Two students working on neurology research

Master of Human Kinetics (MHK)

The Master of Human Kinetics (MHK) offers concentration in Applied Human Performance and focuses on the application of movement science in sport, the workplace, and activities of daily living. Students pursue course work, thesis research, and internships that examine the basic and applied principles of human biomechanics, ergonomics, exercise physiology, lifespan development, motor learning and control, neuromuscular physiology, and sport and exercise psychology.

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Program Requirements

Course work must include:

  1. 3 courses
  2. Thesis (KINE-8970)
  3. One other graduate course chosen in consultation with the thesis advisor

For more information about the MHK thesis option, please consult the Guidelines for Major Papers, Theses, and Dissertations on the Graduate Studies website.

Course work must include:

  • 5 courses 
  • Internship (KINE-8950, 360 hours)
  • Two other graduate courses chosen in consultation with the internship advisor