2024-25 Academic Year
- Who We Are
- Learning Outcomes
- Professionalism
- Summary of Ethical Standards of the Teaching Profession
- Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession
- Professional Learning Framework for the Teaching Profession
- Principles Supported by the Professional Learning Network
- Faculty of Education Professional Standards Committee
- Policies, Principles and Procedures
- Consecutive Pre-service Program Structure
- Primary/Junior Program
- Junior/Intermediate Program
- Intermediate/Senior Program
- Professional Learning Series
- Grading
- Forms
Welcome future educators to our Bachelor of Education program — a journey that will ignite your passion for teaching and shape your path as a dynamic educator! As you step into the world of education, you are not only gaining knowledge and skills but also joining a community of passionate educators committed to shaping the future. This program is a space where your curiosity, creativity, and dedication will flourish. Here, you will explore innovative teaching methodologies, gain invaluable hands-on experience, and cultivate the skills needed to create inclusive, engaging, and impactful learning environments.
In our teacher education program at the University of Windsor, we believe that relevant and impactful educational practice begins from a place of active engagement that involves relationship, respect, reciprocity, and responsibility. We aim to foster an equity-centered, trauma-sensitive teacher education program that is transformative, relationship-focused, research-driven, innovative, future-oriented, and physically and psychologically safe. We strive to do so by providing a learning environment and field experiences that promote and facilitate teacher candidates to be confident, knowledgeable, effective, mentally healthy, inclusive, diverse, caring, socially just and responsible, thriving, successful, and empowered educators.
In the Program Guide below, you will find detailed information regarding the program, including important policies and procedures. Please take the time to review this information and refer back to it often, as it will help to ensure your successful completion of the coursework component of the program. The Bachelor of Education program office staff and I are committed to providing open, respectful, and compassionate guidance and support for all teacher candidates—we welcome you to reach out by email or visit us in person at any time.
Congratulations on beginning this fulfilling and rewarding chapter of your professional and personal development. Embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and let your enthusiasm for education be the guiding force in crafting your unique teaching identity. Your dedication to shaping the future through education is the cornerstone of this program. Together, let's inspire minds, foster growth, and ignite a passion for teaching that will resonate for a lifetime.
With great appreciation and warm regards,
Lindsey Jaber, Ph.D., C.Psych.
Associate Dean, Teacher Education
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education
Who We Are
Mission Statement
The Faculty of Education, University of Windsor, promotes the professional and scholarly growth of teachers at all levels as reflective, caring, competent, and innovative educators. We advance knowledge and contribute to the improvement of pedagogical practice through our teaching, our research and scholarly activities, and our community service and development. Our undertakings are informed and shaped by a commitment to equity and social justice.
The Faculty of Education offers a program of teacher education on a continuum from initial teacher preparation through graduate and continuing education. Our commitment to social justice, equity and diversity is reflected in our admissions policies, hiring practices, and distributed governance structures, and is bolstered by professional development and supports that enable us to maintain a diverse and outstanding student body, staff and professoriate. Our culture is learning-centred and promotes transformative practices and the development of teachers who are known for their caring and reflective practices, their openness to innovation, and their respect for and encouragement of diversity. Our record of achievement in research and scholarship competes with the best faculties of education nationally and internationally, allowing us to attract outstanding faculty, graduate students and research funding. We value and maintain interconnections with local, national, and global learning communities through teaching, research and sharing of expertise that supports knowledge building. Our active alumni manifest pride in the Faculty of Education through engaging in collaborative initiatives and mentoring programs.
Our vision is built around five major goals:
- To ground our practices in social justice and equity;
- To ground our curriculum in the diverse lived experiences of our students;
- To develop programs at all levels that meet the needs of the university and broader communities;
- To align our curriculum with the Ontario Ministry of Education and Ontario College of Teachers, and
- To develop and maintain a range of connections with local, national, and global learning communities.
Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the University of Windsor pre-service teacher education program will demonstrate:
- Understanding of the development of children and youth (intellectual, physical, emotional, social, creative, spiritual and moral) and the nature of learning;
- Sound knowledge of subject matter, literacies, ways of knowing and pedagogical expertise;
- Professional aptitude for observation, critique and assessment in order to improve student learning;
- Recognition of a range of knowledge and perspectives, including the importance of research;
- Competence in critical reflection and commitment to professional learning in order to enhance and develop their practice;
- Recognition of the transformative power of learning for individuals and communities;
- Recognition that teachers are responsive and responsible to learners, families, colleagues, and communities;
- Understanding of professional standards of practice and ethical conduct;
- Pedagogical praxis that is inclusive, collaborative, values diversity, and prepares students for living in an international and multicultural context;
- Commitment to the values of social justice, equity, and diversity in all aspects of their professional roles.
Becoming Professional
This year, you are joining a professional school. As a representative of the teaching profession, it is expected that you will reflect the attributes of a professional teacher both at the Faculty and in your field experiences. Faculty members are continually observing and assessing each teacher candidate in light of many professional qualities. Professional teachers are positive, honest, capable of facing problems constructively, motivated, motivating, and sensitive to others. They are punctual, well-organized, hardworking, and willing to contribute to the effectiveness of the school. Similar conduct is expected of teacher candidates at the University of Windsor’s Faculty of Education. As we are a professional school, not only will you learn how to teach, but most importantly, you will learn how to be a professional. As teachers, your professional conduct is guided by the Foundations of Professional Practice set out by the Ontario College of Teachers and the Teaching Profession Act established by the Ministry of Education in Ontario. The Foundations of Professional Practice outline the principles of ethical behaviour, professional practice, and ongoing learning for the teaching profession in Ontario, and are comprised of the Ontario College of Teachers’ Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession,
Awareness and understanding of the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession and Professional Learning Framework is imperative, and a shared responsibility of teacher candidates, the Faculty of Education, and its school partners. A summary of the Foundations of Professional Practice is included below, and teacher candidates are expected to treat it as required reading.
Summary of Ethical Standards of the Teaching Profession
- To inspire members to reflect and uphold the honour and dignity of the teaching profession.
- To identify the ethical responsibilities and commitments in the teaching profession.
- To guide ethical decisions and actions in the teaching profession.
- To promote public trust and confidence in the teaching profession.
Ethical Standards
The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and insight for developing students’ potential. Members express their commitment to students’ well-being and learning through positive influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice.
Intrinsic to the ethical standard of Respect is trust and fair-mindedness. Members honour human dignity, emotional wellness and cognitive development. In their professional practice, they model respect for spiritual and cultural values, social justice, confidentiality, freedom, democracy and the environment.
The ethical standard of Trust embodies fairness, openness, and honesty. Members’ professional relationships with students, colleagues, parents, guardians and the public are based on trust.
Honesty, reliability, and moral action are embodied in the ethical standard of Integrity. Continual reflection assists members in exercising integrity in their professional commitments and responsibilities.
Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession
- To inspire a shared vision for the teaching profession.
- To identify the values, knowledge, and skills that are distinctive to the teaching profession.
- To guide the professional judgment and actions of the teaching profession.
- To promote a common language that fosters an understanding of what it means to be a member of the teaching profession.
Commitment to students and student learning
Members are dedicated in their care and commitment to students. They treat students equitably and with respect and are sensitive to factors that influence individual learning. Members facilitate the development of students as contributing citizens of Canadian society.
Professional knowledge
Members strive to be current in their professional knowledge and recognize its relationship to practice. They understand and reflect on student development, learning theory, pedagogy, curriculum, ethics, educational research and related policies and legislation to inform professional judgment in practice.
Leadership in Learning Communities
Members promote and participate in the creation of collaborative, safe and supportive learning communities. They recognize their shared responsibilities and their leadership roles in order to facilitate student success. Members maintain and uphold the principles of the ethical standards in these learning communities.
Professional Practice
Members apply professional knowledge and experience to promote student learning. They use appropriate pedagogy, assessment and evaluation, resources and technology in planning for and responding to the needs of individual students and learning communities. Members refine their professional practice through ongoing inquiry, dialogue and reflection.
Ongoing Professional Learning
Members recognize that commitment to ongoing professional learning is integral to effective practice and to student learning. Professional practice and self-directed learning are informed by experience, research, collaboration and knowledge.
Professional Learning Framework for the Teaching Profession
- Acknowledges the commitment members of the teaching profession make to professional learning.
- Highlights a range of options to improve practice and enhance student learning.
- Identifies programs and professional learning activities accredited by the College.
- Assists members of the College to identify, collect, reflect upon and celebrate their learning experiences and accomplishments.
- Assures the profession and the public that College members have the opportunity through professional learning to remain current throughout their careers.
Principles Supported by the Professional Learning Framework
The goal of professional learning is the ongoing improvement of practice. Teacher learning is directly correlated to student learning.
The professional learning framework encourages learning activities based on provincial legislation and policy, system needs, personal growth needs and student learning needs. The framework also encourages members of the College to identify and pursue their strengths and personal interests to further their professional learning.
Standards based professional learning provides for an integrated approach to teacher education.
All programs and professional learning activities accredited by the College must be designed to support the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession and the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession.
Exemplary professional learning opportunities are based on the principles of effective learning.
The framework takes into account individual career and personal priorities. It outlines professional learning activities that are varied, flexible and accessible to members of the College.
Teachers plan for and reflect on their professional learning
Responsible lifelong learning is continuous learning that is initiated by members of the College and directed and reviewed by them on an ongoing basis.
Learning communities enhance professional learning
The professional learning framework encourages collaboration. It supports ongoing commitment to improvement and currency of teaching practice as an individual and collective responsibility. It should be noted that professional learning is a legislated requirement under Regulation 176/10: Teachers' Qualifications of the Ontario College of Teachers Act.
Faculty of Education Professional Standards Committee
Unprofessional conduct by teacher candidates is investigated by the Professional Standards Committee (PSC). The Mandate of the PSC is to review the performance of all teacher candidates deemed to have failed for cause, or failed Practice Teaching for issues related to inadequate teaching performance. The PSC makes recommendations of a teacher candidate’s status in the program and communicates this in writing to the Dean and to the teacher candidate. Candidates have the right to appeal the decision -- first, through the Dean of Education, and then through the Office of the Registrar, University of Windsor, if necessary. In all cases, teacher candidates are provided due process with opportunity to hear and respond to the case against them. It should be noted that failure may be the result of any serious contravention of the Ontario College of Teachers Standards of Practice and Ethical Standards for the teaching profession, including, but not limited to:
- Professional misconduct during any component of the Faculty of Education program;
- Academic misconduct during any component of the Faculty of Education program; and/or
- Neglect of teaching responsibilities and/or poor teaching performance during the practicum.
Policies, Principles and Procedures
Attendance Policy
The B.Ed. program is an intense and demanding program of professional preparation in which Teacher Candidates are expected to demonstrate high levels of both academic and professional integrity. Such integrity is demonstrated in part by engaged participation in all aspects of the program for which attendance at all classes, professional learning series workshops, and practicum activities is a prerequisite. As per Senate Bylaw 54, class participation may constitute up to 20% of a final mark in any course. Irregular attendance, habitual lateness, and/or unexcused absences will result in referral to the Associate Dean (Teacher Education) as it leads to gaps in learning and therefore inadequate preparation for practicum placements. At the discretion of the Associate Dean and/or the Professional Standards Committee, chronic attendance concerns may provide grounds for requiring a Teacher Candidate to withdraw from the program.
Care for the Physical Environment
Teacher candidates are encouraged to give due respect to the physical environment. Garbage and other waste should be properly disposed of in the appropriate containers strategically placed in the building. Please pay special attention to the recycling efforts by placing waste only in the designated containers. Graffiti on the desks and other furniture is unsightly and may also be considered as vandalism by the University. To prevent insect and rodent infestation, food and drink (except water) should not be brought in the classrooms. To prevent damage to equipment, food and drink are strictly prohibited in the computer labs, science lab and music room.
E-mail is one of the official means of communication in the Faculty of Education. As with all official university communications, you are responsible for accessing your university email account on a frequent and consistent basis to stay informed of important university and program of study information, and/or to correspond with Faculty, Associate/Mentor Teachers, Faculty Advisors, and Staff.
Upon registration, each teacher candidate will be assigned a University of Windsor "uniform e-mail address", which is typically a variation of “name@uwindsor.ca." Teacher candidates are required to use their assigned UWindsor email address for all communication with members of the university community/affiliations. Any other email address is invalid, and such communication will not be acknowledged or responded to.
The Ontario Teachers' Federation (OTF) has very strict policies regarding the use of e-mail. As teacher candidates are Associate Members of the OTF, you are bound by these regulations. Users are responsible for anything they post, publicly or privately (e.g. Facebook), and are accountable for what they write. Inappropriate behaviour could result in the termination of the user's account and possible legal action from the affected user(s). All online activity in the Faculty of Education (including correspondence with faculty, staff, associate teachers and faculty advisors) is governed by the University of Windsor's Acceptable Use Policy. Teacher candidates are encouraged to familiarize themselves with this policy.
Program Office and Staff
The Faculty of Education Program Office is staffed by a dedicated and hard working group of professionals whose mission is to serve the students of the faculty. The staff members do not make program policies; they help to communicate policy and procedures. Teacher candidates should extend to the office and custodial staff the respect and professional courtesies they deserve as members of our community.
Use of Prohibited Substances and Weapons
The use and trafficking of alcohol, marijuana, other narcotics and illegal substances in the Faculty of Education building is strictly prohibited. Teacher candidates should not be in the building or classes inebriated, under the influence of narcotics, or reeking of alcohol, marijuana or other drugs. Also, the Faculty of Education is a non-smoking building and teacher candidates are asked to observe the signs and laws regarding smoking posted on the building. Firearms and other dangerous weapons are also strictly prohibited. Teacher candidates have an obligation to report the presence, trafficking, and/or use of dangerous and/or illegal, substances, and weapons in the Faculty of Education. Teacher candidates are encouraged to be vigilant and to contact the Faculty and/or Campus Police if they observe suspicious, illegal, or dangerous behaviour. The safety of our community is our shared responsibility. To contact Campus Police, please call (519) 253-3000 ext. 1234. For emergencies only, please dial 911.
Conflict Resolution
Teacher candidates are encouraged to resolve conflicts in peaceful and professional ways. Physical and verbal attacks are unprofessional and could lead to failure for cause. It is advised that protagonists try to resolve issues through dialogue amongst themselves and their peers and seek mediation from a Faculty member, Advisor or the Experiential Learning Specialist if that does not work. Students are advised not to take matters into their own hands and resort to solutions that are unprofessional or criminal. Bystanders are encouraged to make every effort to diffuse such situations and to try to prevent escalation.
Details of assignments are provided in the individual course outlines. The final mark obtained is a percentile in compliance with the University of Windsor's Policy on Grading and Calculation of Averages.
Submitting assignments on time is a professional responsibility of teacher candidates, akin to a teacher's responsibility to complete report cards on schedule. For this reason, course instructors will not normally accept late submissions. When submitting assignments to the Program Office, teacher candidates should ensure that their work is stamped with the correct date and time. It is the responsibility of teacher candidates to ensure that work submitted electronically reaches the instructor, and that there is some evidence of date and time sent.
Plagiarism Policy
The University of Windsor believes in the right of all students to be part of a University community where academic integrity is expected, maintained, enforced, and safeguarded. The university is a member of the Center for Academic Integrity (CAI) at Clemson University in South Carolina, and is committed to preserving academic integrity on its campus” (see the University of Windsor's Academic Integrity Office website).
University of Windsor Policy on Plagiarism
Plagiarism is defined as: "The act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts of passages of his or her writing, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the products of one's own mind." (Black's Law Dictionary). It is expected that all students will be evaluated and graded on their individual merit and all work submitted for evaluation should clearly indicate that it is the student's own contribution. Students often have to use the ideas of others as expressed in written or published work in preparing essays, papers, reports, theses and publications. It is imperative that both the data and the ideas obtained from all published and unpublished material be properly acknowledged and their sources disclosed. Failure to follow this practice constitutes plagiarism and is considered to be a serious offence. Thus, anyone who knowingly or recklessly uses the work of another person and creates an impression that it is his or her own, is guilty of plagiarism.
Plagiarism also includes submitting one's own essay, paper, or thesis on more than one occasion. Accordingly, it is expected that a thesis, essay, paper or a report has not been and is not currently being submitted for credit for any other course. In exceptional circumstances and with the prior agreement of the instructor, a student may use research completed for one course as part of his or her written work for a second course. A confirmed incident of plagiarism will result in a sanction ranging from a verbal warning, to loss of credit in the course to expulsion. (see the University of Windsor's Senate Policy on Student Code of Conduct).
The Faculty of Education considers academic integrity to be critical not only because it protects the value of the degrees conferred by the institution and levels the playing field for the students trying to earn their degree but because integrity, honesty, trust, justice, and good judgment are pillars of professional ethics among teachers. A society depends on its teachers to help in the socialization of its citizenry and, as role models, teachers are held to high moral and ethical standards. Teacher candidates are hereby advised that instructors are duty bound to report cases of academic dishonesty including but not limited to plagiarism, cheating on examinations and other forms of assessment, impersonation, falsification of information, and misrepresentation of the facts of a case.
Instructors will also use a variety of mechanisms to verify students’ work including Safe Assign (on Blackboard). Students should also use these avenues to check their work before submission. Cases of plagiarism are first investigated by the Faculty before being referred to the University’s Academic Integrity Office. Cases might eventually end up before University Judicial Panels. Teacher candidates are expected to become familiar with the University’s policies on academic dishonesty. Students are encouraged to visit the Academic Integrity Office for access to specific case studies. Teacher candidates are also urged to familiarize themselves with Senate Bylaw 31: Academic Integrity, which sets out the university’s policy on such matters.
Special Needs
Students with special needs who require reasonable accommodations are encouraged to contact the Student Accessibility Services Office (email: sas@uwindsor.ca) early in each semester to complete the necessary forms and obtain the necessary documentation. Relevant documents must be presented to the Program Office and course instructors to ensure that the required accommodations are provided.
Mental Health
From time to time, students face obstacles that can affect academic performance. If you experience difficulties and need help, it is important to reach out to someone.
For help addressing mental or physical health concerns on campus, call (519) 253-3000 and one of the following extensions:
- Student Health Services at ext. 7002
- Student Counselling Centre at ext. 4616
- Peer Support Centre at ext. 4551
A full list of on and off-campus resources is available through the Wellness Outreach Office website (Office of Student Experience).
Should you need to request alternative accommodations, contact your Instructor(s) or the Associate Dean of Teacher Education.
Faculty of Education Examination Policy Overview
Some Faculty of Education instructors will set final examinations, mid-term examinations and in- class tests for their courses. Final examinations are typically held twice per year- once in the Fall term and once in the Winter term. The examination dates are set by the Faculty of Education. The format of the examination is the purview of course instructors. Mid-term examinations and class tests and quizzes are arranged by individual instructors usually during regular class times. Examination dates are set within the first two weeks of each term and can only be changed by the Faculty of Education.
Missed Examination Policy
Missed examinations and tests in the Faculty of Education will be assigned a mark of zero (0). Consistent with University of Windsor's Senate Bylaw 51: Academic Evaluation Procedures, a teacher candidate who wishes to receive consideration on matters affecting or shown to have affected their academic performance should communicate with their instructor as soon as possible. Any student who is compelled to miss an examination or test as a result of an unanticipated extenuating circumstance beyond their control is entitled to request a supplemental/makeup examination. A Teacher Candidate requesting a supplemental examination in a Faculty of Education course is obliged to adhere to the formal Faculty of Education Supplemental Examination Request Procedure, which is outlined below. Aegrotat standing will not be extended to a teacher candidate who has not exhausted the remedies available through the Faculty of Education supplemental examination request procedure.
Faculty of Education Supplemental Examination Request Procedure
A teacher candidate requesting a supplemental final examination for a Faculty of Education course must complete the Supplemental Examination Request Form for each supplemental examination request, providing a reason for the request and supporting documentation. The applicant must obtain the authorization of the instructor that a supplemental examination will be provided and that the instructor will be available at the suggested time provided that the request is approved by the Associate Dean’s Office.
The request form must be submitted to the Associate Dean’s Office for review after the payment of a non-refundable Supplemental Examination Administration Fee of $20.00 for each supplemental examination request submission. A student may be approved to write only one supplemental examination for each examination missed, and the Dean of Education reserves the right to deny any supplemental examination request. In the case of mid-term and other tests, teacher candidates must request supplementals directly from the relevant instructors. Accommodations will not be afforded for personal convenience and the conditions for make-up tests shall conform to those outlined in the next section.
Acceptable Conditions for Supplemental Examinations
Consistent with University of Windsor policies and bylaws, the Faculty of Education will consider a supplemental examination request based on one of the following five conditions:
Examination Conflict.
In accordance with Senate policy E2, a Teacher Candidate who is scheduled to write three examinations in one calendar day or scheduled to write two examinations at exactly the same time may apply to have one of these examinations rescheduled. In all cases Teacher Candidates must submit an application for an alternative examination to the office of the Dean of Education within two weeks of receiving their course outlines or two weeks of the posting of the examination schedule. Consultations between the Deans office and the instructors will determine the examination or test which will be rescheduled. -
Religious Obligation.
The Faculty of Education recognizes and values religious diversity and will provide reasonable accommodations to Teacher Candidates who for religious reasons, are unable to attend an examination, test or other mandatory academic event. Consistent with University of Windsor Human Rights Office recommendations, a Teacher Candidate must submit a written request for an alternative date to write a test or final examination due to a conflict with a religious observance to the Dean of Education who will review the application and make alternative arrangements. Teacher Candidates may be asked to provide specific documentation to support their application. Where religious observance days are set Teacher Candidates must submit their applications within the first 4 weeks of the term after receiving their course outlines with test dates. Where religious holy days are dependent on lunar cycle or other variable phenomena Teacher Candidates must forewarn the Dean as soon as possible and then follow-up when the observance date has been set. -
The Faculty of Education will provide accommodations to Teacher Candidates on compassionate grounds when they are grieving for a family member. A Teacher Candidate may request a supplemental examination for any Faculty of Education final examination, mid-term examination or class test scheduled within five (5) days of the death of a family member. For the purpose of this accommodation a family member is defined as: a spouse/partner, child (including step-child), parent (including in-laws and stepparents), sibling (including in-law and step-sibling) grandparent (including grandparent of a spouse/partner), and grandchild. Teacher Candidates should inform the Program Office of the bereavement at their earliest convenience and immediately upon their return and complete and submit the necessary documentation, which specifically identifies the bereaved individual and their relationship to the deceased. Teacher Candidate will be required to provide support by some evidence of the bereavement (a death announcement or funeral program will suffice). Compassionate accommodation is also available for missed classes. -
In accordance with University of Windsor, Senate Bylaw 51, a Teacher Candidate with serious health circumstances may request a supplemental examination on medical grounds. The Teacher Candidate must submit a completed request form along with supporting documentation to the Associate Dean’s Office within two (2) weeks of the missed examination or test. A completed Faculty of Education Teacher Candidate Medical Certificate signed by the treating physician for a period which includes the date of the missed examination is the only acceptable evidence. Regular doctors’ notes will not be accepted as supporting documentation for a medical condition. -
Other Extenuating Circumstances.
Consistent with University of Windsor Senate Bylaw 51, a Teacher Candidate may request a supplemental examination based on other extenuating circumstance beyond his or her control not provided for under the categories outlined above (for example, jury duty). Every effort should be made to inform the Associate Dean’s Office of any known extenuating circumstance affecting their completion of an examination or test and to submit a supplemental examination request within two weeks of the missed examination or test. The Faculty of Education will investigate every request on its own merit and reserves the right to approve or deny.
The Faculty of Education reserves the right to investigate all requests for accommodations and approval or denial is at the Associate Dean’s discretion. Abuse of the accommodations in any way (for example, submitting a false or partially false claim, falsifying reports, forgery of signatures) will be considered to be an egregious breach of trust, integrity and professionalism and will be referred to the Professional Standards Committee.
Consecutive Pre-service Program Structure
Like other institutions in a rapidly changing world, faculties of education constantly strive to respond to new developments in order to meet the needs of schools, communities, and society at large. This section of the program guide outlines the program of study designed to prepare future teachers of elementary and secondary students to meet these needs and to respond to current and anticipated developments and changes of the Ontario Ministry of Education.
There are three symbiotic and integrated components to the pre-service education program. These are:
- Academic Program Component
- Field Experience Component
- Professional Learning Component
The field experience component is described in the Field Experience Handbook. This section outlines the key elements of the academic program and the professional learning components.
Academic Program Structure
The academic program is organized into three divisions for the purpose of structuring courses and certification. The three divisions are:
- Primary/Junior (Grades JK – 6);
- Junior/Intermediate (Grades 4 – 10); and
- Intermediate/Senior (Grades 7 – 12)
Several types of courses are offered in the Faculty of Education. These courses may be identified as:
- Foundations Courses;
- Methodology Courses;
- Teachable Subjects; (J/I and I/S) and
- Service Learning Courses
The Foundations courses introduce teacher candidates to the fundamentals of teaching and learning. These are courses that all teacher candidates take irrespective of division and are typically taught in larger size classes. General methodology courses facilitate exposure to appropriate pedagogies for engaging learners in a range of subject areas that are core components of the Ontario curriculum. In the Junior/Intermediate and Intermediate/Senior divisions, teacher candidates receive instruction on instructional practices and pedagogy that are appropriate to their specialist teaching subjects. These are called Teachable subjects and each J/I student has one while I/S students have two. General methodology and teachable courses are taught in smaller classes to facilitate closer interaction and collaboration. In addition, the faculty offers a number of elective courses that provide enrichment to participating teacher candidates known as Service Learning. All teacher candidates select one by Winter of Year 1.
General Requirements
- The B.Ed. program is a four-term, full-time program with 2 fall/winter terms.
- To advance through the program each Teacher Candidate is evaluated on a regular basis with varying assessment tools throughout each academic year. To remain in the program, the Teacher Candidate must maintain a satisfactory level of performance in all courses including the practicum field experience.
- A Teacher Candidate who fails to maintain a satisfactory level of performance may at the discretion of the Dean or Dean’s designate, be Required to Withdraw or be placed on Academic Probation/Conditional Status.
- Reasons for Withdrawal, Academic Probation/Conditional Status will be provided to the student in writing:
- Teacher Candidates who are placed on Academic Probation will be given a set of conditions to be met for successful completion of their program.
- Teacher Candidates who are required to withdraw will be allowed to reapply following a full academic year of hiatus.
- Teacher Candidates who withdraw from the program or who are required to withdraw will not retain credit for courses or practica that may have been completed at the time of the withdrawal.
- Teacher Candidates who are placed on Academic Probation will be given a set of conditions to be met for successful completion of their program.
Year 1 to Year 2 requirements to Graduation
- An overall weighted average of 70% or better is required in course work, with a minimum grade of 70% in each of the JI or IS teachables.
- A minimum grade of 60% in any course is required by the Ontario College of Teachers, to be reported to them for entry on student’s certificate of qualification.
- In exceptional circumstances, students may defer enrollment into year 2 to complete year 1 requirements. This is adjudicated by the Associate Dean of Teacher Education
- Failure in any practicum may result in failure of the program. Exceptions and makeup placements are on a case by case basis and adjudicated by the Associate Dean of Teacher Education with the Field Experience Coordinator.
Requirements for practice teaching are outlined in the Field Experience Handbook.
Values and Beliefs that Guide the Pre-service Program
The goals of our pre-service programs are the result of a fundamental set of beliefs and values about education broadly, and more specifically, teaching and learning. While acknowledging a diverse range of philosophical perspectives among our expert faculty many of our practices stem from a constructivist point of view which builds upon the philosophical principles of progressive education. Some key elements include student-centred active learning, authentic activities, and integration of prior experiences. We are focused on providing prospective teachers with what they need to know in order to teach diverse student bodies. We value teaching in ways that emphasize the understanding of differences that may arise from diverse cultures, family experiences, multiple intelligences, and learning styles. The following directional statements focus the pre-service program:
- We believe that effective teachers are able to work with students with a wide range of learning needs, including those with exceptionalities.
- We believe teacher candidates learn best by doing and reflecting, collaborating with skilled professionals, and by sharing their experiences.
- We believe our graduates must be given opportunities to develop a professional sense of accountability, which includes an understanding of the social and moral responsibilities that underlie the teaching profession.
Ultimately, the Faculty of Education seeks to prepare new teachers for the task of preparing their students to be responsible and productive citizens. We stress the importance of teachers recognizing the enormous influence they will have on students. They must continuously evaluate what students are thinking and modify their plans to take into account what they discover. In this regard, we promote the notion that teachers are powerful classroom ethnographers with the ability to analyze and explain to themselves and to others why they do the things they do. We believe teacher candidates should internalize the dispositions and skills needed to study their teaching and to become better at teaching over time. That is, they should be committed to taking responsibility for their own professional development and lifelong learning.
Goals for Pre-service Teacher Education
- To elucidate for teacher candidates the various conventional and innovative techniques and strategies of teaching and to relate them to the learner, his or her development and grade level, and his or her interests and competencies. This goal is based on the premise that teaching is an art that combines vision with ability.
- To introduce teacher candidates to philosophies and research findings relevant to the teaching profession through the study of foundational subjects. This goal is based on the notion that critical awareness of educational research findings, practices and controversies is crucial to developing teaching professionals.
- To provide teacher candidates with meaningful teaching and learning experiences. This objective is based on the importance of learning from developing exemplary teaching and learning praxis.
Although faculty members' courses reflect their own philosophy of teaching in a particular subject area, there are many commonalities in educational philosophy which are manifested in our courses a/an:
- focus on learning outcomes and expectations;
- focus on integrated learning;
- inclusive curriculum to ensure that all students, regardless of gender, racial and ethno-cultural background, social class, all sexual orientation, or ability, are motivated to succeed;
- focus on accountability and standards;
- focus on collaboration with other professionals, parents and the community.
In addition, each faculty member teaches with a view to providing an environment in which students are encouraged to:
- communicate effectively;
- solve problems and make responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking;
- use technology effectively;
- demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems;
- apply the skills needed to work and get along with other people;
- participate as responsible citizens in the life of the local, national, and global communities;
- explore educational and career opportunities;
- apply ethical judgment in everyday life;
- make wise and safe choices for healthy living;
- use the skills of learning to learn more effectively.
Primary/Junior Program
This section of the program guide outlines the program of study designed to prepare future teachers of elementary school students in the Primary/Junior division.
Courses in the Primary/Junior (P/J) program provide experiences for teacher candidates to become familiar with the theory and practice underlying child-centred, outcome-based programs. Typically, teachers of kindergarten to grade six students in Ontario schools are responsible for teaching all subject areas including: language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, art, health and physical education, music, drama and dance. At the same time, teachers are expected to integrate technology into their teaching and differentiate their instruction to meet all students' needs. It is necessary then for P/J candidates to become knowledgeable about theories of learning, curriculum guidelines, and content and methodology appropriate to all levels from junior kindergarten to grade six.
Accordingly, courses have been designed to provide opportunities for students to experience and participate in both theoretical discussions and practical activities, which can be applied to teaching situations and educational issues. Courses emphasize active involvement, reflective practice, integration of curriculum, collaborative efforts, leadership and development of personal philosophies of education.
The goals of the P/J foundations and methodology courses are to prepare teacher candidates to (a) understand and meet the needs of young children, and (b) create connected, interrelated learning experiences and environments for students in Grades JK through 6.
- To provide teacher candidates with a solid background in child development issues which affect teaching and learning including differences among learners and strategies for catering to these differences;
- To further develop in teacher candidates a caring and compassionate disposition for young children;
- To introduce teacher candidates to a vast repertoire of exemplary classroom practices appropriate to Grades JK-6.
Courses for the Primary/Junior Division focus on a number of issues including:
- The context for change
The world of children is changing for a variety of reasons, among them:
- An increasingly diverse school population;
- Families and support systems shifting;
- Increased mobility;
- Changing values, technology and media;
- Accordingly, schools must forge stronger ties with families, communities, and community agencies
- The child's world
Changes in society influence attitudes and the way children learn:- Children must learn to deal critically with the media and to use it to learn;
- Children should learn to work with technology at an early age;
- Schools are linked to a variety of support structures;
- Many children need special services and programs
- How children learn
Three key factors play an important role in how children learn:(i) Play:
- Children learn through play;
- Play develops creativity, problem solving, language and social skills;
- Children gain independence, confidence and new understandings;
- Children learn best when play is self-directed;
- It is the teacher's challenge to capitalize on the natural curiosity, playfulness and energy of young children;
- Learning environments should be:
- Rich in materials;
- Appropriate for age and level of development; and
- Balanced between indoor and outdoor activities.
(ii) Language:
- As language skills develop, children gain autonomy, develop more complex thinking capabilities and broaden their concepts of time, space, matter, energy and life;
- Language is the basis of literacy;
- Learning environments should provide opportunities for children to:
- Talk in a variety of social settings and for a variety of purposes;
- Communicate symbolically
- Listen to stories, rhymes, songs.
(iii) Adults:
- The presence and behaviour of adults in the classroom impacts on the quality of play and learning and on the development of independence and confidence in the children;
- A high degree of parental involvement is characteristic of quality programs.
Key Features
- Curriculum focusing on:
- Cross-curricular learning;
- Instructional strategies, which are holistic and child-centred;
- Outcomes/expectations-based teaching and learning;
- Issues of equity, diversity and social justice; and
- Literacy, numeracy, basic skills, science, technology, mathematics, and the concepts of environment, time and place.
2. Working with Children:
- Groups of various sizes and ages;
- Early identification of children at risk;
- Addressing children’s needs: social, emotional, physical, cultural, intellectual,
- Remedial, preventive and enrichment strategies;
- Cooperative learning strategies;
- Teaching children with exceptionalities; and
- Effective communication with parents.
Junior/Intermediate Program
This section of the Program Guide outlines the program of study designed to prepare future teachers of Junior/Intermediate students.
Courses in the Junior/Intermediate program will focus on content and methods appropriate to teaching students in Grades 4 to 10. It is typical in many schools for teachers of Grades 4 to 8 to teach a wide variety of subject areas and so it is necessary for each Junior/Intermediate (J/I) teacher candidate to become knowledgeable about the curriculum guidelines, content and methodology appropriate to many subject areas. Accordingly, the J/I methodology courses have been developed to provide teacher candidates with an introduction to instructional methods and subject content related to art, language arts, mathematics, music, physical and health education, science, social studies, drama and dance. At the same time, teachers are expected to integrate technology into their teaching and differentiate their instruction to meet all students' needs.
Certification in the Junior/Intermediate division licenses the holder to teach in both elementary (Grades 4-8) and secondary (Grades 9 and 10) panels. The role of the teacher is different in the two panels in many ways. The J/I foundational and general methodology courses have been designed to prepare J/I teacher candidates to teach in both of these two panels. Specifically, the courses provide insight into teaching the adolescent student. Adolescents have needs in the physical, social, emotional and intellectual realms.
Physical needs: Early adolescents experience hormonal changes which impact upon overall growth and development at times and rates unique to each individual. Physically, they must have opportunities to move about within their environment during school time as well as having the opportunity to develop physical skills in both competitive and non-competitive ways.
Social needs: In search of a personal identity, early adolescents seek to gain acceptance from a variety of audiences. Socially, they must experience positive interdependence while learning the rules of social interaction. They also must experience positive and regular reinforcement for significant efforts and accomplishments. They should have opportunities for input into the planning and management of their environment and activities. As everything in their world is in a state of flux, they must enjoy a secure environment in which experimentation is encouraged and supported.
Emotional needs: Early adolescents view their surroundings as if they were examining a mirror in which they reflect and project themselves as part of a personally expanding and uncertain world. Emotionally, they must receive peer approval and adult approval; it is important for them to be liked and respected. To participate in interaction they must understand the reason behind rules while experiencing fairness.
Intellectual needs: Early adolescents demonstrate uneven progress toward abstract thinking with frequent returns to concrete experiences in order to support and verify learning. Intellectually, they must engage in relevant and connected learning experiences which are intellectually stimulating and challenging and they must have time to explore and address individual interests. They must have opportunities to make value judgements and informed decisions.
The goals of the J/I foundations and methodology courses are to prepare teacher candidates to (a) meet the needs of early adolescents, and (b) create connected, interrelated learning experiences and environments for students in grades 4 through 10. In their teachable course J/I candidates will learn about a wide variety of pedagogical principles and practices that can be used to effectively teach their specialist subject at different grade levels.
In order to help each J/I teacher candidate become a proficient teacher, courses aim to:
- Focus on the acquisition and application of appropriate teaching strategies in order to meet the needs of learners in heterogeneous groupings;
- Promote a collaborative culture in which reflection and experimentation in teaching practices will be encouraged; and
- Suggest a broad range of assessment and reporting practices, which reflect awareness of student needs.
Teacher candidates in the Junior/Intermediate division are prepared to teach from grade 4 through 10 which means that there is an overlap between the elementary and secondary school panels. Courses in the Faculty of Education are designed with this in mind to ensure that our graduates have the kind of preparation which honours the certification they will obtain from the Ontario College of Teachers. Since the J/I division extends to Grade 10, some attention will be given in all courses to foundational issues, methodology and content which are appropriate up to this grade. However, the major coverage of the curriculum and instruction of Grades 9 and 10 will be in teacher candidates' particular specialty or "teachable" subject.
Key Features
A number of core topics are common among the various subject areas. They include:
- activity-based learning
- philosophy of teaching
- instructional planning
- critical thinking
- outcome-based learning
- classroom management
- cooperative learning
- integration across subjects
- areas questioning
- evaluation strategies
- effective classroom environment
These topics will be presented in all subject areas, and will reflect the uniqueness of the subject area involved.
Intermediate/Senior Program
This section of the Program Guide outlines the program of study designed to prepare future teachers of Intermediate/Senior (I/S) students.
Students in grades 7 and 8 have needs in the physical, social, emotional and intellectual realms. Many of these needs are also common to older teenagers as would be typical in grades 9 and 10. These are described in the preceding Junior/Intermediate program description. Secondary school teacher candidates must be prepared to help students make the emotional and intellectual transition from elementary school and prepare them for higher education and the world of work. With this in mind courses in the Faculty of Education will prepare teacher candidates to engage their students in research, critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making. Courses will also focus on communication and the use of technology as an educational tool.
The goals of the I/S foundational and general methodology courses are to prepare teacher candidates to (a) meet the needs of early adolescents, teenagers and young adults; and (b) create connected, interrelated learning experiences and environments for students in grades 7 and 8. Goals for the teachable courses will be detailed in the individual course outlines but generally these courses seek to introduce teacher candidates to and develop their competence in selecting and using an extensive repertoire of pedagogical strategies and their underlying theoretical principles that are specific to (though not always unique) these subjects. Courses in the teachable subjects typically focus on the Grade 9-12 curriculum.
In order to help each I/S teacher candidate become a proficient teacher, courses aim to:
- Focus on the acquisition and application of appropriate teaching strategies in order to meet the needs of learners in heterogeneous groupings;
- Promote a collaborative culture in which reflection and experimentation in teaching practices will be encouraged; and
- Present a broad range of assessment and reporting practices, which reflect awareness of student needs.
Teacher candidates in the I/S division are being prepared to teach grades 7-12. The Faculty of Education is committed to honouring this range of grades, which straddles both the elementary and secondary panels in concrete ways. Since certification of Intermediate/Senior teacher candidates includes grades 7 and 8, the focus of the foundation and general methodology courses includes these grades. Grades 9 through 12 are usually the focus in the two "teachable" courses.
Key Features
- Cooperative and collaborative learning
- Cross-curricular integration and connections
- Integrated and interdisciplinary learning
- Interactive and experiential teaching and learning strategies
- Self-directed learning
- Class presentations
- Micro-teaching
- Authentic assessment and evaluation
- Problem-based learning
- Inquiry and discovery learning
Professional Learning Series
The Faculty of Education is committed to the principles and value of professional learning for teachers as part of their on-going development as professionals. This is in keeping with the Standards of Professional Practice for the Teaching Profession as articulated by the OCT. In order to support teacher candidates’ professional development at the beginning of their career preparation, the Faculty of Education has designed a series of workshops, presentations and seminars which make up the Professional Learning Series.
The Professional Learning Series is a critical component of the pre-service program. Faculties of Education across Ontario understand that course offerings cannot cover the plethora of critical knowledge, skills and attitudes that teachers need to be effective in today’s classrooms. The Professional Learning Series provides learning experiences that reinforce, complement and supplement regular pre-service courses. It provides opportunities for teacher candidates to learn from education experts and policy makers outside of the faculty including Associate/Mentor Teachers, Ontario Teachers Federation members, School and Board administrators, Ministry of Education personnel, and Ontario College of Teachers officials. The series, therefore, expands and enhances the learning experiences of teacher candidates and their full engagement signals the beginning of their life-long commitment to on-going professional learning and development.
This series comprises a slate of workshops and presentations, which include those related to program orientation, pedagogical issues and professional practice. Other sessions provide information to teacher candidates needed to make the transition to the ranks of the profession. It is strongly advised that teacher candidates attend them.
Service Learning Courses
We offer future educators unique learning opportunities through service learning and global initiatives. Our courses and initiatives coupled with strategic collaborative partnerships with school boards, universities and community-based organizations provide our teacher candidates with rich intellectual and experiential learning opportunities.
Service-learning courses blend service activities with academic curriculum to address community need (whether it be local or international) while providing the teacher candidate with the skills to develop the professional attitudes and values required for successful teaching.
The Faculty of Education offers a comprehensive and extensive range of service-learning courses. Teacher candidates, from all three divisions, are required to take a service-learning, enrichment course as part of their teacher training.
Grading Criteria: To some extent, grading criteria will shift to reflect the nature of the assignment being considered. However, the following general guidelines will give you some indication of what is expected.
Percentile (%) Grade |
University Grade Descriptions |
Faculty of Education Grade Descriptor (consistent with the University Grade Descriptors) |
90-100 |
Excellent |
Consistent evidence that the student exceeds all of the performance exceptions associated with each learning outcome in the course in the course. |
77-79.9 |
Good |
Consistent evidence that the student meets, and in some cases, exceeds the performance expectations associated with the learning outcomes in the course. |
67-69.9 |
Fair |
Consistent evidence that the student meets the performance expectations associated with the learning outcomes in the course at a basic level. |
57-59.9 |
Pass |
Some evidence that the student meets the performance expectations associated with the learning outcomes in the course at a minimally acceptable level. |
0-49.9 |
Fail |
There is clear evidence that the student does not meet the performance expectations associated with the learning outcomes in the course. |
*IN is given when students have not completed all class assignments due to illness, bereavement or extenuating circumstances as defined in Bylaw 51.1.18 and the student will complete the work at a later date (See also Aegrotat Standing). An “Incomplete” is also given when a student is alleged to have committed an act of academic misconduct. The grade of “Incomplete” will remain on the student’s transcript until the matter is adjudicated.
**NR is given when a student did not attend class regularly and has completed none of the evaluative procedures for the course. It will be calculated as 22% in the student’s average.
***IP is given in senior classes when a major assignment or thesis is still in process when the grades are due.
Grade Appeals: (See Senate Bylaws 51: 1.17.1 and 1.17.2)
Informal and formal Appeal: An informal inquiry may be made to the instructor up to the official marks being submitted to the Registrar. The purpose of the inquiry is to review the work submitted and to allow for any adjustment of the grade in question where that change is found to be appropriate by the instructor. This informal inquiry must be done no later than ten working days after the release or publication of the grade by the instructor. This review does not preclude the student from appealing the final grade.
NOTE: Where the purpose of reviewing work for which a grade has been assigned is not to request a grade change, course work may be reviewed by students up to six months after the close of the term in which the course was taught, upon reasonable notice to the instructor.
Formal appeals may be made through the Office of the Registrar for a fee of $20. The Dean of the Faculty will inform the Registrar of the outcome of the appeal. If the appeal is successful, the $20 will be refunded. All appeals must be made in writing to the Associate Dean’s Office, no later than three (3) weeks after the final mark has been released by the Registrar.
Standing Required for Continuation
Teacher Candidates who obtain three or more final grades below 60% in any course in the program, or one or more final grades of 0-49.9% in any course in the program, over the duration of the program, will have failed the Bachelor of Education (B. Ed) Degree and will not be eligible for recommendation to the Ontario College of Teachers for certification. In all such cases, upon a cumulative academic record as defined above, Teacher Candidates will be required to meet with the Associate Dean Pre-Service immediately to review their academic standing, which may lead to the requirement to withdraw from the program. Teacher Candidates may be provided with an opportunity to return to the Faculty of Education to fulfill outstanding requirements for the completion of the B. Ed Degree. Conditions of reinstatement are the sole prerogative of the Dean or her/his designate.
NB: Academic standing requirements for the practicum are found in the Field Experience Handbook.
Teacher Certification
The Faculty of Education provides programs and courses in teacher education but does not issue a teaching certificate. The responsibility for teacher certification lies with the Ontario College of Teachers. Upon successful completion of the requirements for teacher certification in Ontario, a recommendation will be made by the Dean of the Faculty to the Ontario College of Teachers indicating eligibility for the Ontario Certificate of Qualification. Candidates who successfully complete either the Consecutive or the Concurrent Programs of Study including Practice Teaching will be awarded the B. Ed degree of the University of Windsor and will be recommended to the Ontario College of Teachers indicating eligibility for an Ontario Certificate of Qualification.
All documents are to be submitted via the online platform: Sonia.
Emergency Leave of Absence Policy
Request for Emergency Leave of Absence