Field Experience Handbook

2024-25 Academic Year


Commitment to Students and Student Learning
Members are dedicated in their care, commitment, equitable treatment and respect to students. They are sensitive to factors that influence individual student learning. Members facilitate the development of students as contributing citizens of Canadian society.

Professional Knowledge 
Members strive to be current in their professional knowledge and recognize its relationship to practice. They understand and reflect on student development, learning theory, pedagogy, curriculum, ethics, educational research and related policies and legislation to inform professional judgment in practice. 

Professional Practice 
Members apply professional knowledge and experience to promote student learning. They use appropriate pedagogy, assessment and evaluation, resources and technology in planning for and responding to the needs of individual students and learning communities. Members refine their professional practice through ongoing inquiry, dialogue and reflection. 

Leadership in Learning Communities 
Members promote and participate in the creation of collaborative, safe and supportive learning communities. They recognize shared responsibilities and leadership roles in order to facilitate student success. Members maintain and uphold the principles of the ethical standards in these learning communities. 

Ongoing Professional Learning 
Members recognize that a commitment to professional learning is integral to effective practice and to student learning. Professional practice and self-directed learning are informed by experience, research, collaboration and knowledge.

See: the Ontario College of Teachers' Standards of Practice for the teaching profession


Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and insight for developing students’ potential. Members express commitment to students’ well-being and learning through positive influence, professional judgment and empathy. 

Trust embodies fairness, openness and honesty through members’ professional relationships with students, colleagues, parents/guardians and the public. 

Respect for spiritual and cultural values, social justice, confidentiality, freedom, democracy and the environment honours human dignity, emotional wellness and cognitive development.

Integrity embodies honesty, reliability and moral action. Continual reflection assists in exercising integrity in professional commitments and responsibilities.

See: the Ontario College of Teachers' Ethical Standards for the teaching profession



Greetings and welcome to Field Experience—our teacher education program's vital experiential learning component where theory meets practice and the foundations of education take on real-world significance. We are excited to collaborate on this journey with our Teacher Candidates and those in the school system who support them. 

In teaching, experiential learning (i.e., learning by doing and reflecting on that experience) is a powerful catalyst for growth and development. Field placements are designed to provide hands-on experiences, allowing Teacher Candidates to apply classroom knowledge to the dynamic realities of educational settings. 

During field experience, Teacher Candidates not only observe and assist in classrooms but also actively engage in the daily life of a teacher. This immersion is designed to deepen the understanding of pedagogical strategies, classroom management, and the diverse needs of learners. Through this experience, we aim to foster reflective educators who seamlessly translate theory into effective, student-centered practices. 

Teacher Candidates will be paired with experienced mentors and educators who are members of the Ontario College of Teachers and are eager to share their insights and offer guidance and support. The expertise of the Associate Teachers, combined with the enthusiasm of the Teacher Candidates, will contribute to a vibrant learning community. Experiential learning placements are not just about what the Teacher Candidate will learn but also about what they bring to teaching. Teacher Candidates' unique perspectives, creativity, and passion for education are invaluable assets that will enrich the field experience. 

While practice teaching is the formal and compulsory core element of field experience, we also provide alternative experiential learning opportunities locally and internationally. Through field experiences, Teacher Candidates are exposed to and immersed in a professional network of educators and school leadership, which can significantly help establish a teaching career. We are confident that field experience will be a pivotal chapter in the teacher education journey of our Teacher Candidates, preparing them for the rewarding road ahead. Teacher Candidates are invited to contact the Field Experience Office if they have questions or ideas or want to share their experiences. 

The basis of Teacher Candidates' success in teaching practice is the mentorship they receive from our school partners and leadership, Faculty Advisors, and especially Associate Teachers. By providing meaningful field experience, our school partners have supported the professional journeys of our Teacher Candidates and contributed significantly to enhancing the teacher education program. Through Associate Teachers’ guidance and commitment to excellence, our Teacher Candidates have gained invaluable hands-on experience, honing their skills and nurturing their passion for teaching. The support of our school partners is pivotal in helping Teacher Candidates transition from aspiring educators to confident, capable teachers. Please accept our heartfelt appreciation for the unwavering commitment and care given to shaping the future of education. We warmly welcome our school partners to let us know how we can better support the practical learning of our Teacher Candidates by contacting our Field Experience Office directly or through their Principals or representatives of the Faculty of Education. 

The Field Experience Handbook, found below, informs Teacher Candidates, Associate Teachers, Principals, Vice-Principals, Faculty Advisors, and school board personnel about the expectations, policies, and procedures designed to make this experience effective and enjoyable for all. We look forward to continuing to provide our Teacher Candidates with exceptional field experience, knowing that together, we are making a significant difference in the field of education. 

With sincerest gratitude, 

Lindsey Jaber, Ph.D., C.Psych. 
Associate Dean, Teacher Education 
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education 

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Leonard and Dorothy Neal Education Building
3rd floor, Room 3300

Leslie Borg
Field Experience Coordinator
(519) 253-3000 ext. 3807

Carol Kong-Dai
Practice Teaching Specialist
(519) 253-3000 ext. 3827

Karen Bourdeau
Practice Teaching Assistant
(519) 253-3000 ext. 3869

Leonard and Dorothy Neal Education Building
3rd floor, Room 3300

Dr. Lindsey Jaber, PhD, Associate Professor
Associate Dean, Teacher Education
(519) 253-3000 ext. 3804

Lina Nardone
Secretary to the Associate Dean, Teacher Education
(519) 253-3000 ext. 3804

Dana Datta 
Program Support Assistant
(519) 253-3000 ext. 3805

Sydney Murray
Student Success Coordinator (temporary)
(519) 253-3000 ext. 3808

Leonard and Dorothy Neal Education Building
2nd floor, Room 2205

Dr. Ken Montgomery
(519) 253-3000 ext. 3801

Abby Nakhaie
Manager, Finance and Administration
(519) 253-3000 ext. 3837

Maria Argoselo
Secretary to the Dean
(519) 253-3000 ext. 3811

Janet Coop
Secretary, Dean's Office
(519) 253-3000 ext. 3801

Leonard and Dorothy Neal Education Building
3rd floor, Room 3300

Radha Patel
Continuing Education Program Coordinator (currently on leave)
(519) 253-3000 ext. 6725

Nicole Vignone-Kiborn
Continuing Education Program Coordinator (temporary)

Valerie Newell
Continuing Education Secretary
(519) 253-3000 ext. 6734


Teacher Candidates

As a Teacher Candidate, you are expected to:

  • Adhere exactly to the placement days as outlined on the B.Ed. program calendar;
  • Be responsible for awareness of and respect for all policies and procedures, both at the Faculty of Education and those of your placement school(s);
  • Perform professional duties and obligations in accordance with the Ontario College of Teachers’ Standards of Practice, Ethical Standards, and the Duties of Teachers;
  • Recognize and acknowledge student welfare as the ultimate concern and that the Associate Teacher has the final responsibility for what occurs in the classroom;
  • Be professional and practice good time management skills by being prepared, arriving half an hour before the school's start time, and expecting to stay beyond dismissal, unless otherwise directed by your Associate Teacher or School Administration;
  • Maintain professional and appropriate interactions with students in and outside of the classroom. Teacher candidates are not to contact students directly through social media, email, or phone calls under any circumstances;
  • Be mindful of the conversations you engage in, both in and out of the classroom and staff room. This includes conversations about students and their families, school staff, Faculty of Education personnel, and teacher candidates;
  • Use what is observed to familiarize yourself with the school's culture and create lesson plans that meet the needs of all learners in each classroom;
  • Take initiative to support and assist Associate Teachers and make professional and meaningful connections with students and colleagues;
  • Understand that Associate Teachers have their own unique teaching styles. Teacher Candidates must be respectful and follow the rules and expectations of the school and their Associate Teacher;
  • Be detailed, organized, and prepared in your lesson planning. At the direction of your Associate Teacher, you should provide your lesson plans in advance to ensure all needs are being met and to make revisions as necessary;
  • Get involved with extra-curricular activities within your school community. You are expected to be a part of ALL activities that your Associate Teacher is a part of, unless specified otherwise;
  • Reflect on your teaching experience and lessons, and Implement the feedback from your Associate Teacher and Faculty Advisor;
  • Complete the Critical Reflection Journal; and
  • Engage in regular communication with your Faculty Advisor throughout your placement. Your Advisor should be kept apprised of your progress and work with you to address any areas needing further development.

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Associate Teachers

As an Associate Teacher, you can support your Teacher Candidate(s) by:

  • Continuing to perform professional duties and obligations in accordance with the Ontario College of Teachers’ Standards of Practice, Ethical Standards, and the Duties of Teachers;
  • Welcoming and orienting your Teacher Candidate(s) to the school and classroom;
  • Sharing and familiarizing your expectations with your Teacher Candidate(s);
  • Modeling your best classroom pedagogical practices and discussing them with your Teacher Candidate(s);
  • Assisting your Teacher Candidate(s) in planning teaching strategies, and in selecting and designing appropriate materials, lessons, and assessments;
  • Guiding your Teacher Candidate(s) in developing sound classroom organization and management strategies;
  • Expecting and approving written lesson plans to ensure that the needs of your classroom and students, as well as your own expectations, are being met;
  • Supporting your Teacher Candidate(s) using The 3Cs of Mentoring; and
  • Providing feedback that is continuous, constructive, and realistic for the purpose of strengthening your Teacher Candidate(s)’ strategies, professionalism, and performance.

Important Notes:

  • Associate Teachers must contact the Advisor as soon as possible if a Teacher Candidate is experiencing difficulties or if they believe the Teacher Candidate is at risk of failing the practicum.
  • Teacher Candidates are not to be left alone/unsupervised with students under any circumstances. Such actions may lead to serious consequences for Associate Teachers and Teacher Candidates.

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Faculty Advisor

As a Faculty Advisor*, you are expected to:

  • Provide a letter for teacher candidates to give to each Associate Teacher describing the Advisor role as a mentor for Teacher Candidates and support for the Associate Teacher;
  • Be available during all practicum blocks and respond to all communications from Teacher Candidates, Associate Teachers, and the Field Experience Office within one business day;
  • Collect and review copies of the Formative and Summative reports for each placement and work with the Associate Teacher and Teacher Candidate to determine the next steps for improvement and growth;
  • Collect and review the Critical Reflection Journal from all Teacher Candidates after each practicum;
  • Notify the Field Experience Office of any at-risk Teacher Candidates as soon as possible so that improvement strategies can be implemented;
  • Develop a Learning Plan with at-risk Teacher Candidates in consultation with their Associate Teacher;
  • Mediate conflicts between Teacher Candidates and Associate Teachers;
  • Act as a liaison between the schools and the Faculty of Education; 
  • Submit the mid-year "IP" grade and all final grades (P/NP) for your section of EDUC 5499 through UWinsite Student, in accordance with the Senate Bylaws.  Teacher Candidates who are making up placement days should receive a grade of “IN” until they have completed all placement days, at which point, a grade change request must be submitted through UWinsite Student.

Important Note:

Advisors are encouraged to visit Teacher Candidates while on placement; however, all Advisors must visit Teacher Candidates if they have been requested to do so by the Associate Teacher, Teacher Candidate, or Field Experience Office. If a Teacher Candidate is at risk of failing a practicum, the school visit must be followed up with a Learning Plan developed with the Teacher Candidate in consultation with the Associate Teacher, and submitted to the Associate Dean, Teacher Education.

*The above roles and responsibilities for the Faculty Advisors do not include the in-class roles and responsibilities for EDUC 5499, as outlined in the Program Guide.


School Administrators

Principals and Vice-Principals support practice teaching in many ways, including:

  • Recruiting Associate Teachers;
  • Assisting in the orientation of Teacher Candidates assigned to their school;
  • Facilitating Teacher Candidates’ involvement in activities beyond the classroom setting (e.g., extra-curricular activities, staff meetings, staff socials, student functions, professional development days, parent/teacher conferences, etc.);
  • Cooperating with Faculty Advisors in solving problems that may arise; 
  • Providing feedback to the Field Experience Office on the general performance of Teacher Candidates and the administration of the practicum; and
  • Processing the honorarium payment forms.

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All policies below are applied equally and without exception to all Teacher Candidates:

  1. Classroom placements are arranged with the following four school boards only:

    Greater Essex County District School Board
    Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board
    Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB graduates only)
    St. Clair Catholic District School Board

    Note: As per OCT accreditation regulations, the Faculty of Education is not permitted to place Teacher Candidates in any full-French school boards. Our programs are accredited for English school boards only.
  1. All placement arrangements are made by the Field Experience Office only. Teacher Candidates must not be involved in arranging their own placements. Teacher Candidates must not make requests for their practicum placements. 

    The placement arrangement process is incredibly complex, and numerous factors must be considered when assignments are made. It is therefore critical that this policy be respected, and any teacher candidate found to be in contravention of this policy will be referred to the Associate Dean, Teacher Education, and may lead to the requirement to withdraw from the B.Ed. program.

    Practice teaching assignments will be confirmed with each school approximately two (2) weeks prior to the placement start date. Teacher Candidates will receive notice of their placement approximately one (1) week prior to the placement start date.

    Requests for changes of placement cannot be considered for reasons of convenience of transportation. You are required to acknowledge and agree to your understanding of the following statement in the Incoming Teacher Candidate Registration Survey:  

    I understand that I am responsible for making all necessary transportation arrangements to and from placement. I understand that the partner boards cover a large geographical area and since some schools are not available by public transit, a vehicle may be required. I understand that the Field Experience Office cannot become involved in facilitating any carpool arrangements and that the Faculty of Education will not change placement locations due to transportation issues.
  2. Placements in schools where any potential conflicts of interest exist are not permitted, including all relatives who are part of the school in any capacity (i.e., any staff member or student).

    The Field Experience Office must be made aware of any potential conflicts of interest by the beginning of the school year so that they may be avoided. It should be noted that a placement will be cancelled immediately if the Field Experience Office becomes aware of a conflict of interest situation at a Teacher Candidate's placement school.
  3. It is crucial that throughout the year, local addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses remain current. It is sometimes necessary to communicate placement changes at short notice. It is the responsibility of the teacher candidate to ensure their contact information is up-to-date via the UWinsite Student platform. 
  4. All official Faculty correspondence will be sent to your University email address only. This address must be used for all communication with your Associate Teacher, Advisor, and all Faculty of Education personnel. Teacher Candidates should check their University email regularly, and respond to all correspondence in a timely manner.

    Teacher Candidates have a professional responsibility to be familiar with and respectful of all Faculty of Education policies. Policy breaches may be considered a case of Professional Misconduct.

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Field Experience Requirements

The program provides a minimum of 80 days for observation and practice teaching. 

Requirements by Division


Placement Requirements


At least one Primary (grades JK-3)
At least one Junior (grades 4-6)


At least one placement in at least one teachable area
Note: I/S candidates may be placed in grade 7 or 8 classrooms

Requirements for Passing Practicum

Teacher Candidates receive a Pass/Non-Pass grade for Practice Teaching (EDUC-5499). A Pass is required for both the successful completion of the B.Ed. degree and recommendation to the Ontario College of Teachers for certification. The Faculty Advisor determines the Pass/Non-Pass based on practicum reports and course assignments/assessments.

To pass, a Teacher Candidate must receive a “Satisfactory” Summative assessment at the end of each placement.  

Unsatisfactory Summative Assessments

Teacher Candidates who receive an “Unsatisfactory” Summative Assessment are at-risk of receiving a Non-Pass (NP) in Practicum (EDUC 5499), and will be referred to the Associate Dean, Teacher Education. The Associate Dean will determine the Teacher Candidate’s status in the program, which may include the requirement to withdraw, the completion of a makeup placement, or referral to the Professional Standards Committee. This determination will be communicated to Teacher Candidates in writing. Teacher Candidates who have received an Unsatisfactory Summative Assessment are encouraged to contact the Student Success Coordinator.

It should be noted that Teacher Candidates who need to complete an additional placement in their graduating year may have their convocation postponed.

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Practicum Termination

It may be deemed necessary to immediately withdraw a Teacher Candidate from a placement. If a Teacher Candidate is asked to leave a placement, the placement is considered terminated and deemed unsuccessful. In these situations, the Associate Teacher may or may not complete a Summative Report. If a Summative Report is not completed, the placement will be documented as “Unsatisfactory”.

Reasons for immediate withdrawal from placement include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The Teacher Candidate displays conduct that contravenes the Standards of Practice and Ethical Standards of the Teaching Profession;
  • Violation of the provisions of the Ontario Education ActThe Teaching Profession Act, and the Ontario College of Teachers Act;
  • The Teacher Candidate engages in physical or sexual abuse, harassment, or other misconduct;
  • The Teacher Candidate constitutes a threat to, or compromises the physical or emotional well-being of students;
  • The Teacher Candidate fails to act professionally (e.g., absenteeism, lateness, lack of planning and preparation, behaviour demonstrating lack of commitment to the profession, etc.);
  • Continuing in the placement is not in the best interest of the school, the Faculty of Education and/or school personnel; or,
  • The Teacher Candidate is at risk of failing the placement.

Professional Standards Committee

The Professional Standards Committee (PSC) reviews referrals from the Associate Dean, Teacher Education regarding the performance and/or professional conduct of Teacher Candidates.

Chaired by the Associate Dean, Teacher Education, committee members include three Faculty members who are not the Teacher Candidate’s Advisor. The Teacher Candidate and their Advisor are required to attend an in-person meeting of the Committee in which they are provided an opportunity to share information and respond to questions. The PSC decides each case on its own merit and communicates its recommendation regarding the Teacher Candidate’s standing in the B.Ed. program to the Dean of Education. Candidates have the right to appeal the decision.

Challenging Placement Experiences

When challenges are identified within a placement, they must be addressed immediately. The roles and responsibilities of Teacher Candidates, Associate Teachers, and Faculty Advisors include, but are not limited to the following:

It is suggested that Teacher Candidates:

  • Connect with the Faculty Advisor and Associate Teacher.
  • Contact the Student Success Coordinator.
  • Contact the Field Experience Office, who may direct you to the Associate Dean, Teacher Education, if further intervention or support is needed.

It is suggested that Associate Teachers:

  • Consistently provide feedback and debrief with your Teacher Candidate.
  • Contact the Faculty Advisor, who will arrange to visit the school to observe, discuss concerns, and provide support.
  • Contact the Field Experience Office, who may direct you to the Associate Dean, Teacher Education, if further intervention or support is needed.

If a Teacher Candidate becomes at-risk of failing the placement at any time, the Associate Teacher must contact the Advisor. This will allow for the development of a Learning Plan to support the Teacher Candidate’s growth and provide opportunities for improvement. 

In extreme cases, if a Teacher Candidate feels it is necessary to leave or not return to a placement, before doing so, they must first contact their Advisor. If the Teacher Candidate is unable or uncomfortable contacting their Advisor, the Teacher Candidate must contact the Student Success Coordinator and/or the Associate Dean, Teacher Education. Failure to do so will result in referral to the Associate Dean, Teacher Education, and the practicum may be documented as "Unsatisfactory."

Learning Plan

When a Teacher Candidate is experiencing serious challenges in placement, the Advisor and Teacher Candidate will develop a Learning Plan, in consultation with the Associate Teacher. The Learning Plan identifies areas of strength and areas requiring further development to support the Teacher Candidate’s growth and learning.  A copy of the Learning Plan must be submitted to the Associate Dean, Teacher Education and Field Experience Coordinator.

Complaints About Associate Teachers

Under the Teaching Profession Act (Section 4.2), Teacher Candidates are associate members of the Ontario Teachers’ Federation (OTF) and are subject to its regulations. The following is taken from the OTF resource: Guidelines Regarding Harassment Complaints that Arise During Practicum Placements.

If a Teacher Candidate decides to make a complaint about an Associate Teacher, they must follow the steps outlined below:  

  1. The teacher candidate should discuss the issue with the Faculty Advisor. Depending on the severity and nature of the concern, the Teacher Candidate should be encouraged to first take it up with the Associate Teacher. If the Teacher Candidate is uncomfortable doing so, the Faculty Advisor should contact the Associate Teacher, and propose a meeting with Federation support to mediate the situation.
  2. If the matter cannot be resolved in this way, the Teacher Candidate might choose to pursue it in a more formal venue. This would entail a complaint made by the Teacher Candidate to the school Principal, who would then follow the Board’s policies. In such cases, the Teacher Candidate is obliged to provide the Associate Teacher with a written statement of the complaint registered with the Principal within three days.


Presence in School

Teacher Candidates must adhere exactly to the placement days on a full-time basis as outlined on the B.Ed. program calendar. Unless directed otherwise by your Associate Teacher or School Administration, Teacher Candidates must arrive a minimum of half an hour before the school's start time and stay beyond dismissal. 

When not teaching a class or group, Teacher Candidates are expected to be actively involved in planning, observing and other appropriate activities. Teacher Candidates are expected to participate in ALL activities that your Associate Teacher is a part of, including extra-curricular activities.

Absence from Practicum

If Teacher Candidates are absent from practicum for any reason, they must submit the Practicum Absence Request/Report and supporting documentation to Carol Kong-Dai ( Teacher Candidates must seek approval in advance for all expected absences.  In these cases, the Teacher Candidate must submit the completed Practicum Absence Request/Report and supporting documentation a minimum of five business days in advance.

Requests are reviewed by the Field Experience Office, who will make every effort to notify Teacher Candidates of the decision via email within two business days of the request submission. Teacher Candidates are held to the same standards as teachers for absence requests; that is, vacations and other non-essential reasons for practicum absences will not be approved.  If the absence is approved, the Teacher Candidate must notify their Associate Teacher, Principal, and Advisor as early as possible via email.

In cases of illness or emergency, Teacher Candidates must notify their Associate Teacher, Principal, Advisor, and Field Experience Office as early as possible via email. Teacher Candidates must also submit all planned lessons for the missed day(s) to their Associate Teacher. Absences due to illness of more than two days may require a medical note.

All missed practicum days must be made up, preferably during the make-up days identified on the Program Calendar. If alternative or additional make-up days are needed, they must be arranged at a time that is convenient for the Associate Teacher and their classroom. Make-up days can only be arranged on days when there are no scheduled Education classes or special events at the Faculty. When practicum days are made up, the Associate Teacher confirms by signing the Practicum Absence Request/Report. The Teacher Candidate must submit a signed copy of the Practicum Absence Request/Report to the Field Experience Office.

If an Associate Teacher is unable to accommodate make-up time, Teacher Candidates are to contact their Advisor and the Field Experience Office for further direction.

Please be aware that required make-up days scheduled after April 30th of your graduating year may result in you missing inclusion in the Convocation Program and/or ceremony and/or your graduation may be delayed until Fall convocation.

Practicum Deferral (Medical)

If, due to medical needs, the completion of a practicum will be affected, the Teacher Candidate must request a practicum deferral.  The request needs to be submitted in writing to the Associate Dean, Teacher Education along with supporting medical documentation.

Practicum deferral requests are reviewed by the Associate Dean, Teacher Education, who will provide the Teacher Candidate with the decision in writing, along with requirements for making up the practicum. Make-up placement time is typically scheduled during the month of May. All efforts will be made to ensure graduation deadlines are met; however, Teacher Candidates must be aware that completing a make-up placement in their graduating year may result in not being included in the Convocation Program and/or a delay of graduation until the Fall or following Spring. 

Student Accessibility Services

If you are a Teacher Candidate with a documented disabilityand you require accommodations during your practicum, you must register with the University of Windsor’s Student Accessibility Services (SAS) Office. You must then contact the Field Experience Coordinator or Associate Dean, Teacher Education to discuss possible practicum accommodations and provide a copy of your SAS practicum accommodations letter for your file.

Professional Development (PD) Days

PD days are counted as practicum days and should be attended unless advised otherwise by the Faculty and/or Principal. If attended, the Associate Teacher is to record the PD day in the Summative Report. If the Principal is not able to include Teacher Candidates in the planned PD, the Teacher Candidate is to carry out tasks and responsibilities assigned by the Associate Teacher.

School Closure for Emergencies

Practicum missed due to school closure for emergency reasons does not require make-up time.

School Closure Due to Severe Weather 

Practicum missed due to school closure for severe weather (e.g., fog, snow, ice, etc.) does not require make-up time. If buses are cancelled but schools remain open, Teacher Candidates are required to attend. Teacher Candidates who do not follow these policies will be referred to the Associate Dean, Teacher Education.

Absence of Associate Teachers

Teacher Candidates must notify their Advisor and Field Experience Office if their Associate Teacher is absent for more than three consecutive days.

Accidents and Injuries

Teacher Candidates are covered for accidents and injuries sustained during unpaid practicum placements through Workplace Safety Insurance. All Teacher Candidates must complete the formStudent Declaration of Understanding - Workplace Safety and Insurance Board or Private Insurance Coverage for Students on Unpaid Placements. Teacher Candidates must follow all School Board policies and procedures.  Additionally, they must complete the University of Windsor Unpaid Practicum Accident Incident Reporting Form,  and submit it to the Field Experience Office within two days of the incident.

Voluntary Withdrawal from the Program

Teacher Candidates considering voluntarily withdrawing from the program should contact their Faculty Advisor and the Student Success Coordinator.




When Teacher Candidates first arrive, the Principal and Associate Teacher are asked to assist them in becoming acquainted with the school, its routines, and organization. Orientation activities may include:

  • Initial welcome;
  • Tour of the school and its facilities;
  • Introductions to support staff;
  • Information about the school’s philosophy, accomplishments, policies, and initiatives;
  • School-specific Health & Safety orientation/training;
  • Information about parent and community relations.

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Critical Reflection Journal

As a part of Practicum (EDUC 5499), Teacher Candidates are required to complete a Critical Reflection Journal. This will be discussed and explained in detail by the Faculty Advisors.


Lesson Planning

Teacher Candidates must collaborate with their Associate Teacher to create lesson plans that meet the curriculum expectations and learning needs of all students. At the direction of the Associate Teacher, Teacher Candidates should provide their lesson plans in advance, including when they will be absent from placement, to make revisions as necessary.

 Effective lesson planning includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Considers curriculum expectations, learning goals, and success criteria, accommodations, and modifications, 
  • Differentiates instruction to meet the needs of all learners in the classroom, and 
  • Incorporates assessment as, of, and for learning.

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Teacher Candidates are expected to maintain a detailed and organized Daybook.

Suggested sections include, but are not limited to:

  • Relevant school and classroom policies;
  • Teaching timetable;
  • Supervision duties (i.e., yard, lunch, bus);
  • Seating plans;
  • Information regarding students’ learning strengths and needs;
  • Unit plans;
  • Lesson plans with relevant materials and resources;
  • Self-reflection of classroom experiences.

Associate Teachers may require Teacher Candidates to include additional sections and information in their Daybooks.

Teaching Expectations

Teacher Candidates may be placed with an Associate Teacher either alone or in pairs.  Teacher Candidates can achieve the teaching expectations by:

  • Team teaching; and
  • Teaching small groups of students; and
  • Teaching in another class for part of the day.

To meet the practicum teaching expectations, Teacher Candidates require balanced and meaningful opportunities in the following areas:

  1. Active observation
  2. Scaffolded interactions with students
  3. Collaborative and independent planning and teaching
  4. Collaborative and independent assessment, evaluation, and descriptive feedback
  5. Regular and constructive feedback sessions with their Associate Teacher
  6. Critical self-reflection and implementation of feedback 

Associate Teachers may use their professional discretion to adjust the Teacher Candidate’s teaching expectations. This should reflect the needs and best interests of the Teacher Candidate(s) and the students in the classroom. 


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Areas of Focus

Please refer to the Practice Teaching Expectations Chart for the weekly teaching expectation percentages.

Prior to Practicum:

  • Contact the Associate Teacher to inquire about parking, bell times, school allergies, and any other important information; 
  • Fill out Profile Form to give to your Associate Teacher;
  • Prepare your Daybook and ensure you have all necessary materials. 

During Practicum:

  • Carry identification (e.g., UWin student card) and your original Police Vulnerable Sector Check (PVSC);
  • Give the Associate Teacher your Profile Form;
  • Keep an organized and updated Daybook at all times;
  • Complete the Critical Reflection Journal; 
  • Obtain a signed copy of the Associate Teacher’s assessments: 
    • Formative Assessment: mid-practicum
    • Summative Assessment: end of practicum block


Daily Expectations (at all times)

  • Observe your Associate Teacher, paying close attention to their interactions with students, other teachers, and others in the school;
  • Explore ways to implement assessment for learning in your lessons;
  • Support individual students and small groups during lessons and activities;
  • Assist your Associate Teacher in teaching parts of lessons and activities;
  • Help your Associate Teacher with out-of-classroom duties, including supervision and extra-curricular activities;
  • Observe other teachers and other classes, if possible.

Week 1

  • Identify parts of lessons you will teach next week with your Associate Teacher;
  • Recognize how your Associate Teacher uses Assessment for learning in their lessons;
  • Make daily entries in your Critical Reflection Journal.

Week 2

  • Teach parts of lessons as planned in week 1;
  • Identify lessons and topics you will teach/co-teach during week 3;
  • Review your lessons for week 3 with your Associate Teacher;
  • Make daily entries in your Critical Reflection Journal.

Week 3 

  • Debrief and revise lessons with your Associate Teacher, implementing suggestions and feedback;
  • Identify lessons and topics you will teach/co-teach during week 4;
  • Make daily entries in your Critical Reflection Journal;
  • Review Formative Assessment with your Associate Teacher.

Week 4 

  • Debrief and revise lessons with your Associate Teacher, implementing suggestions and feedback;
  • Collaboratively assess student work with your Associate Teacher (i.e., Assessment of Learning);
  • Make daily entries in your Critical Reflection Journal;
  • Review Summative Assessment with your Associate Teacher.

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Areas of Focus

Please refer to the Practice Teaching Expectations Chart for the weekly teaching expectation percentages.

Prior to Practicum:

  • Contact the Associate Teacher to inquire about parking, bell times, school allergies, and any other important information; 
  • Fill out Profile Form to give to your Associate Teacher;
  • Prepare your Daybook and ensure you have all necessary materials. 

During Practicum:

  • Carry identification (e.g., UWin student card) and your original Police Vulnerable Sector Check (PVSC);
  • Give your Associate Teacher your Profile Form;
  • Keep an organized and updated Daybook at all times;
  • Complete the Critical Reflection Journal; 
  • Obtain a signed copy of the Associate Teacher’s assessments: 
    • Formative Assessment: mid-practicum
    • Summative Assessment: end of practicum block

PRACTICUM TWO - Weekly Expectations

Daily Expectations (at all times)

  • Observe your Associate Teacher, paying close attention to their interactions with students, other teachers, and others in the school;
  • Explore ways to implement assessment for and of learning in your lessons;
  • Support individual students and small groups during lessons and activities;
  • Assist your Associate Teacher in teaching parts of lessons and activities;
  • Help your Associate Teacher with out-of-classroom duties, including supervision and extra-curricular activities;
  • Observe other teachers and other classes, if possible.

Week 1

  • Identify parts of lessons you will teach next week with your Associate Teacher;
  • Recognize how your Associate Teacher uses Assessment for learning in their lessons;
  • Make daily entries in your Critical Reflection Journal.

Week 2

  • Teach parts of lessons as planned in week 1;
  • Identify lessons and topics you will teach/co-teach during week 3;
  • Review your lessons for week 3 with your Associate Teacher;
  • Make daily entries in your Critical Reflection Journal. 

Week 3 

  • Debrief and revise lessons with your Associate Teacher, implementing suggestions and feedback;
  • Identify lessons and topics you will teach/co-teach during weeks 4 & 5;
  • Determine how you can implement assessment for and of learning in your lessons;
  • Make daily entries in your Critical Reflection Journal;
  • Review Formative Assessment with your Associate Teacher.

Weeks 4 & 5 

  • Debrief and revise lessons with your Associate Teacher, implementing suggestions and feedback;
  • Collaboratively assess student work with your Associate Teacher (i.e., Assessment for and of Learning);
  • Make daily entries in your Critical Reflection Journal;
  • Review Summative Assessment with your Associate Teacher.

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Areas of Focus

Please refer to the Practice Teaching Expectations Chart for the weekly teaching expectation percentages.

Prior to Practicum:

  • Contact your Associate Teacher to inquire about parking, bell times, school allergies, and any other important information; 
  • Fill out Profile Form to give to your Associate Teacher;
  • Prepare your Daybook and ensure you have all necessary materials. 

During Practicum:

  • Carry identification (e.g., UWin student card) and your original Police Vulnerable Sector Check (PVSC);
  • Give your Associate Teacher your Profile Form;
  • Keep an organized and updated Daybook at all times;
  • Complete the Critical Reflection Journal; 
  • Obtain a signed copy of the Associate Teacher’s assessments: 
    • Formative Assessment: mid-practicum
    • Summative Assessment: end of practicum block

PRACTICUM THREE - Weekly Expectations

Daily Expectations (at all times)

  • Observe your Associate Teacher, paying close attention to their interactions with students, other teachers, and others in the school;
  • Explore ways to implement assessment for and as learning in your lessons;
  • Support individual students and small groups during lessons and activities;
  • Assist your Associate Teacher in teaching parts of lessons and activities;
  • Help your Associate Teacher with out-of-classroom duties, including supervision and extra-curricular activities;
  • Observe other teachers and other classes, if possible.

Week 1

  • Identify parts of lessons you will teach next week with your Associate Teacher;
  • Recognize how your Associate Teacher uses Assessment for learning in their lessons;
  • Make daily entries in your Critical Reflection Journal.

Week 2

  • Teach parts of lessons as planned in week 1;
  • Identify lessons and topics you will teach/co-teach during week 3;
  • Review your lessons for week 3 with your Associate Teacher;
  • Make daily entries in your Critical Reflection Journal.

Week 3 

  • Debrief and revise lessons with your Associate Teacher, implementing suggestions and feedback;
  • Identify lessons and topics you will teach/co-teach during week 4;
  • Determine how you can implement assessment for and as learning in your lessons;
  • Make daily entries in your Critical Reflection Journal;
  • Review Formative Assessment with your Associate Teacher.

Weeks 4

  • Debrief and revise lessons with your Associate Teacher, implementing suggestions and feedback;
  • Collaboratively assess student work with your Associate Teacher (i.e., Assessment for, as, and of Learning);
  • Make daily entries in your Critical Reflection Journal;
  • Review Summative Assessment with your Associate Teacher.

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Areas of Focus

Please refer to the Practice Teaching Expectations Chart for the weekly teaching expectation percentages.

Prior to Practicum:

  • Contact the Associate Teacher to inquire about parking, bell times, school allergies, and any other important information; 
  • Fill out Profile Form to give to your Associate Teacher;
  • Prepare your Daybook and ensure you have all necessary materials. 

During Practicum:

  • Carry identification (e.g., UWin student card) and your original Police Vulnerable Sector Check (PVSC);
  • Give your Associate Teacher your Profile Form;
  • Keep an organized and updated Daybook at all times;
  • Complete the Critical Reflection Journal; 
  • Obtain a signed copy of the Associate Teacher’s assessments: 
    • Formative Assessment: mid-practicum
    • Summative Assessment: end of practicum block

PRACTICUM FOUR - Weekly Expectations

Daily Expectations (at all times)

  • Observe your Associate Teacher, paying close attention to their interactions with students, other teachers, and others in the school;
  • Explore ways to implement assessment for, as, and of learning in your lessons;
  • Support individual students and small groups during lessons and activities;
  • Assist your Associate Teacher in teaching parts of lessons and activities;
  • Help your Associate Teacher with out-of-classroom duties, including supervision and extra-curricular activities;
  • Observe other teachers and other classes, if possible.

Week 1

  • Identify parts of lessons you will teach next week with your Associate Teacher;
  • Recognize how your Associate Teacher uses Assessment for, as, and of learning in their lessons;
  • Make daily entries in your Critical Reflection Journal.

Week 2

  • Teach parts of lessons as planned in week 1;
  • Identify lessons and topics you will teach/co-teach during week 3;
  • Review your lessons for week 3 with your Associate Teacher;
  • Make daily entries in your Critical Reflection Journal. 

Week 3 

  • Debrief and revise lessons with your Associate Teacher, implementing suggestions and feedback;
  • Identify lessons and topics you will teach/co-teach during weeks 4 & 5;
  • Determine how you can implement assessment for, as, and of learning in your lessons;
  • Make daily entries in your Critical Reflection Journal;
  • Review Formative Assessment with your Associate Teacher.

Weeks 4 & 5

  • Debrief and revise lessons with your Associate Teacher, implementing suggestions and feedback;
  • Collaboratively assess student work with your Associate Teacher (i.e., Assessment for, as, and of Learning);
  • Make daily entries in your Critical Reflection Journal;
  • Review Summative Assessment with your Associate Teacher.

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As an Associate Teacher, when assessing and evaluating Teacher Candidates, it is expected that:

  • Teacher Candidates are not judged by the same standards as an experienced teacher;
  • Assessment reports reflect the written and oral feedback you have given Teacher Candidates;
  • Consideration is given to the Teacher Candidate’s stage in the program.

Associate Teachers have an obligation to help the Teacher Candidate(s) assigned to you be the best teachers they can be. Associate Teachers also have an obligation to the teaching profession to assist in ensuring that only deserving Teacher Candidates are successful. Teacher Candidates should not receive a “Satisfactory” evaluation if they have not met the practicum expectations.

Teacher Candidates have a responsibility to:

  • Become familiar with the established procedures for practicum assessment and evaluation;
  • Seek clarification about comments and suggestions received throughout practicum and during the assessment process;
  • Receive all feedback, particularly the final Summative Assessment, in a respectful and professional manner.

Completion and Submission of Assessment Reports

To complete the Formative and Summative Assessment reports, Associate Teachers use the Faculty of Education's online evaluation system ( Associate Teachers will need to create a user account using their School Board email address. Once this step is complete, Associate Teachers can access the appropriate form. Additional instructions are included in the Confirmation of Student placement email or can be obtained by contacting the Field Experience Office.

Associate Teachers are asked to provide Teacher Candidates with signed hard copies of all completed assessment reports. Teacher Candidates must provide copies of their assessment reports to their Faculty Advisor.

Formative Assessment Report

Regular feedback during practice teaching is essential for facilitating Teacher Candidates’ professional growth.  Formative assessment is both informal and formal


Associate Teachers are expected to provide Teacher Candidates with ongoing feedback. Written feedback is recommended because it is more constructive than oral comments and allows for greater Teacher Candidate reflection.  Feedback should include the Teacher Candidate’s strengths and areas requiring improvement with suggestions and strategies for professional development.  Teacher Candidates are encouraged to include these comments in a section of their Daybook for personal reference and reflection.


At the mid-point of all placements, Associate Teachers complete the Associate Teacher’s Formative Assessment Report.

Summative Assessment Report

At the end of the practicum, the Associate Teacher completes all pages of the Associate Teacher’s Summative Assessment Report. The final assessment should be based on the Teacher Candidate’s overall performance and growth.  In preparing the final Summative Assessment Report, Associate Teachers must deem the Teacher Candidate’s performance in the practicum as Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory, checking the appropriate box on the report. A Teacher Candidate is within their rights to refuse to accept a report in which this information is omitted.


A Satisfactory assessment indicates that a Teacher Candidate is: 

  • Consistently meeting expectations in all or most areas;
  • Successfully integrating pedagogy, skills, and knowledge to provide quality learning experiences for all students;
  • Maintaining respectful and professional relationships with all members of the school community; 
  • Showing a willingness to improve and grow by taking initiative, implementing constructive feedback, and reflecting on their own practice.

A Satisfactory report indicates that there are no major concerns about the Teacher Candidate’s competence, ability, or professionalism. There will always be room for development, growth, and improvement. A Satisfactory assessment represents a wide range of teaching ability, falling on a continuum from adequate to exceptional. Use your comments to specifically indicate to the Teacher Candidate, Faculty Advisors, and prospective employers where each Teacher Candidate falls on this continuum.


An Unsatisfactory assessment indicates that a Teacher Candidate is: 

  • Not meeting expectations in most areas;
  • Negatively impacting students’ learning;
  • Experiencing difficulty maintaining respectful and professional relationships with all members of the school community;
  • Demonstrating an unwillingness to receive and implement constructive feedback.

An Unsatisfactory report indicates that there are major concerns about the Teacher Candidate’s competence, ability, and professionalism, and that their performance is considered inadequate. Before an Unsatisfactory assessment is given, consultation must occur with the Teacher Candidate's Faculty Advisor.

Important Considerations for Teacher Candidate Assessment Reports

  • All absences from practicum must be recorded on the Formative and/or Summative Assessment Report, as they occur.  If a Teacher Candidate’s absences are thought to impede the Associate Teacher’s final assessment, the Summative Assessment Report should be withheld until the Teacher Candidate makes up the absences.
  • In cases where a Teacher Candidate has been assigned to more than one Associate Teacher, single evaluations based on a consensus of the Associate Teachers should be submitted;
  • The Teacher Candidate’s signature on the assessment reports indicates receipt of the report, and not agreement with its contents;
  • Teacher Candidates often include these reports in their professional portfolios and job applications.