing Program that aims to provide every current law student who enrolls in the program an opportunity to spend one day, typically during study week, with a graduate of Windsor Law. This gives students the opportunity to observe the routine of the Host and gain knowledge about the practice of law in an authentic setting.
Hosts can be judges, crown counsel, in-house counsel, private practitioners or others who use their law degree in an alternative or non-traditional manner. Because our students have such divergent interests, we aim to provide a variety of hosts and settings.
1. You must register with the Program no later than August 1st each year.
2. In November, you will be informed of the name of the student who has been matched with you for the Program.3. The student will contact you directly (usually in December) to arrange a suitable date for the shadowing.
4. Although study week is suggested, the actual date of the Job Shadowing is flexible and based on the availability of the Host and the student.
5. If the Host suggests, and the student is willing and able, the Job Shadowing may be extended beyond one day.
6. Firms may invite students back to observe the continuance of a specific file or matter. Any further visits are at the discretion of the individual Hosts and are not an expectation of the program.
7. You are not required to “entertain” the student. A special itinerary is not required. The shadowing should show students a realistic picture of a day in the professional life of the Host. To the extent possible, the Host should endeavor to expose the student to a variety of practical legal issues and/or procedures. An opportunity to meet and talk with other students or lawyers is also beneficial.
8. The students will be required to keep confidential all information to which they may have had access to in the course of the Shadowing. While they have been informed of their obligations as student members of the Law Society of Upper Canada and the provisions of the Code of Professional Conduct, you should feel free to require the students to execute a Confidentiality Agreement. The Career Services Office can assist in the preparation of such Agreement.
9. If, on the date of the arranged Job Shadowing, you are unable to spend much time with the student, please arrange for a colleague to take over for you or, if this is not possible, to schedule another date for the Job Shadowing visit.
10. Please complete the Evaluation (which will be sent along with your student’s name) following the student’s visit. Your comments are very helpful in improving the Program and planning for next year.
11. You are encouraged to contact Anna Maria DeCia-Gualtieri, Director of Career Services if you have any questions or concerns about the program, the matching process or the student. Anna can be reached at 519.253.3000, ext 2986 or by email.